C# - Cache Whole Result Set Or Based On User?

May 17, 2010

In my web application i have statistics which shown for each user separately ie. posts made , posts made today , articles started by and so on...

Each user has his own special statistics.

What is more flexible and "right" to work with one huge DataTable in Cache with whole data from all users and then loop thought DataTable to find certain user data or to cache each user ie. cacheObj + userID...

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C# - SQL Server To Cache A Certain Result Set?

Nov 4, 2010

There is a certain query that is being called from an ASP .NET page. I studied the execution plan of that query in Management Studio and 87% is for a sort. I badly need the sorting or else the data displayed would be meaningless.

Is there anyway that I can request SQL Server to cache a sorted results set so it will return the data faster in consequent runs?

Or is SQL Server smart enough to do the cache handling and am I doing mistake by trying to force it to cache results, if that is possible?


I just read in an article that creating a View with a clustered index will increase performance because the index will persist the data in a view to disk. Is this true? How do i get about doing this?

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Better Performance To Query The DB Or Cache Small Result Sets?

Mar 14, 2011

Say I need to populate 4 or 5 dropdowns w/ items from a database. Each drop down will have < 15 items in it. These items almost never change.

Now I could query the DB each time the page is accessed or I could grab the values from a custom class that would check to see if they already exist in ASP.Net's cache and only if they don't query the DB to update the cache.

It's trivial for me to write but I'm unsure if the performace would be better or not. I think it would be (although not likely anything huge).

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SQL Reporting :: Display Records Based On Result Of Function?

Aug 12, 2010

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What I want to do is display only those records where where sFileName does not exist.

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JQuery :: Highlight A Different Element Based On The Result Of A Validator?

Feb 4, 2011

Im trying to highlight a different element based on the result of a validator.

My form looks like this in structure:


When the validation control becomes invalid, I also want the label to change colour.

There are examples of code on the MS website - here is a javascript sample:


isValid always defaults to false and therefore always displays red.

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SQL Server :: Want To Set @Serial Column Result Based On MyDate Cloumn How To Do That

Mar 2, 2011

i have the folllowing Query , and i want to do some thing like this, but i dont know if my query is right or wrong .DECLARE @Serial varchar(50)

select MyDate,MyName,@serial
from Names
where @Serial in
( if(MyDate>'10-10-2011') select '393939'))

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State Management :: SQL Server Based Cache Dependency Without Data Source Control?

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I want to use SQL Server based Cache dependency without data source control.How can I do it?I am binding data to grid through code.

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Change Text Of Text Objects Based On Formula Result In Crystal Report

Sep 3, 2010

I want to change text of text object in crystal report (.rpt file). The datasource for the report is a datatable which consists of a column named sale, if it is '0' then I want to display the text of text object as 'sale' and if it is '1' then I want to display the text of text object as 'lease'. how to add formula and based upon the result of formula I have to change the text of text object being displayed.

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Way To Get All User Result From SQL Query Using For Loop?

Nov 5, 2011

I would like to get the list of users (from db) who meets my SQL select statement, and send email for each of them.my current looks like this


Dim constguser As New SqlConnection
constguser.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("xxxxxxxx").ToString
Dim email1D, email2D, userNickName, userName, rc As String


If i run this code its only going to get the name and email of the first result found. I was wondering if there is a faster way to get all user result from the sql query, myb using a for loop?

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Cache Combine Two User Data

Mar 15, 2011

I have a master/detail web form and i have implement a caching to hold detail data. i am facing problem that when two user login same time and enter data, cache has combined the data and both user ara getting each other data. i want every user gat his own data.

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How To Avoid To Cache The User Control In Mvc

Nov 12, 2010

I add cache to my application, I have a page which contains several User Control, my problem is I just want to cache the data returned from Controller, but not want to cache all the page content. Since one of my user control is login control, if I cache all the result, then it will behave incorrectly.

my problem is :

1.Is it possible to just cache the data returned from controller ?

2.If a page is cached, can I force a control in the page to be uncached ?

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Web Forms :: Cache Or Not The User Basket?

Dec 26, 2010

I developed an ecommerce application.In this application (out of all other user products stuff ) use Sales to products

Here is simple demo:


For example
Buy 20 products and the other 2 product with 50% off

And another example
Buy 1 product and the other cost 9.99$

And last example
Baying more than 600$ got 20$ discount

Course calculate this is not so simple, and the GET BASKET event can take time

I wondered what the best way to do it. My 2 options are:

1. Try to cache the user basket.Yes - because this calculate make just one time (until the user change and add product to the basket etc')No - because this object keep on the server, and if I take a situation that many user fill their basket I don't want the server work slower because the consequence of this decision.

2. Of course the opposite to call this calculate each time than its make slow the make basket event but this not "sit" on the sever and I am not afraid of crash the server.

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Security :: Enable User To Edit / Delete Based On User's Role Permission

Feb 24, 2011

I'm trying to allow logged user who are in department XYZ to perform some task for my third party App. I have two SQL tables named Users & UserList. The third party app (GoldMine) graps the USERNAME from the Users table and store it as UserID which I then referecnce SessionID. The UserList table has two columns (GM_UserName & Department) which I'm interested in. When a user login into the 3rd party app (GoldMine), i then compare the USERNAME (from Users table) to GM_UserName (from UserList table) and see whether GM_UserName is in = 'Dept XYZ'. Take a look at the SQL query below.

sqlDept = "SELECT USERNAME FROM Users LEFT JOIN UserList ON UserList.GM_UserName=Users.UserName WHERE UserList.Department ='Dept XYZ'"

I'm able to do this.

If Session("Userid") = "TestUser1" Or Session("UserID") = "TestUser2" Then Do this Else Do that End If
BUT unable to do this...
If user's Department = 'Department XYZ' Then
Do This
Do that
End IF

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MVC :: Strongly Typed User Control On All Pages Based On Login Status And User Role

May 9, 2010

I want to display a menu (which will be strongly typed with it's own unique model) across all pages only if a user is logged in.What menu items are available depend on the user's role and also I'll need to hit the repository to get numbers like "x Messages", etc

Been scratching my head for a simple solution here. Don't want to create something that need changes all over the place.All my controllers derive from a BaseController, all my Models from BaseViewModel....probably where I'll be implementing functionality for this.

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State Management :: User Profile Cache?

Apr 5, 2010

I am looking for an elegant (i guess as elegant as it can be) solution to caching a users profile on login (whether it is session, cache, cookie, etc) and keeping it in sync when a users profile is changed. How do you guys handle this? Just simply call a Flush() method in your Save() method that invalidates the cache?

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Web Forms :: Trying To Cache 2 User Control In Page?

Feb 11, 2011

i am trying to cache 2 user control in my page. These user control pulls inforamtion from Database and shows the information. (like top review etc).

It works fine if i dont add


in my user controls. but as soon as i add above code in my user controls then i get error.

Sys.ArgumentUndefineException: Value cannot be undefined. Parameter name:type

at the left bottom of the page.

This occurs when i navigate to different page and come back to page which has user control

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Cache User Details For The Duration Of Their Visit?

Jun 15, 2010

I've built a Repository that gets user details

Public Function GetUserByOpenID(ByVal openid As String) As User Implements IUserRepository.GetUserByOpenID
Dim user = (From u In dc.Users
Where u.OpenID = openid
Select u).FirstOrDefault
Return user
End Function

And I'd like to be able to pull those details down IF the user is logged in AND IF the cached data is null.

What is the best way to create a User object that contains all of the users details, and persist it across the entire site for the duration of their visit?

I Was trying this in my Global.asax, but I'm not really happy using Session variables. I'd rather have a single object with all the details inside.

Private Sub BaseGlobal_AcquireRequestState(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.AcquireRequestState
If Session("UserName") Is Nothing AndAlso User.Identity.IsAuthenticated Then
Dim repo As UrbanNow.Core.IUserRepository = New UrbanNow.Core.UserRepository
Dim _user As New UrbanNow.Core.User
_user = repo.GetUserByOpenID(User.Identity.Name)
Session("UserName") = _user.UserName()
Session("UserID") = _user.ID
End If
End Sub

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User Controls :: Disable Or Enable Menu Items Based On Login Type Of Logged In User

Jun 6, 2013

I have table called ROLE with fields (id,name,permission) example values (1001,madhu,hr)

I have another table called LOGIN with fields(id,DOB,password) example values(1001,24101989,madhukumar)

What i want is , if i login using the LOGIN table ,it  check the  id and permission in the ROLE table , if the permission is 'hr' it enable to access the menu , or if the permission is any other it just print the error message ("no permission")

Note: menu is placed in master page , but login is not in the master page ...

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User Controls :: Show Hide Specific Section Of Page Based On User Type Or Role

May 7, 2015

I have LOGIN PANEL for student, and I want to disable it in different page. And only the admin can enable and disable it. I dont know the logic behind here.

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User Restrictions On Views Based On Customer User Properties?

Feb 24, 2011

I'm using ASP.NET MVC 3.I would like to create an action filter to determine if a user can access a view. I have a User class with properties like IsAdministrator, IsTrusteeUser and IsAuditUser. How would I create an action filter to block certain users if the don't belong in some of these roles?And aslo how would I use this in my views to hide/display certain controls?

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User Controls :: Uploading Audio File Based On User Specified ID

Apr 27, 2016

I want to upload audio file based on the ID which i choose

For ex: I have three ID's in drop downlist, say

ID #1: 1001

ID #2: 1002

ID #3: 1003

I want to upload audio file for 1001. Later, On the same id i may upload another file also. 

Then, If i choose 1001, the list of files that has been uploaded on 1001 sholud be displayed with download option in Gridview.

For SQL SERVER 2008. 

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Security :: Result Is FALSE After The First Step In Creating A New User Account?

Jan 9, 2011

The result is FALSE after the first step in creating a new user account:

<asp:CreateUserWizard ID="CreateUserWizard1"
<asp:CreateUserWizardStep ID="CreateUserWizardStep1"

The result is TRUE after the second step in creating a user account

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