C# - Displaying SSMS Standard Report In Web Application?

Mar 25, 2010

SSMS 2005 & 2008 comes with inbuilt standard reports.

How can we display these standard reports inside a asp.net web site?

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Crystal Reports :: How To Keep Displaying Report Filters While Displaying The Report In CrystalReportViewer

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How to keep displaying report filters while displaying the report in CrystalReportViewer.I have a web part that which uses CrystalReportViewer to display the report data. I want to keep displaying the Report parameters (filters) as I rendered the report content.

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C# - Displaying Standard DataTables In MVC?

Feb 11, 2010

but back in the days of Webforms you would return a Dataset which you would then bind to a grid. But now in MVC you're not supposed to pass a datatable because you cannot serialize it and it's technically passing objects into the View where it doesn't belong? But how on earth am I meant to display data on a view?! I can't use LINQ to SQL classes here since this is a pure in memory data structure.

Ideally I'd just like to able to have an object which I can iterate within the view.

I'm really at a bit of a loss I have read the article from the "Gu" and I can only surmise that I have to pass back a ViewData Object instead?? Am I going nuts here?

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tell me can i use them (rpt files) directly in web application or i will have to create all new reports?

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Error In Displaying Report?

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I have two dropdownlists one called ddlclient and ddlproject....now when i select a client...only the projects of that client are populated and when i select that project only the tasks of that project are to be displayed by the report.....but when i click the button after selecting the client an project.....the report displays all records irrespective of what i select....i dont know what is the error.

Here is my code:


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Crystal Report Not Displaying?

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After publishing the MVC website to server, the only problem I encounter is that the Crystal Report not displaying. What do I need to install to server to be able the crystal report to display.

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Photo Not Displaying When Export From Report?

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I have genereted report in asp.net C#, the generated reports contains photo,which is stored in database,

as i click on excel report exporting,photo is not displaying and error is coming like(File error some data is lost).

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SQL Reporting :: Displaying A Localized Date Format In Report Parameters

Dec 2, 2010

I have several reports that I have published to a SQL 2008 report server with parameters that are dates (DateTime format). For these parameters, a calendar icon is displayed next to the textbox to allow users to select the date via mouse. Some of my reports are used by people overseas (England), where the date format is dd.mm.yy (instead of mm/dd/yyyy).

I went to the report properties, and changed the Language property from "un-US" to "en-GB". The affect of this is that all of the dates that are displayed on my report now show the date format of [dd.mm.yy] (which is good). However, the textbox where they specify the report parameter still shows the old mm/dd/yyyy format.

Can this be changed somehow? I have looked around, but could not find a setting that would apply to this. Or is this a client-side setting (in other words, when viewed overseas, it takes the "native" date format)?

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SQL Reporting :: Progress Indicator Not Displaying On Report Viewer Control?

Feb 24, 2011

I have a reportviewer control on an ASP.net webpage. i got the ProcessingMode set to Remote and the SizeToContent set to true

my reports work perfectly however the green progress indicator does not appear on the webpage, it never appeared even when i had the size to content set to false

is there a way to get the progress indicator to appear or is there another way for me to show the user that the report is still busy retrieving data?

i am using vs2008 and ssrs2008

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Time From Stored Procedured By Report Headers?

Apr 9, 2010

I am trying to figure out the best way to dynamically map time retrieved from a stored procedure with the report headers. For example, if my ReportViewer Headers are the following:


I am trying to find a way to have the data dynamically map on the page in the correct location. 7:15 should be placed below the 7 header and between the 15 and 30 numbers as an example. Does any know how this might be coded using tables in the ReportViewer?

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SQL Server :: SSMS Express Cannot Connect To SQL CE4 Sdf FIle

Feb 8, 2011

I am playing around with WebMatrix ans SQL CE 4.0. I wanted to load up a SQL CE V4.0 db from an Access db.

Tried to connect SSMS Exp to SQL 4.0 sdf file (created in WebMatrix starter site template) and was rejected with the following error that SSMS Express is not yet "aware" of SQL CE V4.0):

Cannot connect to C:Users....App_DataStarterSite.sdf.

This is not a valid SQL Server Compact Database file or this file version is not supported by current SQL Server Compact Engine. (SQL Server Compact ADO.NET Data Provider)


The sdf file is "a valid SQL Server Compact Database file" - it works fine in WebMatrix.

What do I need to do to make SQL CE 4.0 files kosher for SSMS Express? The error messages suggest that I need to update the SQL Server Compact ADO.NET Data Provider, however I might do that.

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Installation :: SQL SERVER 2008 + SP1 / SSMS Error

May 7, 2010

I'm having difficulties with a clean SQL Server 2008 + SP1 (64 bit) install. I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit with VS2010. The Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (KB968369) is installed via Windows Update. I installed SQL Server Management Studio (64 bit) via the Microsoft website. When I open SSMS and try to login with Windows Authentication to (local)/localhost/[computername] I get the following error:


I don't understand this because I opened the inbound/outbound ports for 1433/1434. As wel as inbound/outbound exceptions for the programs

%ProgramFiles%Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL10.SQLEXPRESSMSSQLBinnsqlservr.exe
%ProgramFiles% (x86)Microsoft SQL Server90Sharedsqlbrowser.exe

The configuration manager is configured as follows: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (KB968369)

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SQL Server :: Simultaneously Connecting To Db With VS, Website And SSMS

Aug 27, 2010

I have recently combined my aspnet membership database and main website database into one database file, I'm happy with the schemas, stored procedures etc. (This is a development project not yet a production project.)

My problem is that I can no longer simultaneously connect to the database from Visual Studio if a user is logged in to the website.


Scenario 1: No user is logged in to the website. I can go to the Data Connection window in VS, choose "Add Connection" and then inspect the contents and schemas of the database. This is fine.

Scenario 2: A user is logged in on the website. I try to connect to the website in VS and get the error:

"Cannot open user default database. Login failed. "

Scenario 3: I am connected to the database in VS and nobody is logged into the website. If someone tries to log into the website they get the following error:

Cannot open user default database. Login failed.

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.

So it seems from the above that there can be only one connection to the database at a time? However this was not the case before I combined the membership database with the main website database. I could always make changes as a user logged into the website and at the same time see those changes through the connection in Visual Studio.

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SQL Server :: Buy A license For SSMS 2008 / It's For Development Only?

Feb 12, 2011

If I install SSMS 2008 as a client tool (on my workstation at my company) to access to SQL Server 2008 Production, do I need to buy a license for SSMS 2008?I found out that SSMS 2008 is free but not sure if it's for development only.

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Crystal Reports :: "Save As" Dialog Prompted Instead Of Displaying Report?

Mar 23, 2011

I have an .aspx page that displays a crystal report. I have tested this over multiple PCs, most of it displays my report correctly, however, there are a few (minority) particular PCs, instead of showing the report, the Save As dialog is prompted to save "Report.aspx", which is the aspx of which the crystal report is displayed on.

Crystal reports, Microsoft Reporting, and all relevant softwares are installed on all PCs, what could be the issue here? Some IE setting?

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Web Forms :: Report Viewer Not Taking User Input Date / It Displaying Data Of System Date

Nov 23, 2013

I am generating report through report viewer.. I want show my record which date i select but it cant select data from date which are giving it taking system date to display data...

Example: I select 2013-11-15 it does not showing any data but when i change my system date to 15 it is showing data...  

<body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <table class="style1"> <tr> <td class="style4"> </td>
<td class="style3">  </td> <td align="right"> Date</td> <td> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server">
</asp:TextBox> <asp:CalendarExtender ID="TextBox1_CalendarExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="TextBox1" format="yyyy-MM-dd"> </asp:CalendarExtender> </td> <td>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Search" onclick="Button1_Click1" /></td>


Here report is temporary table which save all the select data from purchase from.

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SQL Reporting :: Query Designer Returning Different Results To SSMS?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm having an issue with SSRS 2008 inside VS 2008, where I have a report that is connected to the database via a Data Source which is working correctly, but when I execute a query inside the query designer to test my data, it returns zero records.

The issue I'm having is that the EXACT same query inside SSMS returns the correct record. I'm really stumped as to why it all is connected, but not returning the record. I have another report in the solution that uses the same database, but that one actually works ok.

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DataSource Controls :: SSMS Error Attaching Database?

May 20, 2010

I have downloaded Northwind database here [URL]and at SSMS Express Edition, I attach the database but I'm getting this error User 'guest' does not have permission to run DBCC checkprimaryfile. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 2571)

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DataSource Controls :: Import Excel In SSMS Edit SQL?

Feb 4, 2010

is the SQL SSMS creates.I want to NOT import the data where Category = 'xxx', 'xxx'How can I do that? Is that possible? My SQL is very limited at this point!

CREATE TABLE [dbo].['Working DB edits$'] (
[Comments/Notes] nvarchar(255),
[Category] nvarchar(255),
[Sub-Category] nvarchar(255),
[Sub-Cat2] nvarchar(255),
[Course No] nvarchar(255),
[Course Title] nvarchar(255),
[Curricula] nvarchar(255),
[Certification] nvarchar(255),
[Cert Exp] nvarchar(255),
[Delivery Type] nvarchar(255),
[Owner] nvarchar(255),
[Learning Rqst Mgr] nvarchar(255),
[PreReq#] nvarchar(255),
[Duration (hrs)] float,
[Min Attendance] nvarchar(255),
[Max Attendance] nvarchar(255),
[Objectives] nvarchar(255),
[Description] nvarchar(max),
[Competencies] nvarchar(255),
[Target Audience] nvarchar(255),
[Equivalents] nvarchar(255),
[Expiration] nvarchar(255),
[Evidence of Training] nvarchar(255),
[Refer# Matls] nvarchar(255),
[Price] float,
[Instructor] nvarchar(255),

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SQL Server :: Relate Table Using SSMS 2008 Express?

Sep 10, 2010

How to add relationship between tables using SSMS 2008 Express?

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SQL Server :: Database Publishing Wizard 1.1 Not Supports SSMS 10.0?

Dec 19, 2010

After I successfully installed Database Publishing Wizard [URL], I use it to connect to my local database server using SSMS 10.0 to generate a .sql file but I'm getting this error "This SQL Server version (10.0) is not supported."

Is there any updated version of DPW 1.1 that supports SQL Server 2008?

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Crystal Reports :: Print Crystal Report Without Displaying It?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to print my crystal report without having to display it on my browser by having the user click a button, however, I'm getting the following error:

Error in File C:DOCUME~1HESPIN~1LOCALS~1TempCustomerReceipt
{7E65DCC0-46B5-4D06-92FB-5BC201A6AB3F}.rpt: Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.

Here's my code (I created the report using the wizard and has a parameter that filters the data in the report):

Sub PrintReceiptButton_Click(ByVal
sender As [code]....

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DataSource Controls :: Want To Open 2005 Db In SSMS EXPRESS 2008?

Feb 3, 2010

we can open an SQL Server 2005 DB in SQL Server Management Studio 2008 EXPRESS, woith out it converting to 2008?We want to connect to a remote sql 2005 server in sql server management studio 2008 EXPRESS.

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SQL Server :: Missing Database Node Using SSMS 2008 Express?

Sep 10, 2010

It works perfectly the first time I install SSMS 2008 Express and I can access my remote database. But, after I restart my machine and open an instance of SSMS the database node is missing.


After: [:(]

I tried refreshing the database folder but still nothing. I even uninstall but it's still the same.

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DataSource Controls :: Login SSMS Using Mixed Mode And Windows Authentication?

Jan 9, 2010

I had a problem login management studio (Sql server 2005) using windows authentication because it doesn't show me any server name to connect and if I put my computer name and user name (my-PCpatel) login was failed.

So, I decided to uninstall it and install it again using mixed mode authentication. After installation I select sql server authentication instead of windows authentication and put login name as "sa" and password that I had put it during installation. But the connect button is dark gray(the way I can not select it or press it on) while the other button (cancel, help, option) can be selected or pressed.So, why am i not able select or click on connect button?

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