C# - Firefox Doesn't Display Text On Webpage
Jan 5, 2011
I was successful in displaying text on webpage but in firefox, it does not display the text at all. If i see the page source, it has text in there. but why doesn't it display? In Chrome and IE, it works fine.
Edit:When i used firebug, it looks like the content is behind the screen. I just guess. What you experts say on this?
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
<table id="Table2" width="150%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" [code]....
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Which works in FF except the 25px width is ignored and in IE the width is being set correctly but the text isn't vertical. Anyone know how to make this work in both browsers?
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I have an interesting issue. I made some changes to an existing code base. The changes were fairly minor in the aspect of the pages, I added an UpdatePanel and some input areas to upload a file and update a database to the site master. The reason I add it to the site master was it is being called to display via jQuery. I made some additional code changes on some existing code behind to add a web method to handle the data from another jQuery driven piece to set a value for a particular billing code.
None of this is out of the ordinary and in fact it only adds additional similar functionality that I have added over the last 9 months. The issue now is since I made the changes using the browser back button in IE generates the following:
Webpage has expired
This only occurs with IE. Chrome and FireFox works fine. Thinking it maybe the new input boxes I removed those and attempted to run the application again I get the same result. I know that IE requires a refresh if there is data that is submitted on the form that you are trying to go back to, however so does Chrome and Firefox as far as I know.
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Everything works fine .. since I wanted to have gif shown when page content is loading. But now I would like to after loading innerHTML content to execute javascript function to create pieChart of something. The problem is that I have to use document.getElementById()function, but it does not works with content loaded dynamically. I mean, Lets say that inside page loaded by innerHTML we've got a form which id="A" when instead pieChart() in above code i will use document.getElementById('A') it does not return my form. I've checked this in IE7 with no effect, ffox also does not seems to work. The only one browser that works at the moment is Chrome.
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1) In page declaration MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true"
2) In Code behind Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = true
3)In web.config file in <system.web> section <pages maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack="true" />
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq; [code]....
When I click the action link in IE the controller code runs but the div is NOT updated. Do it in ANY other browser and it works just fine. Is this (yet another) known problem/bug with IE??
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Jan 19, 2011
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- Changed doctype
- Used <table> to enclose <input>
- Used <div> to enclose <input>
- Used all possible CSS display attributes for <input>
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Nov 11, 2010
this code does not work in any other browser other than Internet Explorer, I could tell that happens, I've seen that in MVC2 was a known bug, I thought I updated to MVC 3 this was corrected, but still the same.The problem itself is that it shows as null ActionResult and I have no idea how to detect, the code I use is:
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("CmdApply", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "Post", UpdateTargetId = "RenderPartialId", Confirm = "Seguro de continuar", OnComplete = "showCurrentPage", OnBegin = "ShowBeginSearch", OnSuccess = "CloseDialogSearch" }))
<input id="GoPageSubmit" type="submit" name="GoPageSubmit" value="<%=Resources.s2olMVC.Search_GoPageTitle %>" />
<input id="SubmitNext" type="submit" name="SubmitNext" value=">"/>
<input id="SubmitNextLast" type="submit" name="SubmitNextLast" value=">>" />
In ActionResult, the two n submit it recognizes, as if none, shown in Null There is another way to implement this type of submit? In Internet Explorer everything works fine.
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Aug 30, 2010
If i use signs like ë in the HTML Editor, in IE, its ok, and works. But if i use ë in firefox in the same page with the HTML Editor. If i press safe the ë is converted to: � (copy past doesnt work well, but its a square if you put [] to each other). But how is this possible? And how can i solve this problem? In IE its working well, but 50% of the users of the system i build are using Firefox. So it should work in all editors.
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Mar 6, 2010
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Framework.WebControls;
namespace Components.Broadcasting.Controls.....
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Mar 5, 2011
I have an issue with Firefox. After creating a new template for my website using <div> tags, i noticed that not all tags are displayed when i preview the site in firefox.
I put the sample template in the following location:
I was able to verify my CSS with the following link: [URL] and it passed without any problems. The html part is correct as well.
My question is how come two div tags: <div class="header9"></div> and <div id="sidebar"></div> are not displayed in firefox. It works fine with explorer but firefox has issues.
Also the background-color for <body> takes over in the middle, even though i've created a <div id="wrapper"> with all divs inside and background color assigned to white.
I've tried developer extension for firefox but still was not able to find the problem.
It's very annoying that simple (basic) tags such <div> could have isssues being displayed. Does anyone know what am i doing wrong and how to fix that issue?
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Jul 5, 2010
The text on my website is skewed and different areas are running together when viewing my site on a Mac using either Firefox or Safari. Is there anything I can do about this?
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Jan 20, 2011
We are developing application using Asp.net (VS2008) & c#. We need to show tooltip in Gujarati language (Indian regional language). When we run application it shows correctly in Mozzila firefox but display as a junk characters in all the version of IE.
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Dec 14, 2010
<a id="rptQuestions_ctl01_hlQuestion" onclick="rptQuestions_ctl01_pnlAnswer.style.display = rptQuestions_ctl01_pnlAnswer.style.display == 'none'? 'block' : 'none';" href="javascript:">Header Link</a>
<div id="rptQuestions_ctl01_pnlAnswer" style="display:none;">
This works as i would expect in IE8, where it displays the div when you click the header link, and then hides it when clicking the header link again. However, in Firefox, nothing happens when i click the header link.I'm assuming this is to do with IE being forgiving of an error i have made, and Firefox sticking to the rules, but i can't see what i am doing wrong.
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Apr 14, 2010
I'm using AutoCompleteExtender to pop up some matches when user doing input to a textbox. The utoCompleteExtender will call a method defined in a webservice to get the data.
It works fine in IE, but in FireFox there's nothing happened at all.
I started the webservice in debug mode from VS2008, and set breakpoint in the webmethod. I found when I run the web app in IE, the breakpoit will be hit, but when I run the web app in FireFox, the breakpoint will not be hit. That means the rendered Javascript by AutoCompleteExtender doesn't call the web service.
What might prevent the Javascript from calling the web service in Firefox?
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Jan 20, 2010
i want to take gridviews cell text with javascript on firefox and ie how can we do it?
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Feb 7, 2011
I have to load the values to parent page from the popup page. The popup page will be in another website(saparate server).
I used opener.document.getElementById('parentcontrolID'), this is working fine if i run in the local(i created saparate virutual directory for popup page website in my local machine) system the values are loaded properly. but Once i move to the different servers it's not working. getting this javascript error message "Object doesn't support this method or property" in the popup page bottom left corner.
What will be the problem.
Whether we can load the value to parent page from popup page even both are in saparate server?
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Dec 21, 2010
I have added 7 banners on my home page and i am roteting them with using JavaScript. I have horizontal menu with submenus. and below that i have disply above roteting banner. now it works very well in IE but while in Firefox it diaply behind the banner. so that dynamic submenu can not able to disply. [URL] website url.
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