C# - Get The Current File Being Processed?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a requirement where I want to trace what file is being processed by .net runtime. I mean if it is processing usercontrol x.ascx then it should return the whole path of that, and if it is processing usercontrol y.ascx it should return that. There are some candidates properties. equest.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePathor TemplateControl.AppRelativeVirtualPath. Can somebody help me with this, or is there any other property that can give me the path.

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How Parallel Requests Are Processed?

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Let's imaging there are 2 pages on the web site: quick and slow. Requests to slow page are executed for a 1 minute, request to quick 5 seconds.Whole my development career I thought that if 1st started request is slow: he will do a (synchronous) call to DB... wait answer... If during this time request to quick page will be done, this request will be processed while system is waiting for response from DB.[URL] One instance of the HttpApplication class is used to process many requests in its lifetime. However, it can process only one request at a time. Thus, member variables can be used to store per-request data.Does it mean that my original thoughts are wrong?Could you please clarify what they mean? I am pretty sure that thing are as I expect...

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User Response Time (s)

1 10.12
2 10.22
3 11.00
10 12.78

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My question:

Is there a way to initiate the download (let the download manager on client side popup), and then start writing on the stream?

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My Source


My Html Source


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Jul 12, 2010

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$elem.click(function() {
window.location.href = 'MyController/MyFileDownloadAction';

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<% Html.RenderAction("List") %>

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BTW: I am using Autofac as my IoC container

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String page = [URL];
String response = GetResponse(page);
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Dim strCurrentPageName = ???
Dim strCurrentRoutine = ???

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AJAX :: Attach A File Using File Upload Control And Send It In Email Along With Already Attached File

Apr 27, 2016

I have an asp.net panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.

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