How To Replace A Function Name Using JavaScript And Have It Be Recognized As A Function

Aug 25, 2010

I am trying to replace the JavaScript onclick event handler in ASP.NET that is added to a button control when using validation controls. This is what is output into the HTML from ASP.NET in this scenario:

<input type="image" name="ibSubmit1" id="ibSubmit1" src="button-green-submit.gif" onclick="showProgress1();WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ibSubmit1", "", true, "Group1", "", false, false))" style="border-width:0px;" />

I have looked pretty estensively, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to modify the function server side before it is injected into the page.

Since I am developing a control and desire it to be non-invasive and self contained, and I am interested in obtaining the validationGroup parameter of the WebForm_PostBackOptions object, it seems that the easiest solution would be to use JavaScript to replace the WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions function name with my custom wrapper function and leave all of the rest of the parameter information intact - then I can extract the information I am interested in, call my custom functions, and then forward the call on to WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions.

NOTE: I am using jQuery to build my custom function, so if there is an easier way to do this with jQuery it is an option I will consider.

Here is the code I tried to replace the onclick event handler (not working):

$('[onclick*=WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions]').each(function() {
var txt = this.onclick;
txt = txt + '';
txt = txt.replace('WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions','ml_DoPostBackWithOptions');
this.onclick = eval(txt);

Using alert(), I verified that the text is being changed correctly, however whether or not I use the eval() function, the onclick handler doesn't seem to recognize it as JavaScript.

I thought of using a regular expression to get the validationGroup value, but this seems like it will be far more elegant and flexible if I can get it working...

Note: If there is a way for my control to interrogate the page it is on to find all of the buttons that will post back (regardless of what type of buttons they are) so I can retrieve the property server-side, this is also something I will consider.

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Call Javascript Function And Server Side Function From Linkbutton

Jan 27, 2010

<asp:LinkButton CssClass="button" ID="btnApply" runat="server" OnClick="btnApply_Click()" OnClientClick="Apply1('btnApply')" >
hi ihave this functin in .vb file
Protected Sub btnApply_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnApply.Click
end sub

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function ApplySummerization(id)

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Using RegEx Replace Function In C# ASP?

Feb 18, 2010

How do I solve the problem below? I'm creating a simple content management system, where there is a HTML template with specific markup that denotes where content should be:

<html><head></head><body><!-- #Editable "Body1" --><p>etc etc</p><!-- #Editable "Extra" --></body></html>

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<!-- #BeginEditable "Body1" -->This is Test Text<!-- #EndEditable --><!-- #BeginEditable "Extra" -->This is more test text<!-- #EndEditable -->

As you can guess I need to merge the two, that is, replacing

<!-- #Editable "Body1" -->

with: This is Test Text. I've begun the code here. But I'm having problems using the Regex Replace function that should be located at the very bottom of that For/Each.

//Html Template
string html = "<html><head></head><body><!-- #Editable "Body1" --><p>etc etc</p><!-- #Editable "Extra" --></body></html>";
//Regions that need to be put in the Html Template
string regions = "<!-- #BeginEditable "Body1" -->This is Test Text<!-- #EndEditable --><!-- #BeginEditable "Extra" -->This is more test #EndEditable -->";
//Create a Regex to only extract what's between the 'Body' tag
Regex oRegex = new Regex("<body.*?>(.*?)</body>", RegexOptions.Multiline);
//Get only the 'Body' of the html template
string body = oRegex.Match(html).Groups[1].Value.ToString();
// Regex to find sections inside the 'Body' that need replacing with what's in the string 'regions'
Regex oRegex1 = new Regex("<!-- #Editable "(.*?)"[^>]*>",RegexOptions.Multiline);
MatchCollection matches = oRegex1.Matches(body);
// Locate section titles i.e. Body1, Extra
foreach (Match match in matches)
string title = oRegex1.Match(match.ToString()).Groups[1].ToString();
Regex oRegex2 = new Regex("<!-- #BeginEditable "" + title + ""[^>]*>(.*?)<!-- #EndEditable [^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline);
// Replace the 'Body' sections with whats in the 'regions' string cross referencing the titles i.e. Body1, Extra

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@CatID [code].....

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protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//Code Logic Here

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$(document).ready(function () {

The script are put in the following and the block is in the .ascx page.

<script type="text/javascript">

However, the function UserControlNameInit() does not run when the page loads. It is showing in the page source. I can still call this function through FireBug console by manually typing the name of the function.

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When 'return false' is fired, I'm assuming that the function is stopped at that point and there's no need for exit fors and things like that?

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Dim clientID As String = Me.ClientID

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C# - Javascript Function Don't Run At Once?

Feb 13, 2011

I've some function javascript to check loaded file with FileUpload Control

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function CheckFileBeforeUpdate()
var filePath = document.getElementById('<%= this.upFile.ClientID %>').value;
var validExtension = 'xml';
var ext = filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
if (ext == validExtension) return true;
alert('The file extension ' + ext.toUpperCase() + ' is not allowed!');
return false;

and it's called with Button: OnClientClick="return CheckFileBeforeUpdate();

<asp:Button ID="LoginButton" runat="server" CommandName="Login" Text="Log In"
onclick="LoginButton_Click" OnClientClick="return CheckFileBeforeUpdate();" />

So there's unusual situation: I choose appropiate file, click Login...and it goes on to next functions despite inadequate extension.

Otherwise if I e.g. click FileUpload, but select no file.
Next time I choose some file (even with bad extension) and then function run (shows alert).

Why there's sth like blockade? What can I do to change CheckFileBeforeUpdate() runs everytime?

if I select no file there's show alert("Select file to log in"); of course. And then is lock release


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How To Create A Javascript Function

Mar 17, 2010

I'm working on an MVC application and I ran into a little snag.

I've got a form with the usual textboxes and dropdowns. I decided to use jquery ajax (GET) to load the dropdowns on load (State Names & Salutations).

No matter what I try, for example:

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)> _
Public Function ReturnSalutationDropdown() As ActionResult
Dim dropdown As New DropDownList With {.TabIndex = 1, .DataTextField = "Value", _
.DataValueField = "Key", .ID = "ddl_coSalutation"}
dropdown.DataTextField = "Value"
dropdown.DataValueField = "key"
dropdown.DataSource = AppEnumerations.BindToEnum(GetType(AppEnumerations.Salutation))
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
Dim tw As New IO.StringWriter(sb)
Dim hw As New HtmlTextWriter(tw)
Return Content(sb.ToString)
End Function

The ID of the dropdown ends up like: ctl00$MainContent$ddl_coSalutation

It doesn't matter if I use a stringbuilder and a loop to create a <select> with <option>'s, the ID always ends up like above.

Do I have to create a javascript function to create it instead?

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Call C# Function From Javascript?

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Run One Javascript Function For Different Element?

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how run one javascript function for diffrent element with one ASP.Net button click ?

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C# - Javascript Function To Set Cookie Value?

Nov 8, 2010

I am new to programming and trying to write a javascript function to set a cookie value when a popup button is clicked.

In home.aspx

<input id="btnCanOK2" type="button" value="Close" class="popupButton" runat="server" onclick="return btnClose_Click" />

for this button, i have written a javascript function:

function btnClose_Click()
document.cookie = 'cookieName=closed; value=dontshowagain';

In merchant.login page

In the code behind of the other page, it has to check if the value of the cookie is set to "dontshowagain". If it is set to the value, the function should not show the popup again. My task is not to show the popup in different pages. If it is closed once, it has to stop showing again until the browser is closed.

if (Request.Cookies["closed"] == null)
else if(Request.Cookies["closed"].Tostring() == "dontshowagain")

Where am i doing wrong?? Now Cookie value is always null :(

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Javascript - How To Hit The Database On The Function

Dec 1, 2010

can I hit the database on my view?

I have function like this..

function ShowHIPAATab(url) {
if ($("#BxFlag").val() == "1") {
$("#bv-1").attr('src', url);
} else {
return false;

on this funcation I need to hit the database to get the BXFlag to do that?

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