C# - How To Move Up Solution Files In Directory Hierarchy Correctly

Feb 20, 2010

For some reason I have a solution with a single project and the solution files are in the same directory as the project is. I consider this ugly and want to change it by moving the solution files in a superordinate directory.

For now I have edited a single line in the .sln file:

Project("{FAE04EC0-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-00C04F79EFBC}") = "projectname", "projectname.csproj", "{5D5A753D-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-C535851E8DC8}"

changed to

Project("{FAE04EC0-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-00C04F79EFBC}") = "projectname", "directoryname/projectname.csproj", "{5D5A753D-AAAA-AAAA-AAAA-C535851E8DC8}"

It seems to work.

Could this have been all I needed to change? I have the feeling that I missed something.

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Move Files From Directory To Another Directory In C#

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I have zip files in one directory . I want to iterate through all files and check the file size. If file size <>0 kb then want to move to another directory. How can I do that?

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C# - How To Get The Current Project Directory Or The Bin Directory And Move A Few Level Up

May 24, 2010

I have an ASP.Net MVC app, and i have some xsl files inside of the Content directory.I've try a few methods to get directory dynamically buy keep on coming short.So how do i get the directory to point to the Content/xsl folder?the closest that i came to was with this:this.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase

which only returns the project DLL, but i can't figure out how to move up a few levels from there or what .net library to use to navigate around the path.there's no ../.. :(Basically i want to navigate to the Content/xsl folder which is at the same level of the Bin directory.

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The problem that I have come across is that I have a database connection string in a App.Config file in my DataManager project and the same connection string in my Web.Config from my web project. I basically have a duplicate connection string.

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Correctly Migrate Urls From Custom Solution To Wordpress?

May 12, 2010

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Can I simply write some mapping or do I have to include a rewrite rule for each subpage (300 pages) in .htaccess?

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I have a user located in the Users OU in AD (CN=Fred, OU=Users, DC=domain, DC=local) . I would like to move that user to the IRC OU (CN=Fred, OU=IRC, DC=domain, DC=local).

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Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim ValUserName As String = Request.QueryString("UserName")
Dim ValOU As String = ou.ddl.value [code]....

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Directory.Move Command Does Not Inherit The NTFS Permission

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In windows I have set two different NTFS permission for two different folder.

When I am moving a folder to another folder which has different NTFS permission, that folder inherits the destination folder's NTFS permissions.

But when i m using Directory.Move command in dot net then it does not inherit the destination folder's NTFS permission instead of it, it shows the source folder's NTFS permission.

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Why Don't Files Show Up In The Solution Explorer

Feb 13, 2010

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How To Add IIS Virtual Directories And Arbitrary Files In TFS Solution

Feb 11, 2010

We have a web portal product from which we customize portals from customers. We use the precompiled web app and create a virtual directory (vd) where the customization resides. In addition to this we do some changes web.config in the web app folder. We would obviously like to keep these customizations under TFS source control.

When I try to add the precompiled web app (which I don't want to add to source control), a warning tells me that the vds cannot be added. If I only add the folder that is referenced to by the vd, I lose the references to assemblies in the precompiled web app.

My questions are:

How do I structure a solution for adding IIS (sub application level) virtual directories and still retain the references to assemblies? Is it possible to add other directories/files from the web application level (like App_Theme, web.config etc.) to the solution?

Since we already use Visual Source Safe, we have established a tree structure for each customization project:

Project Root
|-Custom Sql
|-Custom Portal Files (which is added as a virtual directory)
|-Other Customizations

I could probably do a lot of this manually through the source control explorer, but I'd like to have everything done through a solution.

I've followed the instructions using this article: [URL], but this doesn't address the exact problem that I have. Oh, and we are currently using Visual Source Safe for portal customizaton, but are eager to make the move to TFS.

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Storing Resource Files In Different Projects In Same Solution?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a project where I need different versions of the same site.

I need to accomplish this by having different versions of the same resource files.

I would like to store the different versions of the same resource files in seperate projects in the same solution. Then choose which project of resource files to use when I publish or compile.

I've been searching the net everywhere and my deadline is coming up.

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Web Forms :: Move Files From One Folder To Another?

Oct 23, 2012

I need to process files xml files which are present in Transfiles folder and then need to move that files to processed folder.Here is my code.I am getting issue asĀ 

Could not find file :'file path'

string Tranfiles, ProcessedFiles;
//Tranfiles = Server.MapPath(@"~goduriansth100 ransfiles" + Filename);
Tranfiles = Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename);
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename)))
File.Delete(Server.MapPath(@"~ ransfiles" + Filename));
//ProcessedFiles = Server.MapPath(@"~goduriansth100ProcessedFiles");
ProcessedFiles = Server.MapPath(@"~ProcessedFiles");
File.Move(Tranfiles, ProcessedFiles);

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Jan 14, 2011

I have a project at work where I need different versions of the same site.

I need to accomplish this by having different versions of the same resource files.

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I've been searching the net everywhere and my deadline is coming up.

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Visual Studio :: Organizing Files Under Solution Folder?

Jul 29, 2010

In my company app we have organized it something like the following:

1. Solution (Transcripts)
Solution Folder - Lib
Solution Folder - Debug
Solution Folder - Release
Class Library Project
Web Project

My Question:

1. All my references from Web Project are referencing to the DLL's in the Lib folder under Solution (Transcripts). Why can't we refere to DLL's directly under Web Project why the need of creating a new solution folder "Lib"?

2. When we publish the Web Project. Does that mean that all the DLL's under Lib solution folder also gets published?

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Web Forms :: Move Files To Remote Computer?

Jul 17, 2010

my wish is to move Files from ASP.NET Web Application(VB.NET) to remove Computer.

ive tried using a code behind, with no success..

i got en error which is "Could not find a prat of the path '\ComputerNameFolder' "

i tried instead "Computer Name" use IP address, and the same error.

(I gave All the premmission...)

i tried to create a Batch file, which is working if i run it.

but when i try to Execute it on the VB Code, i got nothing, it doesnt fire.

i tried (System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:File.bat"),Shell("C:File.bat") )

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Importing CSV Files - Path Spelled Correctly And Connected To Server

May 21, 2010

I have this code

Dim myDataset As New DataSet()
Dim strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") & "dynamicuploadedLists" & strFileName & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=""text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited(,)"";"

''You must use the $ after the object you reference in the spreadsheet

Dim myData As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [" & table & "$]", strConn)
'myData.TableMappings.Add("Table", "ExcelTest")

And I am getting the error , while the path is correct.

'E:missitenamedynamicuploadedListsSheet1.csv' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.

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How To Place Aspx-files In Separate Web Application Projects In One Solution

Oct 21, 2010

We have been building ASP.Net websites for many years. During this time we gathered a lot of knowledge of ASP.Net. We know what to use, a what not. One problem is still, persistently, bugging us. I hope to solve this for once and for all.

We have a fairly large solution with lots of aspx-files. All aspx-files reside in one Web Application Project. This single big WAP needs to be split in multiple smaller projects.

There are a number of ways to accomplish this, but I am still unsure what the best way would be. We use ASP.Net 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010 Premium.

This is our current work-around (which we do not like)


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Solution For A BitTorrent Uploader / Able To Upload Extremely Large Files?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a requirement by my client to be able to upload extremely large files.

I'm talking about 7 GB files. The website they are currently running on is a ASP.NET 4.0 app, so obviously the standard upload scheme for my web app is not going to work.

I'm tossing around multiple options trying to figure out what the best route to go would be.

One option I'm thinking about seeing if I can do would be to have a BitTorrent Uploader. The end users for this app will typically have the same file on hand, so the idea would be that an end user would go to the site, say that they wanted to upload a file. At that point, they would pick the file, and then the server would immediately mark that person as a seed for that file. Then, my web app would go to a preconfigured leech on our side, and instruct the leech to download the file. I would expect at some point during or after this process the torrent would do some magic to find other seeders on the client's network, or wherever, but that's the idea.

Is there any technology out there already that does this? Or am I describing something that I'm going to have to build from the ground up?

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How To Move Multiple Files To A Folder And Create A Zip File

Jul 23, 2010

Programmatically i am planning to move multiple files, Is it possible to move multiple files to a folder "d:MyTempFileFolder"

and create a compressed zip file of all files which are in this folder: "d:MyTempFileFolder" and then will try to download it.

using asp.net / sql server on windows 2003 server

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Visual Studio :: Prevent Move Of Files And Folders?

May 27, 2010

Sometimes i move files and folders by mistake. Is there a way to prevent this. Something like putting a "lock" on the position of files and folders?

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How To Recover Deleted Files From Solution Explorer Of Visual Studio 2008

Jul 29, 2010

by mistake a .aspx and its corresponding .vb file was deleted from my project's solution explorer.Its not there in Recycle Bin too.Is there any method to recover that file ? I am using Visual Studio 2008. Win XP SP1.

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Visual Studio :: Can Just Copy And Paste Files From Old Vwd 2005 Into New Solution In VS2008

Feb 16, 2010

I have a site that was created with VWD2005. I tried to open the solution with VS 2008. This prompted me to convert it which I did. Now when I look at the project in the Solution Explorer in VS 2008, I see all of the files but they are now with in a folder named "2" that's within a folder named "back up". I also see another folder with in the solution that's named _UpgradeReport_Files.

The files for my project that are with in the folder "2" that is with in the folder "back up" are actually in the back up folder for my project in the Visual Studio 2005 folder with in My Documents. I assume this is because I chose the "create back" up option when doing the conversion. I don't understand why these files and this project aren't in the project directory with in the VS2008 folder with in My Documents.

I want all of my files for this project to be in the projects folder with in the Visual Studio 2008 folder in My documents, the same as if I had created this project in Visual Studio 2008 originally. But the conversion doesn't seem to have done this. Instead I seem to be using a solution/project that references the original files with in the back up folder as mentioned above.

Can I just create a new project in VS 2008 and paste these files into it? Will this work? I'm not sure if it will because the original one was created in VWD 2005 which I think uses the .net framework 2.0. My Visual Studio 2008 uses version 3.5 Sp1 of the .NET framework.

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Visual Studio :: Maintain Common Files Like CSS Masterpage In One Solution In VS 2008

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying to set up a solution - projects folder structure. I am trying to keep CSS, master pages, Themes, Images and login page as a common web application project and reference them when needed in any other web site or web application in the same solution. Is it possible to do it? If so, is it a best practice? If not, what is the best practice to do this?

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