C# - How To Retain Sessions Across Calls To Web Service From A Soap Client

Sep 14, 2010

Here is how my system is set up:

A web service using ASP.Net web service The web service has a web method with EnableSession=true
A client which refers to the web service using "Service References" (note: not "Web References")
The app.config of the client has allowCookies=true


The call to AppendUpload returns false, because of the mismatching session ids. Why is that?
As far as I can see, I have the right attributes for the web method, the client has the correct config, and the same instance of the proxy is used.

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How To Add Detail Element To SOAP Fault Response That Works For Both SOAP 1.1 And SOAP 1.2

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2. User credentials are used for Authorization and Message Level security

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Sample URL - [URL]

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[Code].... that implements the .NET


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Unable to import binding 'SoaptestBinding' from namespace 'http://mikikard.com/public/webservice'.

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Dec 10, 2010

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The way I see understand it currently:

Encrypted cookies:

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Anyone attempting to access the web portal on the computer with a saved session will be able to, but this is a problem with any persisted session, right?

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Client Certificates:

A pain in the ass to install Will uniquely identify that person's computer (or can it be restricted to the user account) to the web portal If the client certificate is stolen, then the account is compromised

Question: For persisting user sessions with the utmost security, would encrypted cookies be sufficient or would I need to install client certificates? How do they differ?

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<source name="System.ServiceModel"

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<ServiceResponse>NEW VALUE
<ServiceResult>some return value</ServiceResult>

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Sending And Receiving Data Through SOAP Web Service In .Net?

Jan 20, 2010

I am working on a client - server application and in which I used to send and receive data through SOAP web service.

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Now I am new to web services and all.

So my question is "Is it true that we can lost some data sometimes while transferring it through SOAP web service?"

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Sep 21, 2010

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Apr 20, 2010

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Storing Last 10 Web Service Calls?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a SOAP web service and I'm trying to figure how to save/log the last 10 requests for each user. Each user is required to send their user/pass in each request, so it's easy to know who the request originated from. With these last 10 requests saved, my goal is to develop some sort of page that will allow them to log-in with their credentials and view the raw request, the actual SOAP message, http header information, and anything relevant that I can think of.

The point is to allow people to troubleshoot their own connection issues instead of having to contact me each time they can't connect, have trouble formatting their request, etc....

My first thought was to store all this information in memory in a hashtable or something, but that may have scalability issues when we have hundreds/thousands of users hitting the web service.

We could use our database to store these requests. Instead of hitting the database each time, I may need to create some "buffer" mechanism that will only update the database after the buffer gets to a certain number of requests. Is there an existing library or mechanism that will do this?

We can't store these requests on the file system on the machine hosting the web service. Since these requests can potentially contain sensitive information, it's a business decision that I'll need to work around. Or maybe there's a better way to achieve what I'm trying to do?

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C# - Synchronicity Of Web Service Calls

Jul 29, 2010

Are web service calls synchronous or asynchronous by default? How is synchronicity determined, by the service or by the client?

I have code similar to the following:

string result = MakeWebServiceCall_1(); // this is a third party webservice

In the above, SetStatus is writing to the same tables that the third party web services read from. If I change the status before both web service calls have completed, it's going to make a big mess and I'm going to get fired. How do I know/ensure that the webservice calls are synchronous?

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VS 2008 - Log Web Service Calls

Nov 12, 2011

I've got a web app running with purely web services like these:

<WebMethod()> _
<ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat:=ResponseFormat.Json, UseHttpGet:=False)> _
Public Function EditService(ByVal toddtype As String _
, ByVal fromddtype As String _

[Code] ....

And I want to log each web service call. I don't want to bother my database with this log - I would prefer to have the web app log to a text file on the web server itself.

How would I open and access a log file like this from a bunch of web services? Does web app still have application startup like events???

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Security :: Invoking Web Service / SOAP Request With Certificates Over SSL

Aug 2, 2010

I was wondering if it is possible to call a webservice or send a SOAP request using a provided certificate to encrypt my password (my identity) and use another to encrypt/sign a timestamp, service header, & soap body? Does anyone have any material or sample code where I can test encryption and security too? It doesn't have to be my own certificates, I just want to see it work and then I can possibly tailor it to my needs. After the SOAP request, there will be a provided response which I assume I will have to decrypt.

I found this thread, but it doesn't seem to use signatures or an SSL connection. Does VS 2010 have some extra features to help out on this? I believe the SOAP should look like this.

(Signature Info)

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AJAX :: Call Web Service Methods Using Soap Headers .Net 2.0?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a web service/wsdl file that requires client authentication to passed through SOAP headers.

There is not property or method available in web service to set the SOAP headers.

how to call the web service method along with SOAP headers in .NET 2.0

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WCF / ASMX :: Adding Parameter To Soap Header In Webservice From Client Side

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to consume a third party web service. In order to access any web method I need to pass session id with soap header in each request. I am trying to modify my header but haven't been successful. I am using proxy in 2.0. I created a separate class which inherits the soap header. I have copied my code but I am not sure how to go about this. How do I attach this header to proxy.


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Make API Calls To A Service Provider?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm trying to make API calls to a service provider. I've never tackled JSON requests before but I want to give it a go - as they seem less verbose than XML. Could someone be kind enough to give me a simple example here?

My confusion stems from some libraries I've come across. Do I need to add any libraries to my project? Or is it just a matter of creating a string that complies with JSON syntax and send it via a WebRequest?

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