C# - How To Route "pretty" Dynamic URL (without Query String)

Dec 20, 2010

Well, i know the title isn't very specific, but i couldn't find a better succint description of what i'm looking for.i want to have a default.aspx so that when a user types:


i can use the randomstring to query a table on page load. More specific:

. I will be importing batches of users to my database through a csv file.

. in that process, a random string will be generated

. i will send that url to each user by email

. when the user clicks through that link, i want my aspx(c#) to interpret that string, query a table that gives me a second url, this one with querystring, and Redirects the user to that second address

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Similar Messages:

Create Route That Will Move The Query String To Part Of The URL

Jan 29, 2011

I'd like to change my routes so that instead of having:


I can do


How can I create a custom route to do that?

Also, can someone direct me to a good tutorial on routes? I don't wanna create a post every time I have a simple problem with routes.

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Html.ActionLink Showing Query Url Instead Of Pretty Url?

Apr 12, 2010

The Html.ActionLink

<li> ${Html.ActionLink<HomeController>(c => c.Edit(ViewData.Model.Id, ViewData.Model.Title), "Edit")} </li>

When created as html shows the URL to be Edit/5006?title=One . How do I change this to a pretty URL like Edit/5006/One ?

My Edit Action method is,public ActionResult Edit(int id, string title)

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State Management :: How To Pass Dynamic String Through Query String With Java Script

Dec 24, 2010

I m facing some problem. i m not passing Dynamic string through query string..

I m using this code

string abc = "CPCB_" + TextBox1.Text + "_" + TextBox2.Text;


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Include Dynamic URL In My URL Without Using Query String?

Jan 18, 2010

ASP.NET 3.5, IIS7,In my Global.asax's Application_BeginRequest, I need to extract from the request's URL an entirely seperate URL that's been embedded in it without using query string.

The solution I came up with was to hex-encode the entire target URL as if it were a directory, as follows:


This fails for IIS7, whose ASP.NET implementation won't tolerate a URL path greater than 260 characters.My code controls how the request URL gets generated, and how it might embed the target URL in there, but it doesn't have any control over that target URL value (they're third-party URLs).How better could I embed this target URL in my request URL?

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C# String Manipulation For Dynamic Query

Aug 18, 2010

I have a string

it contains can contains either of (1) strQuery = "TempTable.Group_No IN ()";

(2) strQuery = "TempTable.Group_No IN (1,2,3,4,....)";

My task is if it contains "TempTable.Group_No IN ()", (i.e) IN CLAUSE without data i have to replace the string (IN() with IN (NULL)) with "TempTable.Group_No IN (NULL)"

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Display Dynamic Data Displaying Without Using Query String?

Mar 24, 2010

I recently encountered a problem when our project is derived to client. We used a single web page called default.aspx and passed parameters as querystring to load different webpages [URL]? p=232&q=90&id=3). But the client need a meaningful url [URL]. If we create each page for the client data we get millions of web pages and it is hard to create. Now we need to display dynamic data without passing querystring and they should look like individual webpages insted of a single webpage.

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MVC :: Route - Add Dynamic Prefix To Url

Feb 3, 2011

I want to add a dynamic prefix to the url for some of the Views in my site, e.g. [URL] but am having difficulty. Out of the box I have [URL] but need to set a prefix dynamically. I created another Route in the Global.asax like so, but is is even needed? If it is how do I call it from my controller?

"Questions", // Route name
"{dyna}/{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new {dyna = "dyna", controller = "Quote", action = "Questions", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults

View 12 Replies

DataSource Controls :: SqlDataSource And Parameters Query / Trying To Accomplish Is Building Dynamic Query

Aug 22, 2010

1. I have a GridView on my page and it uses sqldatasource with parameterized query. What I want to do is, on page load (where nothing has been selected so no parameter supplied), I want it to query everything (something like SELECT * FROM [this_table]) but since my SelectCommand is something like

SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [this_column] = @someParameters AND [that_column] = @someParameters.

Can I play around with default value to achieve something like that but how ? Now, when the page loads, it doesn't show anything (No Gridview).

2. On my page, I made something like (username, gender, address, and more) and one single search button. That means, no single control enable auto postback. What I am trying to accomplish is building dynamic query

(if username specifed -> SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username).

If both username and gender are specified (SELECT * FROM [this_table] WHERE [username] LIKE @username AND [gender] = @gender) and you know the rest. How can I do this using GridView and SqlDataSource ? To my knowledge, I can only specify one SELECT statement in a sqldatasource.

View 11 Replies

Query String Can A Query String Contain An Url That Also Has Query Strings

Nov 22, 2010



I added the iis tag because I am guessing it also depends on what server technology you use?

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MVC :: Webforms Route / Implementing Route In Global.asax

Mar 13, 2011

I tried to mix asp.net 4 webfrom and ASp.Net MVC 3. I add required lines in webconfig, but I've issues implementing route in global.asax

Currently I use several routes for webfroms. routs template are like below

routes.MapPageRoute("Node", _
"article/sport/{nID}/", _

I encounter error, when I add below lines to global.asax

routes.MapRoute( _
"Defaultss", _
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", _
New With {.controller = "Home", .action = "Index", .id = UrlParameter.Optional} _

I want to know how could I mix ASp.Net MVC routes with webforms routes.

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Send A String Consists Of (,.&') In A Query String

Dec 7, 2010

Is It Possible to send a string consists of (,.&') in a query string ?

View 7 Replies

C# - Cannot Pass A Input From Text Box To A Query String And Then Keep The String In This Box?

May 28, 2010

I have a simple ASP.net page:

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<p><asp:TextBox id="input_box" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button Text="OK" runat="server" OnClick="run" /></p>

I want to send input from input_box to a query string, and then keep this input in the input_box when the page reloads.

That's the code behind page:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
input_box.Text = Request.QueryString["input"];
protected void run(object sender, EventArgs e)
string url = string.Format("?input={0}", input_box.Text);
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath + url);

Problem is that when query string is not empty, string from input_box cannot be passed to query string. How to correct it?

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Sending An HTML Encoded String In The Query String?

Jan 5, 2011

We are sending an HTML encoded string in the Query string. It was working fine on IIS 6 (windows 2003). We have recently moved the website to Windows 2008 (IIS 7.x). Since the move any Query String that contains "+" sign i.e., "%2b" gives error on the server "404 -File or directory not found."

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MVC :: A Route Named 'Admin_default' Is Already In The Route Collection?

Mar 9, 2010

when i run the app i got this error

A route named 'Admin_default' is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique.
Parameter name: name

this is my AdminAreaRegistration


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Web Forms :: How To Get The Pretty URL With An ASPX Pages

Mar 25, 2010

How do i get the pretty URL with an ASPX pages. I have listed a couple links below and their associated print page url. As you can see it resembles the Class instantiation method of declaring object but is used for a webpage with its extension.

I was wondering if this method can be used or if this is a URL rewrite to mask all the querystrings and sub directories being referenced. I remember doing stuff like this when i was working on a UNIX system using the .htaccess file to mask effective query
string being shown. I believe they called it a Clean URL, i maybe wrong as it has been well over 8 years since i dealt with the Unix .htaccess file and massaging urls with it.

For instance, look at the MSDN site pages:


Now when you want to print it:


Now you select the same page but choose a different framework than its birth:


and the print URL:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.servicemodel.actionnotsupportedexception(VS.100,printer).aspx

As you can see they are not visually passing query strings but more like Class parameters. Is this just a simple URL rewrite after the page is loaded so the user doesnt see the query string information?

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Crystal Reports :: Display Pretty Fractions In PDF?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm exporting a PDF report from Crystal Reports bundled with VS2008. I need to display non-standard fractions so that they look nice instead of just something like 26/32. I have turned html interpretation on for the field so ½ and other standard html entities display nicely, however, because CR does not understand <sup> and <sub? I cannot format non-standard fractions to look pretty.

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Query The Database Through A Query String?

Jan 15, 2011

I wanted to create a URL like http://localhost/menu.aspx/?id so that on typing this, it displays all the id's in the database. for eg:134




may be the id's which should be displayed after fetching from the database. However, it should be displayed as it it is without any control or without arranging in any gird etc. How can that be done?

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VS 2010 GridView - Show 'pretty Name' Of Class Property?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a class Person that represents a person in my database. This class has a CategoryId property (int) and a Category property (type Category).

Category is a class that represents a category in my database. csharp Code:
public class Person{ public int Id {get; set;} public string Firstname {get; set;} public string Lastname {get; set;} public int CategoryId {get; set;} public Category Category {get; set;}} public class Category{ public int Id {get; set;} public string CategoryName {get; set;}}
I am displaying a list of these Persons in a GridView, and I would like to display the name of the Category (the CategoryName property to be precise). So I define this markup;

xml Code:
<asp:GridView runat="server" ID="personsGrid" AutoGenerateSelectButton="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="Id"> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="Id" HeaderText="Id" /> <asp:BoundField

Usually I would solve this problem by one of two ways:Override the ToString method of the Category class and return the name.
Add a readonly 'CategoryName' property to the Person class, where I return 'this.Category.CategoryName' (and then bind the column to this property instead).

In this case however, I am using the Entity Framework, and the Person and Category classes are automatically generated by the database model. I suppose I could edit the generated code manually, but I don't like that, since any change in the model will cause VS to re-generate the code and my changes would be lost. So these two methods are not going to work...

The simple question remains: how do I make the Category column show the CategoryName property of the object it represents, rather than just the type name?In a DropdownList for example (which I am already using for the user to select a category when creating a person), I can set the DataTextField (to "CategoryName") and DataValueField (to "Id") properties and it displays the right name and uses the right value (the Id). I can't find anything similar for a BoundField though... Am I overlooking something obvious?

Another solution would be if I could tell the Entity Framework model to add another property to my Person class which returns the CategoryName of the Category. I can't find any way to do that though (I am a compleet noob in EF),

View 5 Replies

Web Sharing Folder/ Data Pulling Is Pretty Slow ?

Feb 25, 2010

we have a program that we work with with in 2 different locations, both of the program instances must share the same database.what i did is to open Web Sharing folder on our server then i added on both computers this folder to their "My network places" and direct both of application to this folder which contains the database.this is how i direct the program :


D:WNKKWnkk.exe \MyServerktest

it all works fine but there is one problem, the data pulling is pretty slow when it shouldn't we have 100MB download / upload on our server and over 10MB dl/ul in our office.

some pointers:i added the shared web folder to one of our website directory and thats mean that the port the program is using is 80
is port 80 is slower then others?

View 10 Replies

Jquery - Quick Way To Pretty Up A Totally Unstyled Application?

Mar 5, 2010

I have an asp.net app consisting of about 15 aspx pages and 30 or so user controls. For the most part it is just a basic CRUD layer on top of a database, so it consists mainly of edit forms and datagrids.

All of my edit forms are laid out in fieldsets, and I am using plain asp:GridViews for my tables (they render to an html table). Some forms are in serious need of tabs to lay out the elements. I'd really like to be able to style my GridViews with a fixed header and vertical scrollbars.

I have to do a demo in a few days but the problem is, there is no styling whatsoever applied to the html (no classes defined within the html, no CSS at all), and I am very weak with CSS.

So considering my predicament, can anyone offer some advice on how I could get this looking presentable in a very short period of time?

Is there such a thing as pre-existing decent generic CSS files I could download and drop on top of this app that could apply an attractive and consistent look and feel to most elements? Would http://jqueryui.com/ be useful in this particular situation?[URL] looks very attractive, can anyone comment on how easy it would be to globally wire all of my GridViews up with that?

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Route Constraints And Empty Route?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a url that I want to map routing to:


where tabvalue is one of: "personal", "professional", "values" or nothing.

I want to map it to a route like:


But my problem is - I don't know how to specify such constraints. I'm trying this regex:


but it only works when I use url



and doesn't work for


how to specify the correct constraint?

P.S. I'm not using MVC, just asp.net WebForms

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Is It Possible With Dynamic TSQL Query

Jun 3, 2010

I have very long select query which i need to filter based on some params, i'm trying to avoid having different stored procedures or if statements inside of single stored procedure by using partly dynamic TSQL.I will avoid long select just for example sake

select a
from b
where c=@c
or d=@d

@c and @d are filter params, only one can filter at the same time but also both filters could be disabled. 0 for each of these means param is disables so i can create nvarchar with where statement in it...

How do i integrate in here dynamic query so 'where' can be added to normal query. I cannot add all the query as big nvarchar because there is too many things in it which will require changes ( ie. when's, subqueries, joins)

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ADO.NET :: Query Dynamic Table In LINQ?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a table created on the fly. The table structure is dynamic.

This is the table structure generated by the end of year 2010

DealerCode, 201010, 201011, 201012

This is the table structure generated by the end of Jan 2011

DealerCode, 201011, 201012, 201101

What I need to do is selecting all data and then bind it into a gridview

To build a LINQ query, we need to drag the table into dbml file first. As we don't know how the table look like, can we add it in dynamically? Are there any other solutions?

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ADO.NET :: Dynamic Table Name Linq-to-sql Query?

Sep 20, 2010

I am writing a function in which i generate autocode in specific format i want to make this function generalize so that i send tablename and columnname parameter and function return the next code. I am using linq to sql with MVC e.g. i want to make table name and column name dyanamic


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