C# - How To Run A WebForms Page And An MVC Page In Different Files

Apr 1, 2010

when i try to do this and load the webforms page, i get this error, even tho the path is correct. what can i do to get past this? i've tried running the aspx page from the root as well. nada.

Server Error in '/' Application.

The resource cannot be found.

Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /Views/Home/FileUploadFrame.aspx

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30128; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30128.1

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File saved:


How do I map this?

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gridComplete: function(){
// ThickBox - this allows any dynamically created links that use thickbox to work!
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I have same problem, can anyone write a code project exemple

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Mar 15, 2010

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<a href="pdffile.pdf">Open PDF</a>

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And in js i simply change src attr of the image :

$.get("my-url", function (url) {
img.attr("src", url); // getting C: emplabla.jpg

Cant figure out to make it work! Source is not a valid path for image

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Apr 2, 2011

I've used a very interesting article (which i recommend, you can see it here :http://adamyan.blogspot.com/), and i've started to localize my asp net mvc2 site.However, i've come to a point where i don't know if it would be possible to do something else, or if i just have to do it this way The thing is, most of the pages are text and links and stuff. In general, all of the links i have them using some markup and calling the Html.ActionLink (for example). So, if i'm translating a page that has 20 links, i would have to split all of those texts into 20 entries in the resx file (and the Html.ActionLink text would have to have its own resx entry, of course). I find this a little bit unpractical. Is there a way to just copy the whole contents, and make some intermediary parse the tags in the resx file and call the appropriate code?

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How To Restrict Files To Access Only On Test Page

Jan 14, 2010

when i would like to restrict files to access only on my Test page , here i am retriving my files in iframe in Test page, problem occurs when a user authenticated themselves then they will be redirected on welcome page and he can access my files through welcome page on Browser by knowing my Folder Name. but i do'nt want to give permissions to access on welcome page using IBrowser i only want to give my files(.mht files) that should be accessed on iframe.

this code as shown below doing pretty well in Visual studio "Debug mode but when i deploy this on iis 7.0 then it is not restricting my .mht files so please help , if you have any othe idea to protect then please give me .


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C# - Not All Css Files From The Selected Theme Are Included Into The Page?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a Asp.Net Web Application that uses Themes. Inside the theme directory are 9 *.css files.

I've published the Web Application months ago on a IIS 7.5 (and updated regularry). If I browse the site from my computer, my private computer or some virtual machines at a hosting facility, the site will be perfectly rendered.

However, some employees of the company we created the page for are recently having display issues. I was just able to reproduce the issue via remote session and found out, that only 8 of the 9 styles in the selected Theme directory are included into the page. (IE developer toolbar showed the this)
The client is using Internet Explorer in version 8.

The problem does not only seem to affect employees of the same company rather than visitors from outside as well.The name of the stylesheet, that sometimes not included into the page is called style.css.
I've checked if the file was not accessible from the computer I created the remote session with, but that was not the case. The style.css was browsable. For now I'd try to move the style.css out of the App_Themes directory and include it manually via the MasterPage.

Update: I also discovered that some

<asp:Images ImageURl="~/images/mypic.png">

are also not being shown, just the red X for image not found. Maybe that's related? I looked for the Internet Explorer setting multimedia -> show images, it was checked. I'll try to replace the pngs with jpgs for now.

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C# - Login Page Can't Reference Other Files Without Being Logged In?

Feb 8, 2011

My login page has images and CSS applied to it. When I run my site locally (start without debugging), it brings up my login page, but none of my images are displaying and my css isn't linking. I'm referencing correctly, I promise. However, when I view this page in VS's Design view, it shows the images and CSS. Also, if I run it and log in, and click the back button, everything shows up (images/css)! But if I logout (which redirects me to the login page), my images/css isn't there! Its as if the page can't reference its own resources unless the user is logged in. WTH. I'm only having this problem on my local VS server; it seems to work fine when I put it on the live server (woot). Anyone know why this is happening?Here is a portion of my login page that is requesting the image/css:

<head runat="server">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/BodyLayout.css" />
<title>Optoma USA - Login</title>


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Insert Page Break In Rtf Files With C#.net Version 1.1?

Mar 18, 2010

How insert page break in rtf files using asp.net with c#.net version 1.1?

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Web Forms :: Uploading Files And Editing Them On One Page?

Jan 23, 2010

I have one page that has a FileUpload control with a "Upload Photo" button and underneath that is a ListView control. I would like for the user to be able to browse for a photo and when they click the "Upload Photo" button, that photo displays, along with text boxes that are linked to my database (title, description, photodate) in the listview. The user can then repeat the uploading so that the user can upload as many photos as they want and they show up in the listview (all of them). After the user has uploaded all the photos he wants and has filled out all the information into the boxes of the corresponding photo, the user will then click a button ("Publish") the will publish all the photos that are in the listview.

How would I go about doing this?

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