C# - Linq Datagrid Source Link Each Row?

Apr 19, 2010

I do not even know where to begin when it comes to this I am continuing from this question: ttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/2664029/linq-to-sql-statement-issueWhere I searched multiple columns in a table and returned my values in a datagrid,Ive done basic formatting on the grid but am unable to decipher how I would go aboutgetting each row to link to another page?

using (TiamoDataContext context = new TiamoDataContext())
var search = from p in context.UserProfile1s


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<ItemStyle BackColor=GhostWhite /> </asp:ButtonColumn>

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<asp:linqdatasource id="GridDataSource" runat="server" enabledelete="true" Where="Type == @Type">
<asp:dynamiccontrolparameter controlid="FilterRepeater" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter QueryStringField="Type" Name="Type" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="false" />

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my query is SELECT a.HD, a.HEAD, a.SH, a.SUBHEAD, a.TRK, a.TRACK, a.TGT, a.TARGET, a.PDC, a.DT_RELEASE, a.STATUS, a.CO

my data is ,HR HR Rec Records Leave Leave Records HRL.0001 Policy and Process for leave record. 27.06.2010 30.06.2010 WIP Edlink
HR HR Rec Records Leave Leave Records HRL.0002 Quarterly Review 01.07.2010 04.07.2010 Planned Edlink
HR HR DB Database SAL Salary DDS.0001 Calculation of Monthly salary 08.08.2010 09.08.2010 WIP Edlink
HR HR Rec Records Ind Induction Records HRI.0001 Completion of dossiers. 08.07.2010 10.07.2010 WIP Edlink
HR HR DB Database Emp Employee HDE.0001 Offer letter 06.07.2010 09.07.2010 WIP Edlink

my outout is ,HR


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Forms Data Controls :: Linq Query To Fill Datagrid?

Mar 14, 2010

'm not sure if this is the right forum, but I couldnt find one for linq related questions.I have the following problem. I have four tables, One with users, one with projects, one with the users and the projects they are in (joinProjectTable) and on table where the users can fill in there worked hours for a certain project. These hours are filled in on a daily base. Now every month there is going to be created a report on the workedHours table so there is visible which user has entered how many hours for a certain project. On this report there is gonna be a billing for the company where for the hours are worked. This is the easy part, the hard part is the following.

companies also want to have a list of users that didn't entered any hours for that particular month for a particular project. So I have to write a linq query that would look in the joinprojecttable to see which users are joined to which projects, and than with that join it should look if that particular combination (user+project) is in anyway entered in the workedhourstable for that particular month. If not this has to be shown in the datagrid, for every user that isnt in the workedhourstable for that month. So it should be a certain NOT query, but I can't seem to figure it out.does anyone have any idea to accomplisch this in Linq2Sql? I'm using VB instead of C#.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Convert The Datagrid Bound Column Item Itself Link To Another Detail Page

Sep 15, 2010

I would like to make the datagrid bound column to redirecting to the details page .

For example , when my mouse over certain row of bound column in datagrid , it will change the colour to blue . Also , I can click anywhere of the row and the will redirect to the detail page .

Notes : I do not want to use hyperlink column and do not want to fix the text for every row. I want to use datafield, CommandName and CommandArguement.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid Control Column Link Button Or Label Condition Based On The Boolean Value True Or False

May 11, 2010

I have a datagrid control, the first column is Revno, currently presenting info in linkbutton. i want to do a condition based on another field docid, which gets true or false value from database. if true then present Revno in linkbutton otherwise show the revbnno just as a label., thatway users does'nt have ability to clickit.

<asp:LinkButton ID="lblRevision" runat="server" CssClass="Textboxes" Text='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "RevNo")%>' CommandName="FileDownloadRecord"></asp:LinkButton>
this docid field has flag true or false.
if true meaning show the revno as LinkButton, otherwise show the revno as label.
GetDocdetail(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Docid")
on the codebehind side i can use this function.
Public Function GetDocdetail(ByVal DocID As boolean) As String
If DocID = "true" Then
End If
End Function

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DataSource Controls :: Making A LINQ To SQL Gridview Column A Clickable Link?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a database table column consisting of text URLs [URL] In my LINQ-to-SQL-driven gridview, I want to make this a clickable link programmatically, with differing link text (e.g. "Link text"). I'm getting close but am missing some key concept. Here's the core of the .vb codebehind:

Dim dctx As New ResourceMod.ResourceModDALDataContext
Dim eleResObj = From eleRes In dctx.Resources Where eleRes.Type = "url" Select siteurl = eleRes.Website
GridView1.DataSource = eleResObj

This displays the raw URL in the gridview (i.e. non-clickable). I've experimented with adding an explicit hyperlink column a la [URL](setting AutoGenerateColumns false etc.), but haven't yet figured out how to assign the asp:hyperlink Text and NavigateUrl fields with the anonymous-type object eleResObj. Using a field construct such as Text='<%# Eval("siteurl") %>' isn't working, presumably a scope issue. Is a LinqDataSource needed in this case, and if so, how would that affect the original LINQ query?

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Forms Data Controls :: 3.5 FormView Linq Data Source - All Fields

Jun 15, 2010

I'm exploring ASP.net. I have created a FormView based on Linq Data Sources. There are several fields in my datasource that are either future or archaic.

1) Do all fields in the DataSource need to have a control in the FormView?
2) Does ASP.net need to insert/update all fields in the DataSource?

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Linq To Sql - Displaying Data From SQL Data Source?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm using LINQ to SQL to grab information from my SQL database. I have a GridView which shows all the top level information - in this case a list of groups (i.e. admin, users and so on). When a user clicks say the admin group, I want to be able to show each member in that group. I have the following code which grabs the information from the database:


I know that I can use GridView again to display the results of the query, but this doesn't really look nice as it shows too much information at once. How would I go about having some sort of display which will show just one user at a time, giving me the chance to click next and back?

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asp.net open source Lead management system with source code.

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Source Control / Checked Out Codeplex And Thats Really For Open Source Projects?

Feb 15, 2010

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AJAX :: Source Of Gridview Is Not Shown In Browser's Page Source?

Apr 7, 2010

source of gridview details in page source.i am disabling and enabling in a server side and also i am using updatepanel too in the page.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Filter Child Datagrid On Parent Datagrid Row Select

Apr 6, 2010

I have 2 grids gvParent & gvChild I would like to filter gvChild when a row is selected in gvParent the linking fields are contractNo

I added a column for selecting:

<asp:TemplateField ShowHeader="False">
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Select"
OnClick="LinkButton1_Click" Text="Select"></asp:LinkButton>

I know how to handle the filtering of the grid (create a criteria and set to rowfilter of the dataview) But, I dont know how to get the value of the column of the selected row.

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Forms Data Controls :: Want To Capture - Datagrid On Clcik On Datagrid Row Value Using C#?

Mar 4, 2011

I have Datagrid , i want to clcik on row and get data in textbox , but my textbox is FreeTextBox control,i tried to use javascript but work for asp.net control not working for freetext box control, how i can capture this code is sample code but it work for asp.net control but not working for my freetextbox


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Forms Data Controls :: How To DataGrid SelectIndex Inside A DataGrid

Sep 22, 2010

Simply put... I want to duplicate the example found at this link, in VB.net rather than C#.


I would like the selectedvalue of the dropdown to display additional data base on its selection in multiple text boxes.

I have tried using the DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChanged property, within a DataGrid EditiItemTemplate, but I cannot retrieve data from the selection. (AutoPostBack is "True"). I can however use a button onclick event to fire a "prre-defined" selection value.

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C# - How To Access A Child Datagrid Which Is Inside Of Another Datagrid, Before It's Not Binded

Jun 23, 2010

I have a nested datagrid. I want to get header texts of child datagrid, bifore binding process.

Is there a way to do this?

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