Forms Data Controls :: 3.5 FormView Linq Data Source - All Fields

Jun 15, 2010

I'm exploring I have created a FormView based on Linq Data Sources. There are several fields in my datasource that are either future or archaic.

1) Do all fields in the DataSource need to have a control in the FormView?
2) Does need to insert/update all fields in the DataSource?

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Data Source Calling Select Function On Page Load

Mar 24, 2010

I have a GridView and a FormView on the same page. They both have separate DataSources. This is a simple Master Details configuration, when a someone clicks on the Select link in the GridView, the FormView brings up the Details data. But for some reason the FormView's DataSource is trying to retrieve data when I load the page. This is causing an error because no ID is passed from the GridView.

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DataSource Controls :: Linq / ObjectDataSource With Only A Few Database Fields On Formview

Feb 24, 2010

I am working on an application and am attempting to use Linq with and ObjectDataSource but I only want to display/update 50% of the fields that are in the corresponding table. It appears to me that for this to work correctly, I need hidden fields on my form for all of the data fields from the table that the user cannot access. Is this the only way to do this? I have the following in my update method of my ODS:


The problem is, only the fields that appear on the form have data in them.

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView With Empty Byte Fields?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a FormView with a byte field. The field is not required and if I don't enter a value, I get an error that the value is not acceptable in a byte field. I can replace the null value with 0 but I would prefer not to.

What is the best way to handle this so that if I do not enter a value in a byte (or int16) field to insert a null value (or whatever they do in the

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Formview Fields Using Database?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm not sure if I can explain this properly, I just need some advise. I'm working with a formview and datasets to populate the information. However I have a table specifiying which fields to display. In my table If cell, work and home fields are selected then those fields must be populated in the formview if they not selected then it shouldn't be shown. These are 2 different datasets being pulled into the formview.

Right now I have a datasource populating the formview via the wizard, not sure what to do next.

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Forms Data Controls :: Disable Fields Inside A Formview?

Feb 25, 2011


The above code works if there are controls directly inside a update panel. But what if I want to disable a button or a tex box that is inside an Edit template of a formview.. that is in a panel.


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Forms Data Controls :: Formview LinqData Source Not Allowing Updates?

Aug 18, 2010

I've set up a formview with a Linqdata source to allow users to edit records. When I run it, edit data and submit, it blows up and tells me "Linq datasource6 does not support the Select property when the Delete, Insert or Update operations are enabled." I googled that warning and saw a couple of posts on this forum saying the problem is the slect statement has to be removed from the Linq data source for it to allow updates.

But if I remove the select statement then how do I show the user specific info on pageload? plus I thought the two way databind was an advantge of the datasource control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Update Crashes If ID Fields Are Empty?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a Formview control that has several lookup fields. The value is an int ID but the textfield is the name, e.g. value = StateID, displayed text = StateCode)

If the user leaves that field blank, I get a Server Error when attempting to Update: Failed to set one or more properties on type orgOrganization. is not a valid value for Int32.

In the table for the LinqDataSource which provides the data for the Formview, all fields except the text field OrganizationName allow Nulls.

Does anyone know why this might be happening? I tried a test which just has the numbers, no lookups, and get the same result.

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Forms Data Controls :: Clear Fields In Edit Mode Formview?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a combobox that is used as a control for Formview, so when the user selects a name from the combobox the data in formview displays in edit mode. However, some if the data that is displayed in formview needs to be empty. For example if the Date is being pulled in, it needs to be empty or null in edit mode.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hide Formview Fields On Page_load Event?

Jan 12, 2010

In my table there is no record then I'm going to hide my formview fields on page_load event,

it gives an error "object reference not set to an instance of an object".

How can I hide fields in formview all mode?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist Pulls From Sql Source Into A Formview To Save To Another Table?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a dropdownlist that pulls from a datasource. When a name is selected all information drops down to a formview. Once there 3 fields get populated from the dropdownlist and then there is 2 other fields that need user input. Once they hit submit, it should write to a different table in the same DB. I cannot get the fields to populate and write to the DB. Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Auto Populate Formview Fields From Calendar And LoginName?

Apr 12, 2010

I am inserting 4 fields into a table trought an SqlDataSource and a FormView element. These fields are ID (autopopulated), date(selected from calendar and/or todays date as default), Company name(user input), and UserID (taken from LoginName?).

I am able to inser the data in to the table when typing it, but I would like to have the UserID fiel auto completed and the date as well, or filled with the selected calendar date.

This is my part of my code.-------------------------------------------


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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Control With LINQ To SQL?

Feb 23, 2011

Instead of usng FormView with SQLDataSource control, I like to use it with LINQ-to-SQL. For example, can I write my own LINQ to SQL for Edit and Update? Will FormView control work in this way?

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Forms Data Controls :: Append Two String Fields To Display In Gridview Using LINQ

Feb 4, 2011

I need to display Name1 and Name2 in a single column in gridview. I am using Linq. How is this done.

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Forms Data Controls :: Difference Between ListView / FormView / DataPager / Linq

Nov 10, 2010

I've got a ListView with a DataPager on one page and then a FormView with the items detailson another page. There is an Image in the ListView where the user can click on the image andthat takes them through to the page with FormView on it.If the user goes through to the FormView page and then press's back on the browser to takethem back to the page with the ListView on if the user then click's on the DataPager it takes

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Forms Data Controls :: Asp 3.5 Time Field In FormView / Update/insert Time Fields?

Oct 20, 2010

This is the sqlDateTime overflow problem again. Background. As I'm sure you know dates must be between 1/1/1753 and 12/31/2999. If you have an empty date field, it throws and exception. So I created a function (below) that solve the problem when attempting to update or insert a record with a date field. Works great.

Public Shared Function MakeDateField(ByVal pasDate As String) As Nullable(Of DateTime)

If IsDate(pasDate) Then
If pasDate <= System.DateTime.MinValue Then
Return Nothing
Return CType(pasDate, DateTime)
End If
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
Return Nothing
End Try
Return Nothing
End If
End Function

So I thought about using a time field. I have the field, have the validator in place and then attempted to test the page. It resulted in my least favorite error message "sqlDateTime overflow".

I can think of several workarounds like adding a date or a fixed date to the time field, or converting it to a string. Each of these is problematic.


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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Insert Template Fill Like Edit Item Template For All Fields

Mar 3, 2010

I have a formview with various templates set up for a database that has 255 columns. I need the insertitemtemplate to pre-fill values based upon a specific selection by the user (just like the edit item template) but when the template is switched to insertitemtemplate every text box is cleared. The idea is that a new entry is usually made by making minor changes to an existing entry. With 255 fields I don't want to require the user to enter every field when only three or four need to change.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Create It ,Object Data Source ,Linq And Sql Or Other Any Way?

Sep 20, 2010

my query is SELECT a.HD, a.HEAD, a.SH, a.SUBHEAD, a.TRK, a.TRACK, a.TGT, a.TARGET, a.PDC, a.DT_RELEASE, a.STATUS, a.CO

my data is ,HR HR Rec Records Leave Leave Records HRL.0001 Policy and Process for leave record. 27.06.2010 30.06.2010 WIP Edlink
HR HR Rec Records Leave Leave Records HRL.0002 Quarterly Review 01.07.2010 04.07.2010 Planned Edlink
HR HR DB Database SAL Salary DDS.0001 Calculation of Monthly salary 08.08.2010 09.08.2010 WIP Edlink
HR HR Rec Records Ind Induction Records HRI.0001 Completion of dossiers. 08.07.2010 10.07.2010 WIP Edlink
HR HR DB Database Emp Employee HDE.0001 Offer letter 06.07.2010 09.07.2010 WIP Edlink

my outout is ,HR


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Putting TemplateField Fields In Data Bound Fields?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a GridView, and I want Column1 to be equal to datatable data (filled by a SqlDataAdapter). Then I have two other fields by the SqlDataAdapter (first name, last name), and I want to have those two fields combined to form Column2. I have a TemplateField for my GridView that combines the first name and last name with Eval()'s, but the GridView places this combined field TemplateField and puts it as the first column.

How can I do this so that TemplateField can go in between fields that are databound?

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Master Formview Data From A Nested Detail Formview?

Sep 10, 2010

I would like to ask if it is possible to access data on a master FormView from a nested detail FormView.

I have a main form (master) with several tabs (detail) and would like to display a label with text from main form that is hidden by the tab at the moment of editting. My asp page looks like this.


Is it possible to get the value of the label CompanyTextLabel from CompanyTextBox using just ASP.NET expressions or something similar without writing c# code in .cs file?

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Linq To Sql - Displaying Data From SQL Data Source?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm using LINQ to SQL to grab information from my SQL database. I have a GridView which shows all the top level information - in this case a list of groups (i.e. admin, users and so on). When a user clicks say the admin group, I want to be able to show each member in that group. I have the following code which grabs the information from the database:


I know that I can use GridView again to display the results of the query, but this doesn't really look nice as it shows too much information at once. How would I go about having some sort of display which will show just one user at a time, giving me the chance to click next and back?

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Linq Data Source - Using Enum In Where Parameters?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a linqdatasource and I want to use an enum for Type as below:

<asp:linqdatasource id="GridDataSource" runat="server" enabledelete="true" Where="Type == @Type">
<asp:dynamiccontrolparameter controlid="FilterRepeater" />
<asp:QueryStringParameter QueryStringField="Type" Name="Type" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="false" />

It keeps throwing an error:

Operator '==' incompatible with operand types 'ProductType' and 'String' ProductType is my Enum, and String is my input type. I don't seem to be able to convert one to the other.

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Forms Data Controls :: Databound Fields Vs Templete Fields In A GridView?

Aug 18, 2010

I am using TempleteFields for all columns in my GridView. In that columns I am using only some fields for customization but not all.

Is there any performance issue with Databound Fields vs Templete Fields in a GridView...?

Do I need to replace the remaining columns with Databound Columns instead of TempletField columns...?

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ADO.NET :: Can Get All The Fields And All The Field Data From Linq Table And Use It In A Function

Feb 24, 2011

i want to use a function to get all the fields from a LINQ table as ill be using this table alot i thought putting it in a function would be quicker

how can i get all the fields and all the field data from linq table and use it in a function

for example

var address1 = FunctionName.Address1
var postcode = functioname.postcode

or however i can make this work


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Forms Data Controls :: Set Value To Textbox In Nested Formview From Parent Formview Label?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a nested formview. I need to set a value for a textbox when I'm in insert mode from parent formview which is editmode.

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