C# - Making An Ajax Call In Umbraco From Inside User Control?

Mar 11, 2011

For an Umbraco project, I am trying to make a simple Ajax call.. I can't use PageMethods because I need to make the call from inside a UserControl.. I tried to do it via web service call like this:

Web service method:

public class MapService : System.Web.Services.WebService


The problem is, "MapService.GetCities" method doesn't get invoked..

What might be the problem here?

Alternatively, what is there any better way to make these kind of Ajax calls in a User Control?

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If you visit this [URL] and then click on the link like the image below you'll see in-line pop-up DIV which displays a busy status of Ajax callback before it displays the information. So, the information is not there yet until you click on the link.

I'd like to do the same but ASP.NET and jQuery.

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Security :: Authentication Timeout While Making AJAX Call?

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When the user does nothing for a period of time, e.g. 30 minutes to reach authentication timeout, making AJAX call becomes the problem. The server side will return login page and display in my target div section. The simplest solution I can think of is to inject a dummy tag in login page, and when detecting such dummy tag then use javascript to redirect to login page. But this means that I have to do that every time I make AJAX call.

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AJAX :: How To Get An Array Of All The Textbox Control Inside Create User Wizard Control

Aug 10, 2010

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Below is my JQuery code:


The above code isn't displaying hint text when the textbox retreives focus.

I think there is something wrong with this getElementsByTagName("asp:TextBox"); , I have also tried getElementsByTagName("TextBox"); , getElementsByTagName(":textbox"); and getElementsByTagName("input"); .

But no one of them gets the textboxes array.

Can anyone tell what will be the correct syntax for getting all the textboxes inside a create user wizard control using getElementsByTagName()?

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Jul 23, 2010

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For first aspx page i called my usercontrol like this and everything is working fine: -


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AJAX :: Controls Inside JQuery Simple Modal Making?

Mar 6, 2011

I've created a sign up form in a normal .aspx page, with some TextBoxWatermarkExtendes, PasswordStrength, RegularExpressionValidator, and more..it worked perfectly..I have inserted it all inside the modal content div in this SimpleModal:http://www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal-demos/(the OSX style dalog)
the First problem:I have a toolkit script manager, and an update panel surrounding the "username" textbox, with enabled autopostback, so it checks if user is taken or not when the textbox looses focus and shows a message in label..when it runs for the first time (when it's working) first of all, the passwordStrength control doesn't work, secondly, after I type something in the username textbox and make it lose focus (press tab or click outside), it's watermark text of course gets deleted when i focus on it, and another watermark text from another textbox gets deleted (i dont know why) SO after like 1 or 2 seconds, the text I wrote gets deleted and replaced by the watermark, for BOTH textboxes that had watermarks

Second problem:the first time, the it works normal, but when I close the modal and open it again, the textBoxWatermark changes to a normal text inside the textbox, even the "Sign up" button stops working, and expression validators and required validators and stuff stop working..

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AJAX :: User Control Inside Updatepanel?

Sep 14, 2010

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AJAX :: User Control Inside A Tabpanel?

May 11, 2010

I have this code:

TabSecciones.Tabs.Clear(); //the panel container
TabPanel nuevoTab =
encabezadoSeccion encabezadoSec =
//A user control, a couple of labels and a table

For some strange reason, the user control is "outside" of the panels, thus visible no matter what panel is selected... if I programatically insert another control (ie: a texbox) inside another panel, it works fine...

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AJAX :: User Control Inside Modal Pop Up?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a requirement where in i have to create a common pop up extender for all the user controls.How can i achieve this by using ajax modal pop up extender?Please help out with the following questions i have.Is it possible to bring user control inside a ajax modal pop up extender.?If yes, Is it a best practice?How can we build a common Ajax Modal Pop Up extender so that it can be re used for all the user controls?Consequences we face while using user control inside ajax modal pop up ?Is there any better approach for having user control inside modal pop up.?

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Jun 11, 2010

My current code is costing performance issue when ran on server.


I've a a textbox whixh is invisible by default and a button, which is visible and both are placed inside grid's item template

I've also used ajax's update pannel to supress postback

My requirement is to make thetext box visible on button click which is working fine and fast in the localhost machine

But when put on server,its taking considerably more time to make the text box visible.


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Making Control In User Control Visible=false On Mouse Over?

Mar 8, 2010

<div class="pages2" id="more" runat="server">
<a href="" onmouseover="mover()" onmouseout="mout()">More</a><!--<![endif]-->
<ul style="background-color: #626669; padding: 0 6px 0 6px; margin: 28px 0 0 0px">
<asp:DataList ID="DataList2" runat="server">
<ItemStyle Wrap="True" />

I have this datalist in a user control i want when i keep mouse over "More", it should be invisible. it is working on .aspx page not on user control. How to do this. This control is placed on master page.

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AJAX :: Autocompleteextender Not Working Inside User Control

Jan 19, 2011

Autocompleteextender not working inside an user control tried all ways. i have a custom function.. inside the cs file itself like the following :-


I did something like this and it worked properly when it was in aspx but when i changed all this to ascx and when i added the user control in aspx the autocomplete is not working. say enablecontext = false; i have even tried that.. its not even reaching till that function. moreover i need contextkey to validate different autocomplete controls inside my page.

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AJAX :: TabContainer With User Control Inside Not Displaying?

Mar 5, 2011

I have an ajax tabcontainer on a master page that has a user control inside one of its tabs.The user control is just a gridview that gets a list populated from a DB table.The strange thing is that the gridview is displaying in VS, but when I build the site the tab is empty; no error message just nothing.Below is the code for the tab in my master page:



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Ajax - Alternate Way To Use Page Method Inside User Control?

Mar 8, 2011

Is there a way by which i can achieve functionality of page method inside a user control.

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AJAX :: Error In Script Manager Inside User Control?

Aug 10, 2010

I have an application in which inside my aspx page i have an user control which gets loaded at runtime.Inside this user control I have collapsible panel extender from ajax toolkit for which i have inserted scriptmanager tag at the starting of user control.At run time I am getting an error only one instance of script manager can be added...though I have not added script manager in my aspx apge..

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AJAX :: Property Evaluation Failed In ModalpopUp Inside User Control?

Mar 22, 2010

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the problem is when i try to get value from drop down list in debugging mode PROPERTY EVALUATION FAILED Just Appers Execution Stopped.

every thing in request also PROPERTY EVALUATION FAILED

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AJAX :: User Control With JQuery Doesn't Work Inside Update Panel?

Sep 21, 2010

I created a .NET user control to work as a DropdownCheckbox and added Jquery to give the sliding and hide effects. The code is as below:


This control works fine in a normal page, but once I put it inside an update panel it doesn't work. Is there a work around or simply I can't use JQuery inside update panel?

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AJAX :: Hosting Windows User Control In A Webpage Inside An Update Panel

Jun 8, 2010

I am hosting a Windows User Control in my web page using <object> tag. Everything works fine when the control is outside the updatepanel and is independent of other web controls but when I move the control inside the update panel, it doen't load the user control properly.

<object id="myBrowser" classid="http:MyBrowser.dll#MyBrowser.UserControl1" height="20" width="400" VIEWASTEXT></object>

why it doesn't render the control properly and what can I do to fix it?

I tried moving the user control outside the update panel but since this user control is shown/hidden dynamically and is rendered based on other web controls which are inside an Update Panel, the user control is not shown at all.

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AJAX :: Required Field Validator Inside User Control In GridView Not Working

May 7, 2015

I have created user control inside update panel but validation is not working.. and i have 10 these usercontrols so how can i do validation on save..?

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="UpTextBox.ascx.cs" Inherits="Retail.control.UpTextBox" %>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePaneltxt" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtTextBox" runat="server" Width="217px" class="round default-width-input"


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JQuery :: Data Size While Making Cross Domain JSONP Call Using JQuery .ajax() Method

Dec 21, 2010

I am developing web application and in application i need to make call of jQuery using .ajax(); method with datatype is set jsonp. Now all works well with limited data but problem start to occur when data size is increasing......

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C# - How To Call An Event Handler From One Control To The Another Control Where The Second Control Is Inside The First Control

Nov 11, 2010

i have a calender control like this

<asp:Calendar ID="CldrDemo" runat="server" BackColor="#FFFFCC" BorderColor="#FFCC66"

OnSelectionChanged="CldrDemo_SelectionChanged" OnDayRender="CldrDemo_DayRender">

</asp:Calendar> [code].....

i want to call the event handler for the dropdownlist - selectedIndexchanged and i have added it also like this

protected void ddlBlist_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

but this is not getting fire when i am changing the item of the dropdownlist.

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