C# - Manipulating Page Scrolling When Returning A View In A MVC Site?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm building an ASP.NET MVC site where I want one of the Views I return to be automatically scroll to a certain point.The part of the site where I want this to occur works sort of like a forum - there are "threads" that contain "posts". A user can either browse to the whole paginated thread or can browse to a specific post, using its ID. When a user browses to a specific post, I want to show the regular thread interface, then browse to the page that the post is on and scroll down to the post.

Is it possible to somehow automatically scroll down to a certain point when returning a View from an action in an ASP.NET MVC site? If so, how do I do this?NOTE: One solution to this problem that I've found is how Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites do it: each answer to a question can be linked to by adding #ID to the URL. If it's impossible to automatically scroll down when returning a View, I would implement this instead, but I don't understand how to use such an approach when there are multiple pages and the post in question isn't on the current page.UPDATE:Based on Chris' answer, I'm currently planning to implement it with the URL looking like this: example.com/forum/[ForumID]/thread/[ThreadID]/post/[PostID]#[PostID]. In my Action, I figure out what page of the Thread the Post is on, and then I return all the Posts from that page to the View.However, I noticed something special in how Stack Overflow solves this problem. Try going to: http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/57170 - it ends up sending you to http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/57155/gravatar-bugs-and-improvements-in-chat/57170#57170.

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public ActionResult Edit(int id, Item item)
if (ModelState.IsValid)


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<ul class="settings_list">
<li class="settings_item settings_header">
<%= Html.LabelFor(model => model.User.FirstName) %></h5>
<li class="settings_item settings_input">
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.User.FirstName)%></li>
<li class="settings_item settings_error">


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Manipulating Gridview During Databound?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a table in the itemtemplate of a gridview.

My requirement is something like what's shown in the below link


i.e. Say 3, 4 and 5 are user id's. The middle column can contain some information about that user. Say for User 3 we have Info 1, Info 2 and Info 3 in those three rows. Similarly, for user 4 and 5, we would have some values in the middle column.

The number of rows in the middle column can vary. It depends on the number of rows returned by the DB call for that user.

So, how can I achieve this using grid view?

Will it be possible for me to add rows in the databound event dynamically by looking at the previous or next row in the datasource? If so, how should I go about it?

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