C# - Multi Column Listbox Type Control

Feb 4, 2011

Does there exists a listbox control in ASP.NET which allows multiple columns and multiple selection? I looked but couldn't find, so what options do I have available now?

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SQL Server :: Multi Select ListBox - Retrieve Records Where The Column IN NULL?

Aug 4, 2010

Using a ListBox, where multiple items can be selected. Using StringSplit SQL function the string passed from Listbox is separated where the delimeter is comma ( , ).ListBox is in search form where user enters search criteria using other controls and the ListBox. All works good by simply using below SQL statement in Stored procedure that carries search.


Question:- Now one of List Item is None , when None is selected or None is selected with other ListItems from ListBox it is required to retrieve all records where COLUMN IS NULL.Example: When the Male, Female and None is selected from ListBox, SQL statement in Stored procedure will be


Like to know how this can be handled? It is required to retrive NULL values when None is selected in ListBox as well as in combination of other ListItems(Male and Female) i.e., Male, Female, Null when user selects multiple items from ListBox.

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runat="server" [ code].....

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Oct 23, 2010

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2 adult application form

3 Child application form

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Web Forms :: Error "value Of Type System.web.ui.webcontrols.listbox Cannot Be Converted To Myprojectname.listbox" In Vs 2008

Aug 3, 2010

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Dec 15, 2010

I am inserting mortgage loan scenarios in via GridView table. Let's say $100K loan with FICO score 700 in state of MN.

Sometimes I want to apply the same scenario to multiple states rather than Inserting one row at a time. I figured a Listbox with SelectionMode="Multiple" option would be to way to go.

Here is some code snippets:


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Web Forms :: Amend Single Query String To Multi-item Listbox?

Jul 26, 2010

I have this code which takes a value from a dropdown control as a parameter.


I'm now changing to a list control so that multiple items can be selected. So far I have some code that places the items selected into a string that looks like this:


For the above example I would need all the the records returned when the field action_ref contains either item1 or item2 or item3.

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MVC :: How To Determine Selected Items In Multi-select Listbox After Http Post

Mar 24, 2011

I'm creating a search form that will include textbox and multi-select listboxes. I figured out how to load the listboxes but not how to grab those values on the postback in the controller method. Here's my simplified code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

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Guidelines For Multi User / Multi Session / Multi Tab Cookie Enviroment?

Jan 18, 2011

Our current application is working fine but when you try to misbehave like we found out that When login with same user in multiple tab with different organization(there is a organization dropdown in the master page which sets the cookie whenever it is changed.) in tab one it is org 1 and tab 2 it is org2 , cookie has the later org 2 in it but when we go back in tab1(which had org1) and save the record org 2 will be saved with the record So can some one share some sort of a checklist with us which address these types of problem.

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Mar 5, 2010

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Oct 10, 2010

I'm moving itmes from one ASP.NET ListBox control to another ListBox control from client-side. It works on the client-side but when I tried to count items in destination ListBox on the server-side, it's always nothing. Below, is the jQuery code used to add/remove items from ListBox control.


I know that we can add/remove items from ListBox from server-side. But I'd like to get it done from client-side. Why there isn't anything in the destination ListBox when counting the items from the code-behind, eventhough the items are added from the client-side already.

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How To Develop Multi Column Treeview

Mar 9, 2011

how to develop multi column treeview asp.net 4.0

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Fixing Column Data Type And Duplicate Column?

Nov 30, 2010

This is my programs complete code, the only problem is i want to fix the amount of decimal places that show up in my gridview. The problem is if i do this on the asp side the location of the column gets thrown off and the column is duplicated. I figured if i just remade the table on the asp side it would work only problem is if i remove the sql for that particular column the asp side column cannot get data.


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How To Search The Multi Column Of Database Using Gridview And Textbox

Dec 3, 2010

Means if i have two columns in database namely name & email

i wanna search the users or email by entering either name or email on textbox then after clicking the search button record will be displayed in gridview ?

can anybody tell me the select query for this ?

Example of this is www.google.com

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Web Forms :: Multi Column Listview For Alternative Solution?

Apr 1, 2010

I am trying to rewrite an Access Database in to a asp.net front end and i have hit an issue that i can not find a good way round.

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the user will need the ability to select multiple customers at a time and because of the amount of data a scroll bar is a must, this is why the listbox is an ideal tool, apart from the fact the standard one in asp.net does not allow multi columns. grid lines would also be useful. I have look at a few third party multi column multi column list boxes but the only one that i have found that seems to work OBOUT's takes far to long to render 25K rows.

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Web Forms :: Multi Column Page Layout With Databinding?

Mar 2, 2010

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A repeater can manage for one column but what about the other columns. Should i use 3 or 4 repeaters side by side and share the data somehow between them. But this time there is another problem after first page is finished, sequential pages must have the same multicolumn layout filled by cells as i mentioned above. I think i need multi columns nested repater with paging support.

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Create Multi-column Data Entry Form Using CSS In .Net?

Sep 20, 2010

While converting a desktop application to a web app, I've run across my ignorance when attempting to implement a multi-column data entry form using CSS. I'm resolved to avoid using tables for this type of thing, and while I found a good reference to laying out a data entry form, I can find nothing that applies to multiple-column layouts like this one:


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Web Forms :: Create Multi Series Bar (column) Chart

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How to make multi columns with iTextSharp or fusioncharp reports.

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Dec 2, 2010

how we can make Multi- series 3D column chart using ASP charts

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Getting An Object From A Listbox / Cannot Cast Expression Type System.web.ui.webcontrols.listitem

Jan 4, 2010

have an issue with a list box. I populate the list box using :

listbox1.datasource = myCollectionOfCars

When i go to retrieve the selected item from the listbox using

Car myCar = (Car)listbox1.selecteditem;

an error is generated

cannot cast expression type system.web.ui.webcontrols.listitem to type car

i have read several tutorials and many of them use the above code.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Rows And Column Using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate With Multi Header

Feb 23, 2010

How to create Rows and Column using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate with multi header I need to create Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate fixed rows and column such as 7 rows and 7 columns


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Set Column Width In Listbox

Jan 28, 2010

I have a Listbox in to which I am binding the data coming from a DataTable

I am using VisualStudio 2003, .net 1.1

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Data Controls :: Filter Gridview Using Checkboxlist Control Or Multi Select DropDownList Control

Apr 27, 2013

I have seen this tutorials, its very good.


How to apply the same tutorials for checkbox list control to filter the gridview instead of dropdown list.

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Custom Server Controls :: Show Multi Column Gridview With Editable Controls?

Nov 16, 2010

Any one know any open source user control that is similar to gridtreeview. Basically, I want to show a multi column treeview that when expanded, user can edit certain column values. The columns can have a text box or dropdown etc.

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