C# - Prevent Opening Of Application On Browser Refresh?
Dec 19, 2010
I have an ASP.NET/C# application that exports some data into an Excel spreadsheet using COM interop at the click of a Button control. When I click the button, Excel is opened with the generated spreadsheet. For what it's worth, here is the button code:
<asp:Button ID="export" Text="Export to spreadsheet" runat="server" OnClick="Export_Workbook" />
This works fine, except when I click the button, close the subsequent spreadsheet, and refresh the page. When the page is refreshed after clicking the button, the call to Export_Workbook() is made again and so the spreadsheet opens again. Firefox, for example, says this when you refresh: "To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier." This is something I want to avoid.
I'm sure there's a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, I'm just not sure what the best approach is.
I've accomplished this by doing the following:
protected void Export_Workbook(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath, false);
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Eg: \sereverNameTestMyProjectABC
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protected void LinkButtonFolderBorwse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string myPath = @HiddenFieldFolderLocation.Value;
System.Diagnostics.Process prc = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
prc.StartInfo.FileName = myPath;
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vb code (i can provide c# on request)
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Default4 : System.Web.UI.Page,ICallbackEventHandler
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Feb 7, 2011
any page that I open in my browser comes up blank.
I don't get any errors, it just comes up blank.
I also noticed that it seems to bypass forms authentication. For example, even though the page I open is blank, it is the actual page name that shows up in the browzer instead of the page that it usually redirects to for the forms authentication.
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Oct 15, 2010
I have problem in my asp.net application. I have some file in floder (PDF, .doc, ,txt ) i want to open these files in my web browser .
Now my problem is large PDF files are not opeing in my browser even some less size pdf files are opeing prefectly and other files are also working good.
The following code i have wriiten to open the file
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