C# - Saving Html Content Via A Streamreader?
Mar 16, 2011
Is there a way to save html content of an aspx page in the pageload part of the cs file and have it loaded again on postback?
Maybe using a streamreader to save it then have the streamreader write the content back in?
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1. when saving content to sql server which dataype do I use?
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm scraping a page from a remote site. I have the correct HTML and it is below. However, I need to display only the top 3 new stories. Using C# how can I loop through the HMTL on the page to do this? Here is the HTML that I have scraped from the screen and am currently display on the page:
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Feb 21, 2011
I have a page with is basically a few Gridviews that I want to email to some users. The Gridviews are connected to sqldatacontrols. I create the select statements in the code behind. This all works fine.
To email the page I read the page into a streamreader and then creates an email and sends it. So when I get the email the Gridviews show no data.
I stepped through my code and found that the issue is with a variable. The Select statement has a few parameters one of which comes from a profile variable. When the page is read the profile variable is empty. I tried it as a session variable and that fails as well so my question is if I cannot use profile variables or session variables what other way is there to save this data?
In VB I can place module level variables so that say when a form loaded and I wanted to save a variable I would load the module variable which made it available to any form in the project but I assume that I cannot do the same in VB.net asp.Net? On the first page load the variable is available I just have to figure out a way to save it to pull out again when the page posts back.
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Jan 30, 2010
I will be getting data through wcf service coming form commerce server (instead of DB). Data which is coming will be in the form big html content with all html tags or may be a single line sentence. I should display this dynamic data into the placeholder in the content page (master content page). I have been trying but not able to load when the data is in the form of HTML page. html content or may be single lline of senetence.
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Mar 16, 2011
I have some JavaScript that on button click takes a the text from the textarea and places it into a div.
What I would like to do preferably via C# is save that content (somehow) to a textdoc maybe? or straight into the database (unsure as it could contain alot). So unfimilar with JavaScript hence my preference for C but if JavaScript could do the job it would be nice to have the client side run the script.
Atm all I want to do is save the divs somehow then later I will learn how to retrieve them.
The JavaScript I have atm for creating the div:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('button').click(function () {
var x = $('textarea').val();
$('#test1').append('<div id="test">' + x + '</div>');
return false;
which outputs:
<div id="test1">
<div id="test">Write Something....</div>
<div id="test">Write Something....</div>
As you can see there can be many of the same type but if I could just save that data then i could find a way to load it later!
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Feb 25, 2011
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HttpResponse r = Response;
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I'm new to ASP and I was wondering if there is a way to save the source of the web-page into a string variable or a .txt file given a website address using C# or ASP.net with C#.
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Dec 22, 2010
In my application I store a string as content of a html file.
How can I preview this content (assuming that it's modified from original content) in browser but not having to save it local.
Update And the preview to be in another tab or window.
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in the saved file(.html) i got oly customer name: and not the values when i store as .html. why?
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Dec 10, 2010
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<div class="main_content">
<div class="form_container">
Save Build Document Revision</h1>
When save is click i need to save values in the table to database. How can this be achieved?
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May 7, 2010
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"The content type text/html of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8)..."
The thing is, it happens once in a while even when no changes have been made to the service or the web app. And I can make it go away most of the time by going directly to the .svc?wsdl page in my browser and then coming back to the web app.
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Jan 5, 2011
In my application I store a string as content of a HTML file.
How can I preview this content (assuming that it's modified from original content) in browser but not having to save it to disk locally.
And the preview to be in another tab or window.
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Feb 24, 2011
What is best practice for saving and displaying rich text?
Example: I want to store an article with links, different font styles and so on. What format should it be saved in?
How are people saving their "content".
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm trying to read an html but it's only reading the first 1169 characters? And when I open the source code it's huge!
here is the html I'm trying to read http://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/dro...graph=0&past=0. If i enter in another website it reads 23,000 characters.
Protected Sub Button82_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button82.Click
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("http://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base.cgi?stn=DPG01&unit=1&time=LOCAL&product=&year1=&month1=&day1=00&hour1=00&hours=&graph=0&past=0")
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Jan 18, 2010
I am calling a RESTful web service in the back-end of some ASP.NET pages.
I am using ASP.NET asynchronous pages, so under the hood I am using the methods:
HttpWebRequest BeginGetResponse() and
HttpWebRequest EndGetResponse()
The response string in my case is always a JSON string. I use the following code to read the entire string:
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(myHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream()))
myObject.JSONData = sr.ReadToEnd();
Is this method OK in terms of scalability? I have seen other code samples that instead retrieve the response data in blocks using Read(). My primary goal is scalability, so this back-end call can be made across many concurrent page hits.
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Apr 19, 2010
I am displaying data in a Webform View..i need to save the webform view as an HTML file ..
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i was not able to save the webfom as... it is grayed out..
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Jul 15, 2010
I am trying to create a small app that will stream read a remote web page (specified by user input)find all images within the page (using regular expressions)stream read these imagesadd them as LinkedResource 's to a HTML emailI have got it working fine when the images and defined using absolute urls but not when they are relative - How can I can webRequest / streamReader to behave like a web browser does and locate the images based on their relative location.I have thought about manipulating the main web url and prefixing it to the source of the image, but I am not sure how I would deal with am image source such as
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Dec 9, 2010
I have 1 aspx page.In that i am using Developer Express controls also. If i do some changes in that page and trying to save, only the HTML input tags are repeating 2 times.
<dx:TabPage Text="Guarantor"> --using Devxpress tab control here
<ActiveTabStyle BackColor="#FF8888">
<TabStyle BackColor="#F2F7FA">
<dx:ContentControl ID="ContentControl2" runat="server" SupportsDisabledAttribute="True">
<table style="width: 883px" border="2">
<td bgcolor="WhiteSmoke">
<asp:Label ID="lblPrefix" runat="server" Text="Prefix" CssClass="label"></asp:Label>
<td bgcolor="WhiteSmoke">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPrefix" runat="server" Height="21px"
<td bgcolor="WhiteSmoke">
<asp:Label ID="lblSSN" runat="server" CssClass="label" Text="SSN"></asp:Label>
<td bgcolor="WhiteSmoke">
<input type="text" id="txtSSN" runat="server" onkeydown="ssn(this.id)" onkeyup="ssn(this.id)" />
<input id="txtSSN" runat="server" onkeyup="ssn(this.id)" /> --2nd time appear here
<td bgcolor="WhiteSmoke">
<asp:Label ID="lblGender" runat="server" CssClass="label" Text="Gender"></asp:Label>
<td width="147" bgcolor="WhiteSmoke">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlGender" runat="server" Height="21px"
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Sep 24, 2010
how do I go about inserting into a database special characters such as the uppercase O, umlaut Ö Please understand that I have been able to insert the special character from inside MMS by putting an N in front of the value but when I run the SQL file from inside an ASP.net 4.0 page it comes up as a diamond with a question mark in it
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Jul 16, 2011
I need to read a file on a server into a textbox. I did a test on my local PC, to make sure it works the same in a web app as it does on a desktop app.
The data appears to read just fine, but it doesn't display properly. The test file in the screenshot below, shows how the data should be displayed. When using a desktop app, the data displays just like this.
But on the web app, I get this:
Although the TextBox appears to be MultiLine, it only displays the data in the middle of the box and as one line. Am I missing something?
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Jul 30, 2010
i have a letter content in HTML in a string , i have to show it in a pdf format with all the styles and designs.
which possible method is there to convert it to pdf in C#,,
i have used itextsharp,but when styles,images comes in the HTML it never comes in pdf.
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Feb 15, 2011
Which Control i can use to view HTML Content which is i saved in db with its Text Format Like Color,Font Size , Font Name .... so which control i can use to view that Formatted HTML Content
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