Jquery - Saving Data From Html Table In Mvc?
Dec 10, 2010
I have a view as
<div class="main_content">
<div class="form_container">
Save Build Document Revision</h1>
When save is click i need to save values in the table to database. How can this be achieved?
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I am trying to get the row value/inner text from a table I have inside a repeater list. I am using jquery/tableDnD to drag and drop the row at which time I update the row number with the new position. Ultimately I would like to insert these new values into a table but I am having a problem accessing the client changed data using a c# procedure.
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Jan 31, 2011
i'm trying to write out an html output using jquery from a table
see below
On the alert msg i can print out
But i don't want to append it to any <div> or any element.I just want it to output the html to the screen.
I'm doing tis because i have a jquery that displays the blockquotes and if i have a parent DIV or any other element it doesn't work.
How can i achieve this
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Nov 10, 2010
I have saved few data from the view to database and added it to dynamically created html table using jquery in my asp.net mvc application. The script is given below.
I need to delete the row when "delete" is clicked. I have the following script inside call.
$("#AttributeList").delegate('a.delete', 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); alert("delete"); $(this).closest('tr').remove(); alert("removed"); });
This script is throwing errorMicrosoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method
How can i solve this? Is there any other way to remove the row when "delete" is clicked.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have saved few data from the view to database and added it to dynamically created html table using jquery in my asp.net mvc application. The script is given below.
I need to edit a row inline <a> "edit" is clicked. how can i achieve it?
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Jan 27, 2011
I have a app that records some jobs and those jobs can have notes attached therefore i connected the table with a foreign key, my notes to a Job.
in the details view of the job i allow the user to view the jobs by sending the id and fulling all the notes that match the id in the index view for the notes table. in the list of notes i have a action link to create a new note, here i sent also the id of the job to the create action of the control and try to insert that intot he note JobId to make the reference. I get this error and the note is not created. the note creats from code but not via the note controller creat action.
i get this - An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. below is the create action in the note controller
public ActionResult Create(int id)
// var newnote = db.Jobs.Include("StatusNotes").Single(j => j.JobId == id);[code]...
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Dec 5, 2010
I am asp.net developer and I work with SQL Server 2005 .
I have a table with 4 columns
if client enters
but doesn't enters 4.Div column data and try's to save data, it should not give error, it should save the data in database
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May 13, 2010
I am working on some ASP.NET web forms which involves some dynamic generation, and I need to add some onClick helpers on the client side. I have a basic outline of something working, except for one huge problem.
There are multiple HTML tables, each generated by a different ASP.NET web control. Each table can contain overlapping field names, which is causing a problem with my JQuery click event handlers. The click event handler is linking to unintended form fields in addition to the intended form field.
I have provided a simplified sample version of the code below. This code is trying to set the value of textbox box1 when a particular radiobutton is selected in the table with id=thing1. Obviously, the jquery code will be triggered for the form fields in both tables.
The tables are dynamically added to the webpage based upon different conditions. It is possible that no tables will be loaded, only 1 table, or both tables might load. In the future, other tables could be added. Each table comes from a different .net web control.
Other than renaming the form fields to make sure they are unique across all user controls, is there a way to have JQuery act only on the intended form fields? In other words, could the table ID be incorporated into the JQuery code in a manner that does not become a nightmare to maintain later?
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Apr 19, 2010
I am displaying data in a Webform View..i need to save the webform view as an HTML file ..
this HTML file will be viewed later using internet explorer.
i was not able to save the webfom as... it is grayed out..
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Jan 29, 2011
i want to save data from three textboxes into one cloumn of database. i have there text boxes for phone no field..one for country code, 2nd for area code and third for number..
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Jan 26, 2010
I first create a Dynamic table with textboxes and other controls in the cells. A user then enter data into the controls and I try to save the entered data to an access database. but when A save button is pushed the controls are not found.
I have a basic one cell asp:table on the page called "Table1" and then I append this table by using the Controls.Add(TableBuilder()) function in the Page_Init().
How the code basically works:
Public Function TableBuilder() As Table
dim r = New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow()
Dim c = New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell()
a = New TextBox
a.ID = "Sunday"
TableBuilder = Table1
The table shows up fine but after I press the save button I look for the created control to get the value the user entered it says the control is not there.
SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim txtSunday As TextBox = Master.FindControl("MainContent").FindControl(("Sunday"))
UserEnteredData = txtSunday.text
But if I call TableBuilder() at the start of the function the control is found but the value the user entered is gone.
Dim txtSunday As TextBox = Master.FindControl("MainContent").FindControl(("Sunday"))
UserEnteredData = txtSunday.text
View 4 Replies
Jan 9, 2011
I want to create a site where users can create a very basic profile, with fields like full name, City, Age and Gender, and I want the data for every new member that signs up to go into a simple Table in my sql data base. reason being I want members to be able to view other members info in a table. I am familiar with the "CreateUserWizard", but that only allows me to work with certain predefined info (email, user id, etc). If I just anually add new columns to the table in which user ID and such is saved to, and customize the CreateUserWizard controller to have text boxes for the additional data that I want (i.e. city), will the CreateUserWizard know to save that additional data in the table?
Also, I know I can add fields to the <profile> tag in the web.config files, but I dont know where that gets stored. I want all the info for the user to be stored in one table in a sql data base so that I can easily access it with a quary. I dont see where the profile properties get stored, and how it can be linked to a User ID. by the way I noticed in other posts, there was a mention of a membership provider. I noticed that although I've added some "Login" controlls (i.e. login and CreateUserWizard), no membership provider has been added to my web.config file. Do I need to do this manually? or is there a menu item that adds it for me?
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Jan 18, 2011
I've been using this programming style, that I've seen in an example and just started using it, because it does the job... I would like to know other programmers' opinion about it...
So the situation is when you have a GridView, or a control based on it like the RadGrid, and you want to keep track of a data table while you are adding, editing, reordering and deleting rows.
Using the session to hold the data table (or list of data) may not be the best solution, because the user may open two identical web pages... Using the ViewState to hold the data may be and option... I have been using an approach like the following:
So using a static List variable, of a custom object (class), declared in the code-behind of the Aspx page, and updating it whenever the data is edited.
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Jul 21, 2010
[URL]above url contain a html table.I want to save this table value on XML and also want to save this table value on database MS2008.How to save html table values on database
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May 22, 2010
I have some 50 pages of html which have around 100-plus rows of data in each, with all sort of CSS style, I want to read the html file and just get the data, like Name, Age, Class, Teacher. and store it in Database, but I am not able to read the html tags
space i kept to display it here
<table class="table_100">
<td class="col_1">
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Mar 22, 2011
I'm new to ASP and I was wondering if there is a way to save the source of the web-page into a string variable or a .txt file given a website address using C# or ASP.net with C#.
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Dec 22, 2010
In my application I store a string as content of a html file.
How can I preview this content (assuming that it's modified from original content) in browser but not having to save it local.
Update And the preview to be in another tab or window.
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Mar 16, 2011
how to accomplish saving div+contents/layout to a database and then retrieveing that data to post back.
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Mar 16, 2011
Is there a way to save html content of an aspx page in the pageload part of the cs file and have it loaded again on postback?
Maybe using a streamreader to save it then have the streamreader write the content back in?
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Aug 10, 2010
while saving my aspx page as webpage(.htm)i did not get the values assigned to labels/textbox. i got oly the label. eg: customer name: xxxx
in the saved file(.html) i got oly customer name: and not the values when i store as .html. why?
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Jan 13, 2010
how can i use html to create table(<table></table>) in code behind c#?
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Mar 21, 2011
saving a static HTML page on the client, so that I can then upload it back to the server? I'm building a Gantt style page, then allowing the user to "draw" on it using VML (This will change to SVG once we are off IE6). I need to be able to save the page (including the VML) to temp and then upload it back to the server as a static HTML file.
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