Sending Emails Using C# / Sql Server / And Passing Parameters To Email?
Jan 15, 2010
my company is hosting a reception for current / prospective clients, we have a list of invitees in a SQL database, using the following columns (ID, Name, Email, Company, Response). ID is a UID and Response is Int, others are varchar. by default, Response is '0'i want to generate an email that will invite each user in the database to the reception, and provide a link to pages on our website that will update the Response field to1 (attending) or 2 (not attending).
I need to send an email in but I need sender appears like "MySiteName" without info@[URL] need to send an email in but I need sender appears like "MySiteName" without info@[URL]
i am sending email to the users using smtp client and MailMessage class.
i have been adding the addresses of multiple receivers in the to property of the object of MailMessage class. the problem is that the receiver can see the email addresses of other receipents. is there any way to hide the email addresses of other receipents.
i mean setting some property or something like that. otherwise i will be left with only option to send individual email to the users.
I am developing ecommerce website and i have some page where to send automatic mails , How to assign mail templates with particular module with mail templates , how to use dynamic email templates for sending automatic emails in ?
in my application when client completes its shopping email will goes to user this works fine when there is internet connection is working fine, if there is some problem in internet connection if one mail stops then all the mails will be stopped even now internet works fine,
how to resend the emails using smtp server, is there any option to resend the emails automatically when internet works fine.
I have set a job in sql server 2008 to send reminder emails for product expiration. Now I want a report which will specify the list of the emails sent with the email status details like queued ,sent,delivered, failed.
I can fetch the emails that are sent by querying the like following
select * from sysmail_mailitems SM inner join sysmail_profile SP on SM.Profile_Id = SP.Profile_Id and SP.Name ='ReminderProfile'
The problem is only getting a perfect status of email whether it is delived or failed. How I can get those status ?
We have been experiencing a strange problem with emails being sent from our web server. We send out reminder emails once a month to our customers, it seems that not every one gets these emails. They have checked their spam folders etc and to no avail. Is there anything I can tweak on the server that may be causing certain people not to get the emails.
i have an application i deployed to an hosting provider service. my mailing scripts sends out emails successfully using the smtp server address they gave me. but i recently move the application back to a server on our school LAN, using the same hosting service stmp address, i cant get any mail delivered to the intended reciepents. is it that i need to configure the smtp server on that machine (mayb IIS) & discard the host smtp server address, or i need to install some more mailing programs.
I have an site which includes a "search" page that queries an SQL table, then redirects the user to a "results" page where the results of the query are displayed. The parameters for the query are assembled into a string which is the SELECT statement. I've been asked to add additional functionality that requires a secondary search which takes place on the "results" page. How can I pass the parameters from the "search" page to the "results" page so that I can access those parameters in the code behind? Here's the first page code behind (I inherited most of this from another developer):
And the second page--it would be on line 51 that I would need to insert the parameters from the search above:
I receiving an error when sending email from an page on a hosted server. Below is the code and error;
MailAddress from = new MailAddress(""); MailAddress to = new MailAddress('"); using (MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from,to)) message.Subject = "Something"; message.Body = "Something is the body"; [code]...
Anyone know how to do this? Using my own mail server is easy, but in case there's something wrong with it or it ends up on some blacklist, I would like to use the receiver's mail server. There will only be one to: for each mail (it's a validation function to a sign-up).
I have an online job application program that the user fills out and submits the information to our database and on the last page they give there email address so that we can send them an email that has a link that is associated with the ID that's autogenerated by the sql server database when the user submits the information, when the link is clicked it verifies to the database to keep the information submitted by that user per their autogenerated ID. Below is the code that i've written to send the email I have the link setup to go to yahoo right now but I am not sure how to get this to send the autogenerated link that is associated with the ID that is autogenerated already in my sql server database.
I have a data entry and editing form and in every data entry or update event, I have to send an email to a dynamic list of recipients. I have been sending the email as soon as the user clicks the save or edit buttons but am thinking of first saving the data to the database, and then sending the email later. I want to do this partly to improve the response time of the application as the email sending tends to take a long time than desired.
ng an application that listens on port 25. My application will work as a SMTP server receiving emails. I am aware that I can just enable IIS SMTP feature, but for my current project, I needed to do in this way.If I can send emails to visual studio development server which has a private IP, my debugging will be much easier. Is there a way to send emails to VS development server?
I've got an MVC 2 application running on Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5. The application runs without issues. I added ELMAH to trap unhandled errors, write them to a database and send emails. The ELMAH functionality works without issues on my development machine (XP). However, that same functionality does not work on the server. ELMAH fails silently so I'm at a loss to know why things are not working
I am creating a SSIS package, where I am getting all the data into the excelsheet1, which is not formatted.
So i created a formated excelsheet2, where i am giving reference to excelsheet1 cells reference.
And I am sending email by attaching excelsheet2.
I am having issue when the data is updated, but my email attachment excel is showing old data. When i open the excelsheet1 it is being updated. I don't know why excelsheet2 is not updated automatically. I am using BIDS 2005 .
I have written the following code for sending mail.But i am getting error as failure sending mail.I can send mail when the network host is the code
MailMessage mm = new MailMessage(); mm.From = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Email"].ToString()); mm.To.Add(new MailAddress("")); mm.Subject = Subject; mm.Body = Body;
My code sends email via mail namespace. Basically I generate HTML code which carries an image tag referring to an image on server. It uses absolute path and then the html email is sent to recipients.
Now when they receive emails on gmail and other clients, it wouldnt display images and not that images are broken but it wouldnt get displayed. Gmail is an issue wherein it prompts of non-https message and then display link on top. I know how to get around but my recipients have no clue on this technical things. so they end up not seeing the images.
How can I resolve this issue? How can I ensure that they always receive images irrespective of their internet settings?
I have a .net 3.5 application in c# with sql server 2008 at back end. The application is about assigning jobs to supervisors and then these supervisors have to write remarks about the job progress from time to time. There are two tables ; a JobAssign table with JobOrderNo and Supervisor columns, and a JobUpdate table with jobOrderNo,Date And Remarks(nvarchar) column.
When a supervisor is assinged a job he is sent an email but sometimes the supervisors do not write remarks about a job for some time. i want a stored procedure through which if the remarks of a job are not written for say 5 days an email is sent to the supervisor to do so? in my job update table there are multiple entries for a job so the stored procedure will have to check the Top Remarks Date for each jobOrderNo. then compare it to today date if the difference is difference is 5 days then send email. i have read posts on sending email through job scheduler but i'm new to stored procedure so have no idea how to write such.
Here is my situation and hopefully someone could guide me in the right direction.I have a shared or static class in my website (App_Code folder) which has static methods to send emails asychronoulsy. So whenever there is an exception in any of my pages or classes I call these methods to send an email to support asynchronously. Now when there is an exception in a page, to route that exception asynchronously I need to have Async = "true" for that page. I have more than 50 pages and I don't want to set Async= "true" on every page as I read that it affects performance.So I was wondering if there is any way I could send emails asynchronously without having to set async = "true" on every page.
I'm having an issue sending large volumes of emails out from an ASP.Net application. I won't post the code, but instead explain what's going on. The code should send emails to 4000 recipients but seems to stall at 385/387.
The code creates the content for the email in a string.
It then selects a list of email address to send to.
Looping through the data via a datareader it picks out the email address and sends an email.
The email sending is done by a separate method which can handle failures and returns it's outcome.
As each record is sent I produce an XML node in an XML document to log each specific attempt to send.
The loop seems to end prematurely and the XML document is saved to disk.
Now I know the code works. I have run it locally using the same SMTP machine and it worked fine with 500 records. Granted there was less content, but I can't see how that would make any difference.
I don't think the page itself times out, but even if it did, I was sure .Net would continue processing the page, even if the user saw a page time out error.