C# - Set Up Silent Authentication Using LDAP / AD

Apr 15, 2010

We're using a CMS product called Immediacy, which claims it can handle silent authentication using LDAP / AD but just can't get the thing to work.

point me to a good article or post that lays out the steps to do the above (assuming it's achievable)?

Basically, we need to secure pages on our intranet, and, as our firm is full of 'very important people' who 'don't have time to log in' this is an almost essential requirement.

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Silent Windows Authentication - Intranet Zone

Jun 28, 2010

Do any of you guys have experience using Active Directory and the Intranet Zone to silent authentication with a local web site? I've done it in the past with 1.1 and 2.0 .NET, but this 3.5 site I have written doesn't seem to be working for some reason.In the past, how I have done it is:

In web.config, set:

<authentication mode="Windows"/>

In IIS 6, under directory security, check Integrated Windows authentication and Digets authentication for Windows domain servers, and set the realm to my domain, and uncheck Enable Anonymous access.The I add the Host Header for the site to the corporate Intranet Zone in Internet Explorer under trusted sites using Active Directory.And that's basically it. I've done it on plenty of intranet sites before, but with this 3.5 application I am still being propped to login. Anybody see any steps I missed?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Authenticate Local User Using Ldap Or Non Domain Authentication?

Aug 11, 2010

I created one application, and I need to authenticate local user. This user is the user who is login to his/her Personal Computer.. Main thing his that he/she does not in any DOMAIN... I want NON-DOMAIN authentication.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Ldap User Authentication Using UserDN And Password?

Aug 13, 2010

Is it possible to authenticate a user using userDN and password? If so, then tell me the syntax.So far i have tried to authenticate using username and password from my c# code using directoryentry which takes the parameters like domainname,username and password. But i need to authenticate using Userdn and password.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: LDAP - Directory Entry Issue With Out User And Password Using Impersonate And Windows Authentication?

Feb 8, 2010

LDAP - directory entry issue with out user and password using impersonate and windows authentication

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Error "Invalid Dn Syntax Specified" When Try To Use Authentication Form With LDAP

Mar 16, 2010

I tried to use Authentication form with LDAP but when I run my web application I received error: Invalid dn syntax specified. This is my code:

public bool IsAuthenticated(string domain, string username, string password)
// string domainAndUsername = domain + @"" + username;
string domainAndUsername = "http://localhost:389
// DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(_path, domainAndUsername, password);// _path = LDAP://localhost:389/dc=example,dc=com
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://localhost:389",domainAndUsername,"rJsmitH");
Object obj = entry.NativeObject;
DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
search.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + username + ")";

SearchResult result = search.FindOne();

if(null == result)
return false;
_path = result.Path;
_filterAttribute = (String)result.Properties["cn"][0];
catch (System.Exception ex)
throw new Exception("Error authenticating user. " + ex.Message);
return true;

I got exception at line Object obj = entry.NativeObject; and error message is: Invalid dn syntax specified. how can i take a right dn syntax? I tried some domain name such as: LDAP://localhost:389, [URL], ... but I still get this error

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Login Authentication Using LDAP?

Mar 18, 2010

I want to authenticate of my user to domain account using LDAP in c# (ASP.Net)

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LDAP Authentication For Website

Jan 2, 2013

I plan on using LDAP for authenication on my website and was wondering if this older article was still a good direction to go? [URL] .... I am using Visual Studio 2012 and just didnt know if there was a more "up to date" means.

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LDAP Authentication From .NET Using Proxy User?

Feb 3, 2010

We want to use a "proxy user" to connect to an LDAP server (Active Directory, Novell, or otherwise) and then make sure that the user trying to log into the application has typed in an acceptable user name and password. I have got the code for connecting to LDAP just fine, but I'm at a loss as to how to check the user name and password. Can you do this through an LDAP query?

Here's the guts of my code so far:

Public Function Authenticate(ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Password As String)
Dim LDAPServer As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LDAPServer")
Dim proxyUsername As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LDAPProxyUser")
Dim proxyPassword As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LDAPProxyPassword")
Dim entry As DirectoryEntry
entry = New DirectoryEntry(LDAPServer, proxyUsername, proxyPassword)
'This performs the LDAP authentication'
Dim obj As Object = entry.NativeObject
Dim search As New DirectorySearcher(entry)
search.Filter = String.Format("(SAMAccountName={0})", UserName)

'How do I check the password now?'

Dim result As SearchResult = search.FindOne()

If result Is Nothing Then Throw New Exception("Unable to find SAMAccountName")

View 2 Replies

Security :: LDAP The Authentication Mechanism Is Unknown?

Mar 4, 2010

I am working on Web application which get the authentication details from the Active direcoty using LDAP

when I am using the function DirectorySearcher.FindOne() it gives this error message (The authentication mechanism is unknown), and I relized that I should put this line in the web.config file ( <identity impersonate="false"/> ), then this problem will be solved.

but at the same time I should put true value to the same attribute to get the correct result when I am calling this function


otherwise the returened value will be (NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE) not the authenticated user name.

View 4 Replies

Security :: LDAP Authentication Using Service Account?

Aug 14, 2010

I am looking for a code which does authentication using service account username and password. I mean username and password which has permission to access the active directory and then authenticate the actual username and password provided by end-user. Googled everywhere but could not find any suitable code.

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C# - Forms Authentication Against Active Directory - LDAP Protocol

Jan 27, 2011

I need to create a web page that authenticates users against an existing active directory. The domain is actually a cloud computing configuration where there is a domain controller and multiple other servers on the stack.

I understand that objects from the System.DirectoryServices namespace can be used. However, I cant seem to path the code to the active directory through the LDAP://domain.com address. There doesnt seem to be any communication going on. I suspect there is some initial configuration necessary or security measures blocking the communication.

I am working with this example from MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms180890(v=vs.80).aspx.

I get an error that says the server is not operational.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Authentication Using A AD Security Group

May 5, 2010

I am trying to restrict access to the webpage using a security group. find the code in the web.config file:

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider" />
<allow roles="enterprisenet.orgNMR Helpdesk Supt" />

Code in the code behind file of the aspx file i am trying to access:

if (User.IsInRole(@"enterprisenet.orgNMR Helpdesk Supt"))

Group is located in enterprisenet.org/Groups/NMR Helpdesk Supt . Its not working as expected.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: AD Authentication Using Forms - Dealing With Roles

Mar 2, 2010

I am not really sure if this post should go in the Security section or the Active Directory / LDAP section....with that being said I am looking for advice on how to best accomplish my goal(s), I am working with FORMS authentication, using active directory (across 2 domains). I have got authenticating working correctly based upon the article at: [URL] now - my questions:

1. What is the best way to deal with roles? What I would like to do is restrict access to my application so that only the users that are authorized to use the application can login - not everyone in the AD. My gut feeling tells me I would use an AD group for this. Furthermore, a subset of these users in this group will be allowed to access the data maintenance forms

2. Ideally, in a perfect world, I would like to write this authentication piece as a separate project - this way it could be used for multiple projects - the only thing different would be the AD groups it would be checking. Is there a way that I could set which AD groups or roles in each projects web.config?

Am I approaching this the correct way? What is typically done?

View 7 Replies

Shell Execution In Silent Mode

Jul 8, 2010

script for Visual fox pro about shell execution in silent mode. I don't want to display the output of the running application in windows screen. I just trying to run the ".exe" file w/o viewing on screen.

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Configuration :: How To Integrate Silent Post Url

Nov 18, 2010

i am integrating the Authorize.Net ARB method for recurring payments and got the subscription id...

also know that the silent post url doesnt work on test server...but how to integrate it so that it works on the live server.

there is no proper documentation for silent post url.....

neither there is way to insert the silent url in authorize.net test account..

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Security :: Running Application Under The Security Context Of The Logged In User (LDAP Authentication)

Mar 17, 2011

We are using membership provider for LDAP authentication. It is working as it should.

But what all configuration settings I have to do so that
all the future requests to this application run under the security context of the Logged in user account not through the some default user set in IIS.

We need to have this working because all the permissions on the database are based on the logged in user.

We are using form authentication for LDAP authentication. And having impersonation = true in web.config.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: LDAP Query Does Not Work When Application Hosted On IIS 6.0?

Jul 2, 2010

I have developed a web application which has LDAP authentication implemented.When I run the application though visual studio it works fine , LDAP works perfectly and allows if login name and password are correct.

If the same application is hosted on IIS server 6.0, LDAP queries fail to work. What could be the reason for the same ?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: LDAP Authenticate AD Fail On IIS (SSL), But Successful In VS2008?

Mar 31, 2011

I am a newbie on a LDAP, now we want to re-deploy a web application that will validate user name and password with AD in a login.aspx

I had success to check the user and password in VS 2008, but when I publish to server it don't work, (they can login even wrong username and password) I had enable the anonymous access and intergrated windows authentication on IIS. we using authentication mode = windows in our web.config

using something like the following to check the AD account

System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry entry = null;
bool isOpened = false;
bool isSuccess = false;
string dom = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["domain"];
entry =
new System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + dom, tb_username.Text.Trim(), tb_password.Text.Trim());
isOpened = true;
Object obj = entry.NativeObject;

but still no luck on IIS server. Would you mind to give me a hand to solve this issue, I had google for a week and still can't solve :(

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Modification To Ldap String To Include Groups From OU?

Jul 21, 2010

I am using the following LDAP string:


is it possible to modify this string to also include security groups that are located within a particular OU?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Getting Users List Reporting To Manager From LDAP?

Aug 12, 2010

I need to get list of users reporting to a particular manager from the Active directory. In the active directory there is manager property with contains the data in the following way.



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Active Directory/LDAP :: Using LDAP - How To Display The Details Of All The Users In Application

Apr 14, 2010

I am following [URL] link to authenticate users against "actives directories" and i could successfully login using this method. how exactly can i get details of all the users displayed in my web site application when i am logged in as Administrator. I want to display user details when the user i.e.,Administrator clicks on link say "User Details"

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Valid Link For Downloding Ldap C# Libraries?

Jul 8, 2010

tell me valid link for downloding ldap c# libraries ...?

I am trying to download it but it needs long time to respond.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Store A User Certificate In Novell Through LDAP (encoding Problem)?

Jan 8, 2010

I want to store a X509 certificate to a user store in Novell viathe ".NET C# LDAP Library" that Novell has developed [URL]I can store different entries like givenName, commonName, mail, description etc. etc. Everythings works fine :)But I can't store a certificate correctly because the final encoding of the certificate will be failed.I've tried to send the entire certificate as HEX and Base64 in strings and bytes but the final encoding will still be failed.


So my question is:Anyone who knows how I should encode the certificate before sending it?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Is Still Used Or Obselete, Equivalent/alternate, Setup A Small Test LDAP Server?

Feb 8, 2011

I am new to LDAP so it is a bit confusing for me. I am converting a Legacy application from ASP to ASP.Net. That application is using LDAP so i have to find an alternative/equivalent of this.

My questions are:

1- LDAP is still used or obselete?

2- Equivalent/alternate of this?

3- How it is different from?

4- How can i setup a small test LDAP server if i have to test it locally ?

5- Any examples/source code/tutorials?

I have googled it and i know the basic concept of LDAP but i was unable to get the proper answer for all of the above.

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