C# - Silverlight Ria Domain Service Not Being Called While Making?
Sep 2, 2010
Im using silverlight ria services and trying to called a domain service method. the domain service class signature goes like this public class UserDomainService : DomainService and I have a simple operation to return data
public IQueryable GetUsers()
return userService.GetAll()
this compiles fine an a silverlight proxy is generated on the silverlight client side. how ever when makeing calls from silverlight eg
LoadOperation op = UserDomainContext.Load(UserDomainContext.GetUsers(),UserLoadedCallback,null);
int i = op.Entities.Count();
it is always 0, the domain servcice method is never hit when i put a breakpoint.
Im using silverlight ria services and trying to called a domain service methodthe domain service class signature goes like this public class UserDomainService : DomainServiceand I have a simple operation to return data
public IQueryable GetUsers() { return userService.GetAll() ).AsQueryable(); } [code]...
I have built a WCF Service that is being consumed by a Silverlight app. At first I created one method that was very simple:
public String SfTest() { return "SF Test"; }
No poblem. My silverlight app references my service and displays "SF Test" in a textbox. Now I add a method to my wcf service like this:
public List<String> GetTest() { List<String> list = new List<string>(); String a = "a"; list.Add(a); String b = "b"; list.Add(b); return list; }
I update the reference to the service in my Silverlight app and the using statement in my xaml cs page throws an error like the service doesn't even exist although it is there. I am assuming the problem has to do with datatypes or serialization or something like that but it is driving me up the wall. Why can't I consume a simple generic list in my Silverlight app through the WCF service.
Is it possible to run a web service as a particular user/service account in the same way a Windows service can?I have a service account used for connecting to the DB and want to run the webservice under this account as the users using the webservice won't have DB access.The way I see to do it is to include the Impersonate option in the Web.config file, but is there any better way to do this?
I'm pretty new to Silverlight/RIA/Asp.Net thing, and I'm trying to figure if an Asp.Net website is required (for hosting the app) if I wish to use RIA services with Silverlight?
We inherited some code that makes use of a web service on an external server from a third party. Currently all the references are done in the project directly and thus compiled to that location and such. This issue we have is that there is a test and production server for the web service with different URLs.
Is there a simple means to make the web reference more dynamic so that it can be defined in a web.config and not require changing the actual source and recompiling to switch between servers?
I built a web service that I now want to make available for consumption from other projects on the local as well as remote servers. When I 'Add Web Reference' in a new project and select 'Web Services on the local Machine', my newly designed web service is not showing in the list.
I am new to Silverlight. In Silverlight, we can get data from server using ASP.Net (using WebClient and HTTPWebRequest classes in Silverlight) and using WCF Service.
Assuming that I do not need the cross domain capability, what is a good option in terms of Security and ease of development?
I am developing web application and in application i need to make call of jQuery using .ajax(); method with datatype is set jsonp. Now all works well with limited data but problem start to occur when data size is increasing......
I am trying to call a service from a silverlight application, but I am getting the following error.
Uncaught Error: Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check InnerException for exception details.
This works fine locally. I don't know if it make any sense, but locally if I add the url of the webservice on a browser, I am getting the details page of the service. In the other hand, on production server, it prompts me to download it.
public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); Loaded += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(MainPage_Loaded); }
I have a Silverlight control that is hosted within an ASP.NET application. The Silverlight control has a web service reference. The URL of this service is going to vary when we install the application for our customers. I need a way to be able to change this web service reference URL from within the web.config of the ASP.NET application. How can I do this?
I had writen a simple web serive in othe domain and i want to use the web service in my web page (aspx), When i want to use the web service, I encounter with problem : " The test form is only available for requests from the local machine". why when i set the path of the web service in other domain, i encounter this problem. How can i solve this problem?I write the following code in my web page to use the web service:
I'm trying to insert a new EF object containing a reference to a related table via foreign key, and cannot get the reference stored in the new object. I have two tables in a SQL Server 2008 Database:
Component Templates PartGroups
with a Foreign Key linking them thus: ComponentTemplates:ID [0..1<->*] PartGroups:ComponentTemplateID
I have imported these tables into a .NET web application project .edmx file (using a new ADO.NET Entity Data Model), and then created a Data Service which I then reference in a Silverlight 3.0 project. The objects are available as expected in the data context called by my Silverlight app and load correctly. Now, when I try to save a reference of ComponentTemplate into a newly created PartGroup, the PartGroup object is created in the database, but the value of ComponentTemplateID in the newly created table record is NULL.
(Note that _ctCtrl.ComponentTemplate is a confirmed non-NULL object reference to the parent object on which PartGroup is a child)
I wont to restrict my web service only for few domains.
I wont to have access to web service from using ajax and my page, and I don't want that anybody can create client to my WebService and view my web service methods.
I'm using Entity data model to reflect my database and I generate Domain service from my Entity data model.I understand that if I have changes in my database, I can just choose "Update Model from Database", but there is no "Update Domain service from Model" option available.How should maintain my domain service? I'm not going to delete away it and regenerate it whenever there are some changes, right?
I have an Asp.net 3.5 xml web service that I created using the file new website within Visual Studio 2008. I can install and run the web service on a remote server using a web setup project after adding the necessary entries to the web.config file. The problem currently is that the xml web service needs to be configured to use a domain name and not a server name. My coworker has not been able to configure the virtual directory to use a domain name and work successfully. The web service returns a site under construction error.
I have an ASPX page which hosts a Custom Control. That custom control needs to call an ASMX web service. I would use a PageMethod, if the fact that I'm calling from within a Custom Control didn't preclude that. I'm looking for some guidance on the most effective way to try and lock down the ASMX call such that it will only succeed for my users calling it from my ASPX page - and not for anyone trying to call it from elsewhere. I've seen various ideas around session variables and so on.
My feeling says it's not posible but anyway I am curious if there is at least a workaround for accomplish this.Basically I am working at my client site and my machine is not connected to the domain.What I want to do is running a web application locally under a domain account, and using the webdev server.The webapp uses the default authentication, windows authentication that is.I tried using impersonation with domainuser & password but I got the following error Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.I have to mention that the username and the password are correct.
We have a ASP.NET site that partially depends on forms authentication for login credentials, however the implementation of IPrincipal is completely custom.
But, when running the site on a particular server (which is somewhat semi-hardened when it comes to security), the app crashes when invoking IPrincipal.IsInRole() with the following messsage:
System.SystemException: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.
This indicates a communication error between the web-server and the DC, however since our application doesn't at all utilizes Windows authentication, I don't see why it needs to communicate with the DC.
This is my implementation:
I was finally enable to reproduce this error on my dev-machine (i revoked my machine from the DC yesterday, but didn't reproduce it until today)
HttpContext.User is actually a WindowsPrincipal by default it seems, and the error in my code was that I only replace it with CustomPrincipal upon login. Hence, unathenticated users still get the WindowsPrincipal which then fails horribly if you have trust issues on your AD.
I tried changing the default principal by invoking this on appstart
Im returning the username from sharepoint site as a string. This is done successfully with the below code but I also get the domain with it. How can I only return the username and not the domain either through sharepoint or programmatically removing it? domain/username