C# - System.net.mail Email Are Landing In Spam / Junk?

Mar 10, 2011

I am sending Email from SMTP server and all my Emails are landed in Junk in Hotmail ,Live and Yahoo. I am not using any Spam like content and following all the guildline to send Emails.

I check on mail to identify the Issues and found quite a few issues below

1) HELO Greeting Check

Description: Email Server HELO is . HELO greeting does not contain a valid domain. We would recommend to have a valid domain in HELO greeting. Ideally HELO greeting should be the same as Email server host name (in FQDN format).

2) BATV (Bounce Address Tag Validation) Check

Description: Email server is not using BATV format while sending out emails. BATV is recommended to ensure that your users do not become a victim of bounce floods.

3) DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) Check

Description: Email does not contain any DKIM/Domain Keys Signature and the published Domain Keys policy rejects such unsigned emails. Therefore it is very likely that your emails are considered SPAM by Email servers verifying Domain keys. Signing your Outbound emails as per your Domain Keys policy will minimize chances of your Email being considered as SPAM.

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Similar Messages:

SMTP Mail Goes To Junk Folder?

Oct 12, 2010

I am sending mails thru SMTP server. If i use HTML body, then email is going to JUNK folder. If plain Text, then email going to Inbox. But I need to use HTML in body, without going email to JUNK. Any ideas?

I am sending this email from valid email address. i.e noreply@abc.com. abc is our company name. All other emails, which I get from this email address goes to Inbox only. But when i try to send mail it is going to JUNK, if body is HTML.

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C# - Email Formatting Using System.Net.Mail Smtpclient?

Feb 24, 2011

How do I format the body of the email so it doesn't look so old school :) I've tried sending html through it, but it just comes out as html in the body of the email.

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Email Attachment Not Sending With System.web.mail

Nov 5, 2010

I have the following code in a function to send an email out


Calendarstream(pageID) returns the following filepath as a string

The value of attachment is the the filepath being returned however the attachment is not sending. The emails sends without the attachment.

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Email Integration In Website / Want An Option So That The User Can Also Set 'From Address' And The Email Should Be ANTI-SPAM Compliant?

Jun 29, 2010

I am building an email feature in my website (jobs site). By using this functionality, recruiters will be able to send emails to candidates. I want an option so that the user can also set 'From Address' and the email should be ANTI-SPAM compliant.

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Web Forms :: Embedding Hyperlink In Email Using System.Net.Mail?

Sep 25, 2010

My goal is to embed a link in the email.

Purpose is that the user needs to click the link in his email to activate the account.

But my emailbody with the link is just shown as plain-Non clickabel text.

the body text looks like:

string mailBody = "please click the following link to activate your account:<br>




How do i embed this link in the receivers email as hyperlink instead of plain nonclickable text?

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Inserting A Table In HTML Email With System.Net.Mail?

Jan 30, 2011

I am having trouble putting all of the pieces together.

Can anyone give me an example of code to use with ASP.Net 3.5 that will send an HTML email using a Table in the Body? Or as the Body?

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Security :: Email Encryption Using System.Net.Mail Assembly?

Sep 7, 2010

Has anyone used the above assemblies to send emails using public key enryption, specifically PGP?

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C# - Aspx Send Mail As Spam?

Oct 10, 2010



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Sending Email Using System.Net.Mail Only Works To Internal Addresses

Feb 1, 2010

I created a web form to send emails and using a class to perform the task. The process works well for all internal email addresses but will not deliver to external email addresses. I am not sure if I missed something in the code to send to external address.


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Web Forms :: Sending Bulk Templated Using Email System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient?

Jul 21, 2010

Dear sir all i want to know is that is this that best way to send mail to listof users provided that i need to had my custom html template as well.


And this is how i call this function to send multiple mail


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Web Forms :: Using System.Net.Mail To Send Email To Gmail Account From Outlook Web Server

Jul 15, 2010

I am trying to send an email from our web server to a gmail account via System.Net.Mail but am failing miserably receiving this error message:

Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was:

that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1) Using this code I am able to send emails to other email addresses on our Outlook email server:


So I know I am capable of sending email to Gmail with port 587 and using the proper credentials of my own Gmail account. That is not the problem.

The problem is I want to be able to have the mail sent from my application from whatever the user puts in the FROM (Email address): text box to a Gmail account. When I use the above code, the address that the email is sent from is my own.

So the question is: Is there any way to configure this to be able to send from an Outlook email server to a Gmail account without having to use my Gmail account to actually do it (using my credientials). Therefore showing the email as sent from whatever the user puts in the txtEmail text box, and having it sent from the Outlook server?

I know my SMTP uses the port 25 for outgoing mail and I am pretty sure that the Gmail settings block port 25 for incoming mail, which makes sense, but what doesnt make sense is I can compose a message in Outlook and send it to a gmail account, but I cannot automate this through my programming, which makes me feel certain its my programming.

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System.Text.Ecoding.UTF8.GetString Is Returning Junk - How To Fix It

Aug 10, 2010

I have a Response filter setup to transform the html before spitting back out to the browser [URL]. This works fine on everyones machine but mine. Actually it was working on my machine until I had to do a hard reset because it locked up.

public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
string strBuffer = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, offset, count);

For everyone else (and mine previosly) strBuffer contains HTML. Now for whatever reason it's returning junk characters for me.


Turns out that "Enable dynamic content compression" is causing the issue. For some reason it's getting gzipped before being passed into the filter.


Setting the "dynamicCompressionBeforeCache" to false in the web.config fixed the issue.
<urlCompression doStaticCompression="true" doDynamicCompression="true" dynamicCompressionBeforeCache="false" />

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C# - Email Messages Going To Spam Folder?

Feb 18, 2011

I have created a community portal, in which user creates his/her account. After successfull registration a confirmation mail is send on registered email address.

I am using the following code to send the mail -


While testing we found that all the confirmation mails are going to SPAM folder instead of Inbox.

Is there anything wrong with the code or is there anything related to security.

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.net - Gmail Is Filtering Web App's Email As Spam?

Jan 30, 2011

We have a business web application that periodically sends emails as reminders, links to client data, etc. Our company uses Google Apps for our email provider (with our own domain name), and the web application sends email through Google with SMTP.

The problem is that Google Apps / Gmail keeps marking the messages as spam, even for the inboxes in our domain name. No other email provider seems to mark it as spam (but of course we haven't tested them all...).

We've tried various formulations of the body test: i.e. including more contextual information, addressing the recipient by name, but so far with no apparent changes. This makes me thing it may be something about our email sending process, rather than the content of the email, that's causing the emails to be marked as spam.

Things that we tried but that didn't solve the problem:

"From" address is valid and not spoofed SPF records are correct, and show as "pass" in the email header Since we are connecting to Google's SMTP server to send email, it's not an issue with a blacklisted IP address (however, our website has a static IP address that is not blacklisted). Email is not very spammy: I've checked against several online spam filter tests, and the email body always shows up as extremely unlikely to be filtered. HTML body vs plain-text body seems to make no difference. We send a small volume of email: probably 0-10 emails per day, so I don't see how that would make this suspicious. Whenever we have access to the receiving inbox (i.e. it belongs to an employee of our company), we've been marking the emails as "not spam", since Gmail may be using communal statistics to determine spam. After a couple times this results in emails to that particular inbox getting through, but doesn't seem to help other accounts.

What else can we try?

If it makes a difference, we're sending emails using an ASP.NET site running .NET 3.5. A typical email gets sent like this:

var message = new MailMessage(new MailAddress(from), new MailAddress(to)) {
Subject = subject,
Body = body
IsBodyHtml = true
// SMTP details stored in web.config
new SmtpClient { EnableSsl = true }.SendAsync(message, null);

EDIT: I've seen this similar question: How to stop Gmail from marking mails sent by my web app as spam?, but the situation is a little different since we can reproduce it by sending and receiving from the same Google Apps domain. Besides, I believe I have covered all of the proposed solutions for that question.

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VS 2010 - Email With Link Gets Caught As Spam

Jun 22, 2012

I'm sending emails inviting contacts to login to setup an account on a customers website. I'm using SMTP from web methods in code behind... These emails have clickable links that make them get caught as spam.

<html><body>Please use this link <a href="http://xxx.yyy.zz.aa/asdfasdf.aspx?invite=' + CAST(@guid as varchar(100)) + '">Click Here</a> to create an account.</body></html>

How can I avoid this?

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Security :: Add Email Link While Preventing Spam Robots?

Jan 21, 2010

<asp:HyperLink id="HyperLink1" runat="server" Text="Email" NavigateUrl="mailto:example@mydomain.com" />

This is how I added an email link on my page, but does .net have any built in tool for preventing Robots from finding this address? What is a good way to present an email link that wont be detected by spam robots?

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Web Forms :: Registration Email Lands In Spam Folder Of Gmail

Jul 24, 2013

I am developing one web application in this,i am sending mail after registration uing c# in mvc but for gmails its going to spam folder how to send this to inbox?

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Web Forms :: Difference Between System.Web.Mail And System.Net.Mail?

May 27, 2010

what is diff between System.Web.Mail and System.Net.Mail.....

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Website Email Goes In Spam Or Image Doesn't Show Up In People Mailboxes?

Mar 31, 2010

I send newsletter to all the members of my website, usually i just create simple newsletter with text and hyperlinks

So my times i tried adding images to it but whenever i add images in the newsletter e-mail, the users who are using different mailboxes, either my mail goes in their SPAM folder or if my mail goes in their INBOX then image doesn't show up, it shows a blank space

what's the issue ? what's causing the issue ? code ? or Exchange server on which my website mailbox is for sending e-mail ?

How to solve this issue ?

Almost everyday we recieve newsletters from many websites/companies (there newsletter includes images, colors full templates etc) and still we receive in our inbox and all the images are visible. how ?

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Using System.Web.Mail And System.Net.Mail - Error "MailMessage Is Ambiguous"

Dec 29, 2010

We have a website which we have re-designed and coded to work using System.Net.Mail but other parts of our website use System.Web.Mail We have specified the namespaces to be used in our web.config file but as we are specifying both System.Net.Mail and System.Web.Mail and they both use MailMessage it throws an error 'MailMessage' is ambiguous, imported from the namespaces or types 'System.Web.Mail, System.Net.Mail'. Is there anyway to avoid this error and still use both namespaces?

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Sending Mail Message To Multiple Addresses Using System.Net.Mail

Sep 15, 2010

VWD 2008 Express. Visual Basic. I use the following routine (XXXXX have replaced sensitive data) to try to send an email message to mutiple email addresses. It only sends to the first email address in the comma-delimited list. How can I send the message to multiple email addresses?

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Web Forms :: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure Sending Mail

Sep 17, 2010

'System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed. at System.Net.Mail.SmtpReplyReaderFactory.ProcessRead(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 read, Boolean readLine) at............................

getting the above error when sending mail from asp.net 2.0

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Email - How To Send Mail From Google / Yahoo Or Other Mail Domains?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a "Contact Us" page where in users will give in their email id and a query and on submitting the form, web admin would receive that email.

If I configure their email id to "from" MailAddress and send the mail, it will fail to do so if the ID is from popular mail domains like gmail or hotmail but would work with other unpopular or non existent domains like me@abcxyzmail.om without any credentials provided!

It worked with gmail after I configured SMTP and network credentials properly. The aim is to let the admin of my website who receives the email be able to hit the reply button in his mail client and see the "to" field populated with the "from" field filled in "contact us" page. Is there any proper way to do this or a tip or trick to accomplish it.


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Mail Stopped Sending With System.net.mail?

Jun 16, 2010

I've built several websites on my local machine and have successfully tested sending mail from within the application, but suddenly the mail won't go anywhere! I have a try-catch routine, and I'm getting the message that the mail has been sent successfully but it's not going anywhere. This is the code that I've used in a test page - the html page has a button and a textbox and nothing else. I've imported the system.net.mail namespace.


I'm getting the 'Email Successfully Sent' Message but I'm not receiving the email. I don't think I've changed any settings to stop the emails from going.

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