C# - Undo Records Modified Using Gridview If User Clicks Cancel?
Apr 4, 2011
I've got a user modification page, that displays a list of reports a user has access to using a GridView object.
What I want to do is, if someone makes a bunch of changes to a users page, but then clicks cancel, all changes that are made will be undone. My main issue here is the GridView, which has add/delete/modify buttons, tied to a separate table.
So if I open my own page, add a new report to the gridview, then hit cancel, I don't want that report to be saved to my account.. Likewise, if I delete a record, and then hit cancel, the record is not deleted.
I have a webpage that allows a user to download a specified file. When the file is ready to be fully downloaded (i.e I call the HttpResponse.End or HTTPRepone.Flush) the user is presented with a File Download dialogue.
Is there any way to determine what option the user has selected?
Have they Opened, Saved or Cancelled the File Download once the Flush or End has been sent?
I am trying to trigger a update planel when a user clicks on an button on a GridView. Once the button is pressed the id of the record gathered and then more information will be gathered and sent to lbl.Text in updatePanel1.
I'm trying to populate a gridview after the user clicks a button. In the button_click event handler I'm fetching the info I want to display on the grid. this is the code I'm using to do it...
i am populating a grid view from one table, if any changes made in the particular table the particular modified cell should be highlighted... how can i do this.. ?
I want to display a confirm/ save message to user when he clicks the this works great. But instead of "are you sure you want to move" type option, I want to give the user the option to save changes now. So I want to call a sub in code behind which saves changes. This sub is currently fired by a seperate "Update" button. So either call the sub or fire a button click event.
Protected Sub gvMyGrid_RowCreated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvMyGrid.RowCreated If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.Pager Then Dim pager As Table = TryCast(TryCast(e.Row.Controls(0), TableCell).Controls(0), Table) [code]...
i am trying to do is set my page up so that when a user clicks on a row in the gridview a hidden checkbox is unchecked... i am new to asp.net but never thought something as simple like this could be so difficult to work out... i've been on it for around 5 weeks now, i started this on my first day of the website, and have actually designed and written the entire site while still trying to work this out... i first did this on the selectedindexchanged event:
Dim cbox As CheckBox = CType(GridView1.Rows(GridView1.SelectedIndex).FindControl("CheckBox1"), CheckBox)
If cbox IsNot Nothing Then
If cbox.Checked = True Then[code]....
problem is the above code throws up errors...! once i take out the where clause it unchecks every checkbox and writes it back... is there a way i can say just uncheck the selectedrow checkbox and update that one row???
i'll admit there are better ways of doing this, and i'm sure the above code is a little messy,
I have a few gridviews on my page. Each gridview row click drives another grid. I need to keep the gridview rows highlighted as the user clicks through the grids. So it is eazy to figure out which rows are being selected on each grid. How can I do this.
I am looking to enable/disable controls (TextBox, DropDownList, etc.) in a GridViews template column based on the users specific access level when the user clicks the edit button. I have tried the following two methods:
The code has two ListBoxes in fact, one a "source" and the other a "destination". As you can tell above the ListBoxes are MyList_lstAll and MyList_lstSelected. These are rendered in the browser as <select> elements, as you'd expect.
The jQuery is working great, the items are moving from one ListBox to the other, the DOM is updated but when I submit this form (not using jQuery), the ListBoxes don't reflect this change on postback.
I realize my modifications via jQuery aren't available in ViewState but I thought since the DOM was updated these changes would be part of the postback data? But in the codebehind after postback the ListBox contents haven't changed. Does anyone know what might be going on and what I can do about it?
I am using an instance of DirectoryInfo to browse and retrive the files and some file attributes on a physical directory. This is displayed in a html table. But if you have for example text files (.txt) or word dokuments (.docx) How can I display the correct icon that is associated with the file in my html table? And further on how can I reach the user who modified the file the last time? Where is that info saved?
Is the DirectoryInfo the object I should use for this purpose? or are there other objects or functions that I should looking at?
We are using membership and roles.. is there anyway to setup a user that cannot be deleted? We need to setup a default admin account and dont want it displayed in list of user to modify, or if it has to be displayed, it cant be deleted or edited thru the pages that is, if they need to, they can do it thru the website admin section to manage it.
I am using a LINQ to SQL data source for a ListView and perform a validation check in the Listview ItemUpdating event:
This works great and keeps the user from updating the record with invalid data.However, when I hit cancel after this operation, it saves the text in the box rather than cancelling the operation. Here's my code for the update button:
Update Function:
I do not handle the cancel button event, as the cancel operation has worked fine... unless someone enters incorrect information and e.Cancel is set to true.What am I doing wrong? Is it the mixture of using the LINQ Datasource and doing my own updating?
I have a text box that I am reading mulitple employee names into. If the user enters a name that does not belong to an employee I want to cancel the item_updating function. Here is my code:
Dim RECIPIENTS() As String RECIPIENTS = RLIST.Split(";") Dim NAME As String [code]...
I have a bunch of textboxes on my page, I want the page to have an autoscroll , when the user clicks on tab, to move through the textboxes one after the other.
I need to remove a querystring when a user clicks a particular LinkButton. So for example if the querystring is [URL] when the user clicks on the Linkbutton, I want the url to be [URL]. The issue is that everything is on one page, and I am using asp:panel to show and hide different areas of the webpage.
i want to delete a record in jqgrid. for this i have the image and when the user clicks on this the record is getting deleted.but i want to show the confirm box and when true then only the record should get deleted. so any one can tell how to call javascript in jqgrid. my jqgrid is
I want to disable a button when ever user clicks on that. My button present inside the Updatepanel control AJAXI tried with the OnClientClick="javascript:$get(btnUpdate).disabled=true;" button is disabling but that is not calling btnUpdate_Click() server side logic. Please suggest me how to do this.I need to disable button when ever user clicks first time and I need also btnUpdate_Click() logic please adavice me.
UpdateProgress has a div which shows "Loading...". Works fine on development server.
On client server, when the UpdatePanel fires, it shows "Loading...", but then seems to "freeze". IE status bar shows "(1 item remaining)"
If the user clicks anywhere in the screen, or types a letter, or otherwise gives some input, THEN the "Loading..." clears, and the new text of the screen shows up.
I have a requirement like need to display 5000+ records in gridview. So, I created scrollable div with gridview init and displaying 200 records per page. The website is running very slow because eveytime when user click on paging, it retrieving all the records from the database. I need to increase the website performance. I heard about a concept Girdview lazy loading but i don't know how to implement. I am looking for a solution like records should display in gridview when ever user scroll the bar down. How to do the gridview lazy loading.