C# - Validation In Imagebutton, Button Not Occuring?

Mar 17, 2011

In my project, validation is not occurring at button_click and imagebutton_click. Why could it be so? I also gave same validation group to all validators and button and also CAUSEVALIDATION "true" in button

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Web Forms :: Stop Postback After Imagebutton Click On Page Validation Error?

Nov 20, 2010

i have some textbox that i validate with a customvalidator control (only, and must be, server side function) and i have an imagebutton control for submit.I must stop the postback if there are some errors in the validation function.I set the validation property argumets.isvalid = false in the customvalidator function but doesn't work, the postback continue.i have tried to set the imagebutton property postbackurl = "" in the validation function but doesn't work.

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How To Change A Button Into A Imagebutton In C#

Apr 5, 2010

How to change the button into image button... the button in the beginning has "Pick a date" when clicked a calender pops out and the when a date is selected a label at the bottom reading the date comes in and the text on the button changes to disabled... i want to palce a imagebutton having a image icon of the calender and rest of the function will be the same....


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AJAX :: - Upgraded To Framework 3.5 Full Postbacks Occuring?

Jan 7, 2010

We have recently upgraded to Framework 3.5 from 2.0. Since then, areas of the site now do full postbacks where they did partial postbacks in 2.0. There are numerous cases and they seem to differ. In one case there is a image button within a repeater that
is in an update panel. The update panel is also within a user control. In 2.0 the click of the image button would cause a partial postback. Now in 3.5, it results in a full postback. If the repeaters' ItemCommand event is set up in the update panels' asyncpostback
triggers, it will work again. Shouldn't the controls be picked up by the updatepanel by default? Other areas of the site that use similar controls and methods seem to work fine.

Having to some kind of code fix is really not an option. We would require a full scale manual retest of the whole site to find all the partial postbacks that no longer work and try and fix. We do not have the time or resources to handle that. I am hoping there is a setting or property in the web.config that I am overlooking that could be set that would return everything to working as it did in 2.0.

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How To Dynamically Prevent Drop EditItemTemplate Dropdown List From Occuring?

Oct 19, 2010

In my gridview I have a list of chassises paired with hard drives and the current chassis user. On editing I have a users dropdownlist and I have a dropdown list of hard drives. How can I make it so that if my Chassis type is "fixed" then the hard drives dropdownlist shouldn't appear (only the previous value will be displayed) but still allow the users the be changed?

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MVC :: Created A Html Helper In Mvc3 Project With Razor View / Error Is Occuring

Mar 2, 2011

, i created a html helper in mvc3 project with razor view


and i am using this in view but error is occuring.

but it works in aspx view engine and mvc2.

View 10 Replies

Web Forms :: ImageButton: Preserve Rollover State When Button Clicked?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a very simple nav menu of 5 imagebuttons: home, bios, areas, resources, contact.As a user rolls OVER the imagebuttons, the imagebutton change to a black background. As a user rolls OFF the imagebutton, it reverts to the original image. If a user clicks on a imagebutton (ie contact), I programmatically set it to the rollover with black background. The goal is to: if a user clicks on an imagebutton, then continue to show that imagebutton in the rollover state so the user can tell what page they are on. I have all this working just fine.My problem is this: If the user then rolls OFF one of the selected imagebuttons for the page they are on, then the javascript overrides the code-behind and changes the image to the original image. The menu then no longer shows the page that the user is on.What do I need to do to keep the rollover state active if the button is clicked and then rolled over later? For example, a user clicks on Contact, then moves the mouse off of that button. I want the imagebutton for Contact to stay in the rollover state.aspx.cs:

if (!IsPostBack)
ImageButtonWelcome.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "this.src='images/rollover/images/welcome.jpg'");


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Web Forms :: Imagebutton Control - Button Became Dark Blue And Others Remain No Changes When Click Any One

May 10, 2010

I want to put five buttons: introduction, product, history, feedback, contact. And when I click any one button, that button became dark blue, and others remain, no changes. So I write the following code:

Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION BLUE.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT.jpg"
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton2.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS BLUE.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT.jpg"
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton3.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY BLUE.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT.jpg"
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton4.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK BLUE.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT.jpg"
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton5_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton5.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT BLUE.jpg"
End Sub

It is workable, however there is only one problem: when i debug it some times it is ok, but some few times the button suddenly became small.

View 5 Replies

AJAX :: Pressing Enter In The ModalPopupExtender, Causes Login Button To Respond And An ImageButton On?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm using a ModalPopupExtender to display a login screen when an ImageButton (called Post) is clicked.The dialog pops up as expected and performs all the correct validations. When the user presses the Enter key, this causes the Login button to fire its Click event as it should.The issue I get is that I have another ImageButton on the main page. After the user presses Enter in the login and the page logs the user in, it does not fire the server click even for the initial post button that brought up the login, it fires the click of another ImageButton instead.

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Web Forms :: Validation Summary Must Be Visible Only On Save Button Click And Not On Any Other Button

May 13, 2012

I have few controls which r validated for blank on a page having 5 buttons

I want the validation to take place only on save button click & not on any other button

<asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" HeaderText="You must enter a value in the following fields:"
EnableClientScript="true" ShowMessageBox="true" ShowSummary="false" DisplayMode="BulletList"
runat="server" />

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Jquery - Disabled Button / Disables Validation For Button.

Mar 31, 2010

I have an aspx page that contains a checkbox, and a button. The button is disabled by default until the user checks the checkbox. It looks like when I add the attribute enabled="false" to the button, it removes the validation. When the button is enabled, I still want the validation to work. Here is the code and markup for the different parts.


<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="termsCheckBox" />
<label style="display: inline;">
I agree to the Terms & Conditions</label> [code]....

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MVC :: Prevent Validation With Button?

Mar 18, 2011

In my view I have 2 submit buttons "Submit" and "Save". When Submit is pressed, I have all the data validated. When Save is pressed, I want the data to be submitted without being validated. How can I do this?

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.net Button OnClick Validation?

Sep 18, 2010

I have an asp:button with an onclick property that posts back to the server. I would like to do some validation on the contents of a textbox before I fire the postback. I want to do the validation in javascript using some regex.I cannot use an asp:XXXXvalidator; I just can't due to what my web app does.Is there a way to call a javascript function from an asp:button that then calls the postback? I know I can use OnClientClick to call js from the asp:button, but once I call the JS how do I signal that I want to postback the button?

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Forms Data Controls :: Javascript Validation For Assigning Validation Group To Validation Summary On Datalist Item Click?

Dec 25, 2010

I am using one datalist control for uploading multiple images.I hv used one Asp:FileUplaod Control and one button in one itemtemplate.I am using reqired field validator and regular expression validator for file upload cntrl I am assigning validation group for both of them on ItemDataBound event of my datalist so that each upload cntrl hv same validaton group as required field and regular expression validator.Now what i want to do is - i want to show my error message in validation summary which is right at the top of the page.I want one know how to write javascript that will assign validation group of my control in datalist on which i click ?

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Web Forms :: How To Select Only One Radio Button And Radio Button Validation

Mar 2, 2011

I've two radio buttons in my web site for selecting sex, one s for Male & another s for Female, Problem is during the Run time, I was able to select both the Radio Buttons, but as per my need i should select only one radio button. And i should perform validation Wn user not selected even one radio button i should show the error msg, like " select sex "

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Web Forms :: Validation And 2 Button In One Form

Jun 13, 2010

Form Validation and 2 button in one form My Page is like below


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How To Associate Jquery Validation With Only One Button If There Are Many

May 14, 2010

In my current project, I have gridview, search button, text box for search, text box, and submit button.

-I should input string in the search box then click search button.

-when click search button, it will retrieve all matches records then bind them to the view grid.

-then when I click a record in the gridview, it should bound a field to the second text box.

finally I should submit the page by clicking in submit button.where is the problem:

-the problme that I'm using jquery validation plugin that will make second text box is required.

-when I click search button will not allow postback until I write some thing in second text box.

How can I make scond text box only do validation for required field only when click asp.net submit button.

here is my code:

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Master.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="IMAM_APPLICATION.WebForm1" %> [code]....

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JQuery Validation Fro Cancel Button?

Aug 8, 2010

I am using jquery validation.But i am having problem with cancel butttoni am not able to make validate false for it,

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Web Forms :: Validation Button Isn't Firing?

Mar 10, 2010

Something strange is going on. I have requiredfieldvalidators on 2 textboxes. I enter data and I cannot click the asp button. but when i remove the validation group I can click the button.


There are 2 boxes within the group

And the lower button. Any ideas why this isn't working? I enter info into all textboxes and I still can't fire the button event. Remove the group and it's fine.

View 12 Replies

Web Forms :: Cancel Button Causes Validation

Nov 2, 2010

I have two buttons: Save and Cancel. I have set CauseValidation = "False" for this cancel button. But when I click the button for the first time, it still causes validation while it does not cause validation if I click it again.

I tried to fix it by defining validation group for all validation controls, controls that are validated, and save button. But still the cancel button would validate when first time it is clicked.

how to fix it?

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AJAX :: ModalPopUp And Validation On Same Button?

Oct 13, 2010

Is there a way to get the modalpopup extender to only execute if all the validation = true on the same button. As soon as I tie the modal popup to the button with the validation check, the validation either doesn't happen or the popup displays and the validation works behind and that's not what I want.

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Web Forms :: Validation After A Button Is Clicked?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm new to web applications but have enough knowledge on windows based solutions using vb.net. Anyhow, I'm making my 1st web application and facing some challenges as expected.

I wrote my code on click event of a button and want to handle my action in click event of the button. See below:-


from above code, on click of button, it get the true or false from myvalid, on the basis of this true/false, if false is return then i want to show message to user in webpage and if true is return then i want to go to another page showing, succesfully done.

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Web Forms :: How To Assing 2 Validation Groups To A Button

Feb 6, 2010

I thought I could assign more than 2 validation groups, separated by comma as follows.

<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="both v1 & v2 validate" ValidationGroup="v1, v2" onclick="Button2_Click"/>

but it didn't work.What i want to do is, when a user clicks button1, it only validates validation group"v1" When button2 is clicked, it validates both "v1" & "v2" validatino groups.
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" ValidationGroup="v1"/>
ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ErrorMessage="*" ValidationGroup="v1" ControlToValidate="TextBox1"/> [code]....

this file is uploaded to http://zuke.us/espada/test1.aspx

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How To Implement Validation With JQuery On A Submit Button?

Apr 4, 2011

I want to call some web-service webmethods on asp.net submit button's click in order to validate the form regarding to some business logic and then I would like to have the button to go on its default behavior if the validation is OK.

How can I stop the aspx page to post-back (after submit button click) and continue submitting the form only if it is allowed by the 'success' function of jQuery.ajax()'s option parameter?

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Jquery Validation For Specific Button Onclick

Dec 28, 2010

i am using jquery client side validation in asp.net. whenever i click any button in a page it causes validation rather than for specific button alone.

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