C# - When Is It Worth Compressing The ViewState

Nov 16, 2010

I agree that the best way to shorten the ViewState is to disable it on the ASP.Net controls that don't need it. Keeping it small from the beginning is a great habit.I have also heard that it is already compressed (although can be true... there are ways of compressing it even more, has described in this Stack Overflow question).

My question here is not if it should be compressed... is: when should ViewState be compressed?If we have a ViewState of 410 characters it will weight 410 bytes in a page, while a ViewState of 13.843 characters equals 13.5 KB.13.5KB is a considerable weight already. And if I compress a CSS file that height 10KB, I think it is also worthy compressing a ViewState of 13.5KB, even if that means a little extra "thinking" on the server.But is 410 bytes of ViewState worth the extra processing on the server?

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Is ViewState Compresssion Worth It With .NET WebForms?

Nov 12, 2010

Obviously, first priority is disabling and not using Viewstate as much as possible, but if you have to, is this worthwhile? Also considering that IIS is gzipping everything for you as well. ViewState is smaller however is the trade off of CPU worth it?


Trying to give a client some guidance based on this.

PS: They are using .NET 2.0

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ADO.NET :: Performance Hit From An ORM Worth Worrying About?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm wondering how much performance suffers form using an ORM. It only makes sense that straight ADO.net would be faster than an ORM since they are built on top of ADO.net.

I'm not building any high traffic sites or using any incredibly large record sets. I'm seriously considering using LINQ after having to add a number of classes to my DAL and my BAL. The ease and reduction of work from an ORM seems very advantageous. I'm thinking it would far out weigh any performance concerns for me.

How much of a performance hit does using an ORM create? I would think that this would depend on the number of users and size of the record sets but I would like to get an idea of the impact of this. How many hits per day/ size of the record sets would be the threshold?

Do any of you have any complaints about the performance hit from an ORM? Do you prefer the reduction in work over any performance hits?

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C# - Compressing Parameters In The URL?

Jan 13, 2010

The urls on my site can become very long, and its my understanding that urls are transmisted with the http requests. So the idea came to compress the string in the url.From my searching on the internet, i found suggestions on using short urls and then link that one to the long url. Id prefere to not use this soltuion because1) I would have to do a extra database check to convert between long and short url.

That leaves in my head 2 options1) Hashing, i dont think this is a option. If you want a safe hashing algorithim, its going to be long.2) Compressing the url string, basicly having the server depress the string when when it gets the url parameters.3) Changing the url so its not descriptive, this is bad because it would make development harder for me ( This is a 1 man project ).Considering the vast amount posible amount of OS / browsers out there, i figured id as if anyone else has tried this or have some clever suggestions.If it mathers the url parameters can reach 100+ chars.Example: mysite.com/Reports/Ability.aspx?PlayerID=7737&GuildID=132&AbilityID=1140&EventID=1609&EncounterID=-1&ServerID=17&IsPlayer=True

EDIT:Let me clarify atm this is NOT breaking the site. Its more about me learning to find a good solution ( Im well aware this is micro optimisation, my site is very fast atm ) and making my site even faster ( To challage myself, and become a better coder ).There is also a cosmetic issue, i personaly think that a URL longer then the address bar looks bad.

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For Dynamically Created Forms - MVC 2 Worth Learning Curve?

Mar 10, 2011

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Now I wonder if MVC 2 can help me enough to justify the learning curve. (MVC 3 is not an option, as my client still uses VS2008.) In two weeks I should have a working application. It is for internal "power user" use, so it doesn't have to look too fancy, but the main concept and functionality should be waterproof. My background: I have many years of experience with Win Forms developement and basic knowledge of ASP.NET (did some smaller apps with it).

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Web Forms :: Compressing Of Pics?

Nov 26, 2010

i m using photo gallery in a website but pics takes much time to be view than any other sites like facebook or orkut. hw can i overcome this problem. i m resizing the image on file upload btn. you can check the url www.sanskarbhartipublicschool.com/photogallery

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Web Forms :: Gzip Compressing?

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How I Can Underestand That My WebSite Uses Gzip Compressing?[URL]

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Compressing ASPX Pageview In Code Or Compress HTTP In IIS?

Dec 30, 2010

In the past, with pages with large viewstate I have overridden the PageStatePersister class so when the state is saved I compress it. On Load I decompress it. I have haven't really thought about it, but could IIS handle something like this better? The reason I did this was to keep my pages slimmer because I have a lot of custom controls on the page and the viewstate was huge. This is where I got my original code from:[URL]

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State Management :: Failed To Load Viewstate. The Control Tree Into Which Viewstate Is Being Loaded Must Match ?

Oct 9, 2010

Now here is the weird thing. First i am running it locally on the built in vs2008 web server.I load my control in fine, do a postback from a linkbutton, locally on my machine it all works fine, no issue.However when it goes onto my host, it falls over with the message:

Failed to load viewstate. The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewstate during the previous request.Now i also load controls dynamically and use postbacks and things in the admin area of the site...and that works fine, however my front end just keeps failing? See the code behing below:


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State Management :: ViewState And ObjectDataSource / Getting Values From Viewstate In GetTopThemes?

Jan 11, 2011

I have problem getting values from viewstate in GetTopThemes.





when the page is not Posted back, I saved all values in the viewstate.

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State Management :: ViewState - Does The Master Page Have Its Viewstate

Apr 30, 2010

I have been getting this error a lot lately with some of my users, and I had a couple of concerns with view state and I have read so many articles but I am still lost..

1. I use masterpage on all the pages and I need viewstate for some of the pages but..

There is a page where a user will fill out the information and then submit this data to a cgi server, and it is where I get most of the Client Disconnected errors, what would happen if I disable viewstate when they click on that button?

Now when a user browses from one page to another, does the view state from the previous page get deleted? If not how would I delete it?

Does the master page have its own viewstate? Would I be able to make sure none of items on my master page are using the viewstate?

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C# - Page With ViewState Disabled Still Be Validating A Viewstate Field?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a shopping cart page (Cart.aspx) that has a button that will (sometimes) post to a third party payment gateway, if payment is necessary. The payment gateway will process the payment and then do a silent post to my website (Order.aspx) so I can update the order status.

Order.aspx always throws an invalid viewstate error, even though viewstate is disabled on the page.

What's happening is that Cart.aspx (which has viewstate enabled) posts to the payment gateway, and the gateway will post it back as part of the silent post. Even though Order.aspx has viewstate disabled and validation disabled, it still tries to validate the __viewstate field it's being given.

I know setting EnableViewState=false will disable the rendering of the __viewstate field, but if another page provides the field, shouldn't it still skip validation? I tried calling ViewState.Clear() on the Page_Init event of Order.aspx, but ViewState is apparently empty. how to get around this? I don't want to disable ViewState on Cart.aspx (in some cases it may be necessary), but I can't figure out how to clear it on Order.aspx.

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C# - How To Add Datalist Into Viewstate

Jan 29, 2010

I have added one datalist into view state as:

ViewState["datalist"] = dtlstForm;
and retrieved it as:
DataList lis = (DataList)ViewState["datalist"];
then folowing error comes:
Type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataList' in Assembly 'System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' is not marked as serializable.

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ViewState In A HttpHandler?

Apr 9, 2010

I have an aspx page that I want to convert to an HttpHandler, but I'm struggling withewState that's been used in the code behind of the aspx page

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C# - Maintaining Viewstate With Get?

Mar 11, 2011

Upon page reloads I want to retain the values the user had typed in upon hitting submit. I worry about viewstates being cumbersome for pages, both in bandwidth and in time for a page viewer to download the page. I am cheap with my bytes :p

My question is instead of using server controls and such I am having the form on the page do a get to itself and on the aspx putting <input type="text" id="user_email" name="email" value="<%=Request.Form["email"] %>" /> This allows me to not use viewstate. Are there any potential shortcomings to doing things this way? My goal is always for a lighter page and efficiency even if it is more work.

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Set The Property Of Viewstate?

May 28, 2010

I am using a enum

public enum WatchUsageMode
Watch = 1,
EmailPreferences = 2

i want to set the property of that enum in my view state in such a way that whenever view state is null return Watch else EmailPreference.how can i get and set the property?

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Check For A Value In ViewState?

Sep 17, 2010

i am new at the ViewState and i am looking to see what values are stored within it. I know how to loop through an array to check for a value but i do not know how to go about doing that for a ViewState("test") property.Let's say i have added "bob, tom, Jim" to a ViewState called ViewState("test"). I would like to be able to see if "tom" was in the ViewState("test"). If not then add it but if it exists already then skip it.

Public strIDArray() As String
Public vsSaver As String
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


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C# - ViewState EnableViewStateMAC?

Aug 9, 2010

If EnableViewStateMAC is set to true, ASP.NET will generate a hashcode for the ViewState data and compare it to the hashcode stored in the posted value. What prevents an attacker from setting the hash based on the altered form values?

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How To See If Viewstate Changed When Postback

May 12, 2010

well what i want to find out is how can i figure out if some change occurd in page when postback , i mean when the first state of the page hahe any changes after postback . I thought maybe somehow to compare viewstaes but i can not find out how can i do that.

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Handling Viewstate And Controls?

Apr 16, 2010

lately I'm using less and less the ASP.NET controls and also turns off the viewstate in almost any page, in my opinion its easier to maintain your pages, you get more control over what happening and most importantly it gives a serious performance boost to large pages (no view state). I'm also using a lot of ajax in my projects (without the script manager / updatecontrol but via javascript) is anyone here working like this? is this bad practice ?

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Viewstate Validation Fails (but Only Sometimes)?

Feb 5, 2010

The following message appears in our log:The control tree into which viewstate is being loaded must match the control tree that was used to save viewstate during the previous request. For example, when adding controls dynamically, the controls added during a post-back must match the type and position of the controls added during the initial request. alot has been written about this subject. However, I cannot reproduce this behavior, and I only find a couple thousand errors per day in the logs; so it's probably isn't that obvious.

The page in question has an UpdatePanel and loads one of three usercontrols depending on the querystring.Is there any known issue with some clients, or any other possible explanation?

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Lifecycle To Access Viewstate?

Nov 8, 2010

In building custom controls, I've seen two patterns for using the viewstate. One is to use properties to disguise the viewstate access as persistent data.

public bool AllowStuff
return (ViewState[constKeyAllowStuff] != null) ?
(bool)ViewState[constKeyAllowStuff] : false;
set { ViewState[constKeyAllowStuff] = value; }

The other is to use private member fields and to override the Load/SaveViewState methods on the control and handle it all explicitly:

protected override object SaveViewState()
object[] myViewState = new object[2];
myViewState[0] = base.SaveViewState();
myViewState[1] = _allowStuff;
return myViewState;
protected override void LoadViewState(object savedState)
object[] stateArray = (object[])savedState;
_allowStuff = (bool)stateArray[1];

(I cut out a lot of safety checking for clarity, so just ignore that.) Is there are particular advantage to one method over the other? I can't see how they'd differ much performance wise. Version 1 is lazy, so I guess you save a bit if you don't need that particular value during a pass. Version 1 is also more abstract, hides the details better. Version 2 is clearer about when the data is actually valid and ok to read or modify (between the load and save) because it more clearly works within the ASP.NET lifecycle. Version 2 does tend to require more boilerplate code though (a property, a backing private field, and viewstate handling in two places) as opposed to Version 1 which combines all that into one place.

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C# - Posting A Form Without Viewstate

May 25, 2010

i have a web for and want to 'get' it to another page.. is there anyway to submit it without posting the viewstate and other bits i dont want? or should i be catching the submit button click and redirecting with a querystring i build myself

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Javascript - How To Store Value To ViewState

Jan 26, 2011

I can tried save some data to ViewState, but i get this Error:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Error serializing value 'HeRMeSSAAS.BussinesProcess.BussinesServices.CandidateService' of type 'HeRMeSSAAS.BussinesProcess.BussinesServices.CandidateService.'

private IActionService ActionService
get [code]...
How i can store value to ViewState?

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