C# - Create A Copy Of A Control Object?
Apr 4, 2011
I have a cached control object form a UserControl in asp.net cache. I like to access my control and make a copy of it to freely change it without having any affect on the base cached control.
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Mar 30, 2011
I have a object named post and I declare a new variable named newPost as type post object and then
var newPost = post
but when I Modify any properties of post object, that Modified Influences properties of newPost object.
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Feb 16, 2010
I would like to serialize the properties of the HttpBrowserCapibilities object so that it may be returned via a web method call. Currently the object cannot be serialized:Cannot serialize member System.Web.Configuration.HttpCapabilitiesBase.Capabilities of type System.Collections.IDictionary, because it implements IDictionary. ...which is understandable. However, I would like to simply copy out the properties and their values to a hierarchy, i.e.
I'm starting to think I would need to use reflection to copy this object, but I haven't reached a conclusion. Does anyone have any suggestions to keep this simple?
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MyObject obj = new Object ();
Session["object"] = obj;
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If i change something on temp, will the object in session be updated? do i need to follow changes with Session["object"] = temp?
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Jul 29, 2010
I am building an ASP.NET application that needs dynamic tables. That's another issue that I've already posted about (and gotten a pretty good response!). Now, I'm running into another issue - I want to add new rows to my table, but given that I will have 10-12 tables on one page, each containing different objects in their rows (text boxes, check boxes, etc.) I need a way of simply generically adding a new row that has the same objects as the first row in the table. Here's my code:
Private Sub AddTableRow(ByRef originalTable As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table)
Dim originalRow As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow = originalTable.Rows(1)
Dim insertingRow As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableRow
Dim insertingCells(originalRow.Cells.Count) As System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell
Dim index As Integer = 0
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Aug 4, 2010
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i need the function which return copy of the placeholder which i sent.public object CloneControls(object o)
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Mar 14, 2010
i am developing a sharepoint webpart. In this webpart i need to use a repeater control. The problem is, i can only use codebehind for creating and using the control. So i have some questions:
1. After creating the repeater control in codebehind, how to create some templates (itemtemplate, footertemplate, etc.) and use it?
2. How to bind a object collection to a repeater control?
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Jul 31, 2010
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Jul 15, 2010
Am currently working on my first ASP.NET projects. I have a requirement for a page where a user can enter their current address, and then add as many previous addresses as they like. I have created a Panel with the required text boxes in, and also an 'Add' button which will allow them to add another address. How could I make a copy of that Panel and add it to the page at runtime ... assuming that it is possible!!!
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Mar 13, 2010
I followed the instructions from the release notes, except for one thing. I did not include the following in my web.config. Thas the the "bindingRedirect oldversion to newVersion". I got an error message to the effect that I could not have 2 configuration sections in the web.config. I was told that as long as I had the system.web.mvc in my BIN and, I was refereincing this same version dll that I should be fine? I am wondering if I should just create a new MVC2 project and copy my MVC1 relevent files into this MVC2 project, not sure.
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Aug 11, 2010
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I cannot create a copy of my database on sql server with sql script file.
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Nov 22, 2010
I have a folder on my server say:
in that folder there is 4 folders
in the pics folder is jpg's that are the buttons for a web page, the web page is in the MasterArt folder and is named default.aspx upon a user creating an account, i have my program create a folder under a subfolder named ARTIST
I got that part but now what I need to learn how to do is to have at run time, when a new user creates an account, that my program creates a subdirectory under the ARTIST subdirectory and then I copy the default.aspx from the MasterArt folder into their folder, then copy the folders and contents of the 4 subfolders (pics, videos, music, other) so that they now have the direcotries and its contents.
Example: I create a user account and my artist name is Kevin
a subdirectory is created called Kevin, the folder Kevin should now have the default.aspx page, and 4 sub folders, pics, videos, music, and other.
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Apr 21, 2010
can you please help me to brainstorm the possible causes of this error. I've got a paged repeater with localisation bound programitcally to an sqldatasource using a stored proc. I can post code if needs be but it's rather long. I'm looking for typical causes of this error + will make note for future reference!
erver Error in '/WebSite4' Application.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Line 233:Line 234: Repeater1.DataSource = PagedResultsLine 235: Repeater1.DataBind()Line 236: doPaging()Line 237: End Sub
View 9 Replies
Apr 19, 2010
In the same Code behind file I have:
// This works
Label lblTopNavBarInfo = (Label)Master.FindControl("lblTopNavBarInfo");
lblTopNavBarInfo.Text = "Currently Serving: + FirstName + " " + LastName ;
// This compiles but throws an error in the browser
LinkButton lnkBtnProductsOwned = (LinkButton)LeftNav_CustServ1.FindControl("ProductsOwned"); // The Control is visible
lnkBtnProductsOwned.Enabled = false; // Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
View 6 Replies
Aug 11, 2010
Usage :
The problem is it gives me following error :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source Error:
Line 21: {
Line 22: base.OnInit(e);
Line 23: _ContentTemplate.InstantiateIn(BodyControlSpace);
Line 24: }
Line 25:
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Sep 24, 2010
I am getting error of in Foreach loop
How to resolve this situation or any other alternative to cum out of this problem.
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Jan 19, 2011
_objbefor = Convertor.XmlDesrialize.XmlDesrializer.DesrializeAnyObject(_XmlObjBefor, _ObjectType);
_objAfter = Convertor.XmlDesrialize.XmlDesrializer.DesrializeAnyObject(_XmlObjAfter, _ObjectType);
//exteract properties of loged object
PropertyInfo[] _PropertyInfo = _ObjectType.GetProperties();
List<string> _ObjBeforTostring = new List<string>();
_ObjBeforTostring.Add("*************Befor Object**********");
foreach (PropertyInfo pf in _PropertyInfo)
if (_objbefor != null)
string _str = pf.GetValue(_objbefor, null).ToString();
_ObjBeforTostring.Add(pf.Name.ToString() + " :: ( " + _str + " )");
_ObjBeforTostring.Add("*************After Object**********");
foreach (PropertyInfo pf in _PropertyInfo)
if (_objAfter != null)
string _str = pf.GetValue(_objAfter, null).ToString();
_ObjBeforTostring.Add(pf.Name.ToString() + " :: ( " + _str+" )");
View 1 Replies
Aug 10, 2010
i when i m set some value in data object. and create new object in form then new object contain previus value in it.
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Mar 15, 2011
I have a page that in the right side I have billing address (that is user control) and on the left side I have another user control that is shipping address. I have a checkbox in the page that by checking this checkbox I would like to fill out the shipping address with billing address. I usefully do this with JavaScript function but as long as here these 2 set of textboxes are user control I don't know how I can do this.
View 6 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
I need to copy a cached treeview control to the treeview control in use.
I know i cannot directly assign the server control to another control.
But, Can anyone come up with a work around to do the same. I dont want to loop through each node of the control and copy it.
View 5 Replies
Feb 17, 2011
i have this method in asp.net for clone my control :
public static Control Clone( Control ctrlSource )
Type t = ctrlSource.GetType();
Control ctrlDest = ( Control )t.InvokeMember( "" , BindingFlags.CreateInstance , null , null , null );
foreach( PropertyInfo prop in t.GetProperties() )
if( prop.CanWrite )
if( prop.Name == "ID" )
ctrlDest.ID = ctrlSource.ID + "cloned" + Security.Cryptography.Cryptography.generateRandomPrivateKey( 5 );
prop.SetValue( ctrlDest , prop.GetValue( ctrlSource , null ) , null );
return ctrlDest;
how can i set the source control event(like Click event) in destination control?
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Oct 7, 2010
is it posible to edit the radiobuttonlist control output?
for some reasone someone at microsoft decided that every item in a web page should be in a table, which ofcourse is an outdated way to do things on the web,
and they forgot to update it to the moderrn world, so i need to change it now.
is there a way to copy this control and edit it to something more semantic?
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Oct 21, 2010
I would like to be able to copy one row and five columns from an Excel spreadsheet to a table like structure on a ASP.NET web form. The idea is keeping the data in the exact row and column from Excel to the table like control on the ASP.NET web-form. Then I want to be able to save to the contents of the ASP.NET control to a database by a buttoon command click. What ASP.NET control would allow me to do this? Gridviews and datagrids don't seem to allow me to do this.
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Oct 21, 2010
What control would allow me to paste a single row (5 columns) from Excel and allow me to copy it to an Excel type of row (5 columns) in asp.net form? Then I want to be able to save the contents by a click of a command button to database.
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Jan 2, 2013
I need to write the content of 1000 records in an excel using the excel object in c#.net.
In one excel i need to write only 100 records and if the record exceeds more than 100 record i need to create a new sheet and have to write the content but the need is, i have designed a header in the first 3 rows of the header in the first excel and i need write to the first 3 rows in the 2nd sheet also.
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