MVC :: Is Better To Create An 2 Project And Copy 1 Relevant Files

Mar 13, 2010

I followed the instructions from the release notes, except for one thing. I did not include the following in my web.config. Thas the the "bindingRedirect oldversion to newVersion". I got an error message to the effect that I could not have 2 configuration sections in the web.config. I was told that as long as I had the system.web.mvc in my BIN and, I was refereincing this same version dll that I should be fine? I am wondering if I should just create a new MVC2 project and copy my MVC1 relevent files into this MVC2 project, not sure.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: How To Create And Copy Files Into A Subdirectory At Runtime

Nov 22, 2010

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in that folder there is 4 folders





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I got that part but now what I need to learn how to do is to have at run time, when a new user creates an account, that my program creates a subdirectory under the ARTIST subdirectory and then I copy the default.aspx from the MasterArt folder into their folder, then copy the folders and contents of the 4 subfolders (pics, videos, music, other) so that they now have the direcotries and its contents.

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Feb 10, 2011

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i have two project [first in MVC1 and 2nd in MVC3] MVC1 project have views. MVC3 project still not have any views but for testing i make blanks page. i wonder by debugging blanks views MVC3 project i can see everything who already My MVC1 project have. why this problem come are reason is that same name of both project. i am trying this when i run only project MVC3 [no-views] but they show me everything i can see in MVC1 project. well are their any way to solve this problem


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Installation :: How To Copy And Paste Project/website

Jun 30, 2010

i have developed simple login form as my web application. I wanted to connect it with database to add some more features. However, my VS 2008 was unable to connect with SQL Server 2008 on my laptop, I thought, I should copy and paste my entire web application folder into my web space provided by university. I have done that through ftp. However, when I have tried to debug my application (through remote desktop connection on my university server) I got some weired error.

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Feb 13, 2010

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C:Projects MyWebsitedevMyWebsite.sln

I want to move the App.config file from MyClassLibrary1 project to the bin of the MyClassLibrary2. I want to do this on post build in VS or MSBuild using relative paths if possible. This way anybody checking out the projects will not have to modify any paths if they choose to locate the project in a different location.

I have already tried the following approaches but to no avail.

copy /Y "$(ProjectDir)App.config"
$(ProjectDir).. MyClassLibrary2$(OutDir) MyClassLibrary2.dll.config"

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.net - Equivalent Of Reference 'Copy Local' In Web Site Project?

Nov 25, 2010

I don't see any exact duplicates in the Related Questions above, so here goes. Please don't stone me if it is a duplicate.Is there any way to achieve the same end as setting 'Copy Local' to True on a web application reference? I could probably map a custom config section to the <compilation><assemblies> config section, and simple copy all assemblies to local, but that would be quite rude. Should I be looking at tapping into a build provider or something? I think the main issue here is identifying listed assemblies not normally present on the target platform, but this seems a very difficult task to me without simply using a hard-coded list,

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The type 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Sql.SqlDatabase' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

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Feb 22, 2011

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Configuration :: Copy Web Site Deployment - XSD Dataset Files?

Jun 29, 2010

I am ready to deploy my first real website to my Hosting Server and was wondering exactly how a simple FTP or Copy of the website files will operate as opposed to proper deployment via publishing the website to a DLL?

Will my Typed Datasets within my .xsd files work normally by FTP'ing them to my server or is there something special i need to do such as build them?

Here are the file types i need to deploy:

1) .aspx and aspx.vb files for my website pages (some in folders such as Admin, etc....)
2) App_Browsers --> CSSMenuAdapter.Browser for use with the CSS Control toolkit
3) App_Code --> several .xsd dataset files. Do these just get FTP'd to the server as well????
4) Bin --> several .dll files for using the CSS Control Toolkit, AJAX Control Toolkits, FCK Editor controls
5) CSS files and folders
6) web.config file

Can i just FTP all of the above folders and files and get the website to work, or does some of this .net 3.5 require publishing to DLL's???

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Feb 16, 2010

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Can I just create a new project in VS 2008 and paste these files into it? Will this work? I'm not sure if it will because the original one was created in VWD 2005 which I think uses the .net framework 2.0. My Visual Studio 2008 uses version 3.5 Sp1 of the .NET framework.

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CreationTime And LastWriteTime Copy And Paste - Get Datetime Of Pasting Files (already Exist)?

Jan 13, 2011

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How can we get datetime of pasting files (already exist)

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Create A Copy Of An Object?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a object named post and I declare a new variable named newPost as type post object and then

var newPost = post

but when I Modify any properties of post object, that Modified Influences properties of newPost object.

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C# - Create A Copy Of A Control Object?

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May 24, 2010

How to create MSI Files or setup files programmatically using MSBuild in VS 2008

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Copy / Create A Panel On Page At Runtime?

Jul 15, 2010

Am currently working on my first ASP.NET projects. I have a requirement for a page where a user can enter their current address, and then add as many previous addresses as they like. I have created a Panel with the required text boxes in, and also an 'Add' button which will allow them to add another address. How could I make a copy of that Panel and add it to the page at runtime ... assuming that it is possible!!!

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SQL Server :: Unable To Create A Copy Of Database ?

Aug 11, 2010

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I cannot create a copy of my database on sql server with sql script file.

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Jul 14, 2010

i have saved a copy of jquery-1.4.2.js in my local project folder also have jquery-1.4.1-vsdoc.js

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what can i do? a line like $("#K").val(); gives error

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I need to create temp file on the clint side So, i read that files can be created on the folder of internet temp file. how I can do that?how I can get the path of the temp folder?I need VB code

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