C# - Get Data Chosen In FileUpload Control Without FileUpload.SaveAs Method On The Server?
Feb 17, 2011
How to get data (read file) chosen in FileUpload control without FileUpload.SaveAs Method on the server? Is it possible write it at once to some object?
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1-i want delete the text that is beside of fileupload button  text: no file choesn
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Jan 2, 2011
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Apr 20, 2010
where the file/data is saved on the server when uploading file using "fileupload control" and "saveas method".
The webserver is 2003 windows server. And .net framework I am using 2.0.
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Oct 14, 2010
I have a FileUpload control in an UpdatePanel and when user select a file, the full file path will will be stored in a hiddenfield, and during postback, i would like to assign the full file path in the hiddenfield back to the FileUpload control textbox, possible to achieve that?
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Mar 19, 2010
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Aug 31, 2010
I m getting a problem while executing the following code for my website.
This code works perfactly on localhost but when I use d same code on my webpage on the server it does nothing...even it doesnt return any error msg.
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Jan 15, 2010
Hopefully someone can give me some pointers to get this working properly.
I have a webpage which I would like the ability to upload files to be stored in a database. Here's the layout of the page:
The update panel is configured as such:
ChildrenAsTriggers="True" EnableViewState="True" RenderMode="Block" UpdateMode="Always" Visible="True" Runat="Server"
The reason I have the update panel outside the Tabcontainer is so that when switching between tabs, the screen doesn't flicker with refreshes, etc. But as a result, I can't get the FileUpload working properly. The FileUpload1.Filename is blank, so it errors out.
Is there anyway to get this working properly? I've tried the latest AsyncFileupload within the control toolkit, but this caused all kinds of problems with my pages so that's out of the question. I tried an iFrame too, but this also didnt work properly.
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Nov 4, 2010
I need some help to figure out how to check if a file already exist in the db. My mind is froze. I am using sqlserver 2005, vb.net and vs 2008, not that matter for this quesiton, but in case if you deem necessary. I have an fileupload control and all I am trying is to check if the uploaded file already exist in my webserver or db. I am saving the file to the file directoy but I have the file name stored in the db. So I want to check the file name in the db for duplication. If it exisist I will not save the details. How do I do this.
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(resumeDatasource.ConnectionString)
If Exists("select EmailAddress,IPAddress,fleName from Resume where fleName =" & " 'strflename'") Then
MsgBox(" file already exisist", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly)
MsgBox(" thank you for uploading your file", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel)
End If
View 3 Replies
Mar 15, 2011
I'm using the FileUpload server control to upload a HTML document previously saved(as webpage; filtered) from MS Word. The charset is windows-1252.The document has smart quotation marks(curly) as well as regular quotes. It also has some blank spaces(apparently) that when looked deeply are characters other than the normal TAB or SPACE.When capturing the file content in a StreamReader, those special characters are translated to question marks. I assume its because the default encoidng is UTF-8 and the file is Unicode.
I went ahead and created the StreamReader using Unicode encoding, then replacing all the unwanted characters with the correct ones(code that I actually found in stackoverflow). This seems to work....just that I cant convert the string back to UTF-8 to display it in a asp:literal.
The code is there, its supposed to work....but the output(ConvertToASCII) is unreadable.Please look below:
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StreamReader sreader;
Also, as I said before, there are some more "transparent" characters that seem to correspond to where the word doc has numbering indentation that I have no idea how to capture their unicode value to replace them....so if you have any tips,
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Oct 18, 2010
I have a strange thing going on with the .net fileupload control. If I remote desktop to the server that houses the web app and db server, I am able to upload files and store them into a varbinary(max) column.
However, when clients connect to the web server from their desktop, then can do all the things they need to such as browsing web pages, fill out forms that store/save data to the database, etc.
However, when they try to upload a pdf to the sever, the following exception occurs: The web app uses .net 3.5, the db is sql 2005, and code is c#. And insights would be welcomed. Code and Exception below.
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Dec 27, 2010
I am using Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2005 as my back-end.I saw this topic is already introduced in StackOverflow but I have different question related to this topic.I just want to directly get the file from my server/hard-disk and save it in the database.
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm trying to use an asp:FileUpload Control to allow users to upload files (.doc, .gif, .xls, .jpg) to a server that is outside of our DMZ and not the Web Server. We want to have the ability to look at these files for viruses, structure, etc prior to saving them into another directory that would allow access to outside users. From what I have read about this control is that it will allow for files to be uploaded to the web server. Can this control be used to upload files to a server other than the web server? If it can be done where should I look for this type of functionality or how do I force it to go to https:servernamefolder name (Where server name is not the web server)? Would I have to read the file then write it to the other server?
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Feb 11, 2011
In continuation to my previous research at this link : Security Risks or concerns with the use of FileUpload control of asp.net - how to Scan files during upload, also how to intimate user if file is virus affected and abort the operation. In addition to above, we have McAfee Antivirus installed on our servers. I heard that there is some APIS for this work for Symantac Antivirus but I am not sure about McAfee antivirus.
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Sep 8, 2010
i want to upload file to web server without using fileupload control...
here is issue is that i have static path and using that path i want to upload that file to web server..
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Aug 17, 2012
I use these code in my page_load event
while (_dr.Read())
txtarticle.Text = _dr["Name"].ToString();
CKEditorControl1.Text = _dr["Description"].ToString();
And this is my table in database
pdf Description Name ID
Article.pdf Test1 Article1 1
Article2.pdf Test2 Article2 2
View 1 Replies
Aug 7, 2010
Public Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) Handles CustomValidator1.ServerValidate
' Get file name
Dim uploadAvatar As FileUpload = DirectCast(AdvertisementForm.FindControl("uploadAvatar"), FileUpload)
Dim UploadFileName As String = uploadAvatar.PostedFile.FileName
If UploadFileName = "" Then
' There is no file selected
args.IsValid = False
Dim Extension As String = UploadFileName.Substring(UploadFileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower()
If Extension = "xls" Or Extension = "xml" Then
args.IsValid = True ' Valid file type
args.IsValid = False ' Not valid file type
End If
End If
End Sub
<td><asp:FileUpload ID="uploadAvatar" runat="server" /></td>
<td><asp:LinkButton ID="BtnUpdate" runat="server" CausesValidation="True"
CommandName="Update" Text="Update" CssClass="updatebutton" OnClientClick="ValidateFileUpload();" /></td>
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Please select valid .jpg or .bmp file" ></asp:CustomValidator>
<td><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton2" runat="server"
CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Cancel" CssClass="cancelbutton" /></td>
View 28 Replies
Feb 13, 2011
I use aspFileUpload server control to upload files in my web site. Every things work properly. But when my web site run from iis server, I can't upload files and The error is appear: The access denied. If i set modify permision to Everyone group i can upload file but i can't delete it from my web site.
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Sep 6, 2010
i get this error with this code
private void Showroom(String Description, int at)
Panel pnl = new Panel();
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Feb 6, 2014
[URL] .... I referred the article it works on local machine. But when i tried for online it gives access denied when saving image.
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Jan 23, 2010
i have a fileupload control in my asp.net application
when i click the control a dialogbox appears for selecting the file with open and cancel button
is it possible to capture the click event of this buttons & execute few code lines frm server side
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Dec 10, 2010
Couple quick questions:What's the difference between FormView1_ItemUpdating and FormView1_OnUpdating? Do they occur at different times in the update process?Still can't get my code to upload the file...what am I missing?
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Feb 10, 2011
I'm making a fairly simple online database where a user can upload a PDF file, along with 4 other data fields to a SQL DB. I have it working ok, sending the PDF to the DB as binary data. The problem is I would like to use a ListView control for the user to enter all of their data and choose the file to upload. When I use a ListView I receive the following error:
No mapping exists from object type System.Web.HttpInputStream to a known managed provider native type.
I've included the code I'm using to send the file to the DB (protected void ListView1_ItemInserting),
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Nov 22, 2010
I have two fileupload controls in footer of gridview with their corresponding checkboxes.
The autopostback property is set to true for both the checkboxes. Now after uploading file on one fileupload when i check the second checkbox, it detains(losses) its value.
How can i retain the value of first fileupload control on postback
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