Forms Data Controls :: ListView With A FileUpload Control?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm making a fairly simple online database where a user can upload a PDF file, along with 4 other data fields to a SQL DB. I have it working ok, sending the PDF to the DB as binary data. The problem is I would like to use a ListView control for the user to enter all of their data and choose the file to upload. When I use a ListView I receive the following error:

No mapping exists from object type System.Web.HttpInputStream to a known managed provider native type.
I've included the code I'm using to send the file to the DB (protected void ListView1_ItemInserting),


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Web Forms :: Can't Find FileUpload Control Inside ListView

Jan 25, 2011

I have a Listview that houses a FileUpload control. However, after using findcontrol the next line of code tries to convert the filename into a string and produces the familar error object reference not found.

Note: I have used identical code in a formview and it works fine.

Here's my relevent codebehind:

protected void AccessDataSource1_Inserting(object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e)
FileUpload FileUpload1 = (FileUpload)ListView1.FindControl("FileUpload1");
string Fupload = FileUpload1.FileName.ToString();
DateTime DateNow = DateTime.Now;
string DateNowSTR = DateNow.ToString();
string NewImageName = DateNowSTR + Fupload;
FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~//images//" + NewImageName));
e.Command.Parameters["SponLogo"].Value = NewImageName;

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Mar 13, 2011

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C# - Get Data Chosen In FileUpload Control Without FileUpload.SaveAs Method On The Server?

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Forms Data Controls :: Reg Fileupload Control Events?

Jan 23, 2010

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is it possible to capture the click event of this buttons & execute few code lines frm server side

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Dec 10, 2010

Couple quick questions:What's the difference between FormView1_ItemUpdating and FormView1_OnUpdating? Do they occur at different times in the update process?Still can't get my code to upload the file...what am I missing?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retaining A Value In Fileupload Control?

Nov 22, 2010

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The autopostback property is set to true for both the checkboxes. Now after uploading file on one fileupload when i check the second checkbox, it detains(losses) its value.

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Forms Data Controls :: FileUpload Control In FormView?

Dec 10, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Update In Gridview With Fileupload Control?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a gridview with edit field. It has a footer row for insertion functionality. Now i also have a fileupload control in footer for uploading files on server. The url of files are stored in sql server2005. Now i have a fileupload control in <edititemtemplate> of gridview which can be used for uploading files while updating of gridview.

Now my req is whenever i upload file with fileupload control in <edititemtemplate> it should update the url of corresponding file in sqlserver2005. My query for update in sqldatasource is-


Here draw_url is url field for my uploaded files.

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Web Forms :: Change Text That Is Beside Of Fileupload Button - No File Chosen In FileUpload Control

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Find Control In Listview

Jan 31, 2011

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but lnkEdit is always null.

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Why do we use this in ListView?


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Aug 31, 2010

I have tried almost evrything and nothing seems to work,,, I dont see errors but the code is not firing when I bind in the properties of the button control ,,nor the code behind.



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find Control In Listview When Using Datapager

Mar 16, 2010

I have a page where I use the ListView and DataPager.My listview is populated as a table where each row has a bit data a dropdownlist with some values and a link button. Now I am trying to pick out the selected value from dropdown list when I kick on my linkbutton. As long as I'm on page one, everything is woriking fine. But if I go to page three then I can not pick out the value I selected in the dropdownlist. I have tried to add a textbox in the listview and then I am able to get the value out I typed into the textbox independent which side I'm on.

Why can I pick out the value from textbox but not the selected value in dropownlist?

Here is a piece of my code:


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Jan 23, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Find Item In Listview Control?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a objeckt :

class myfam


I show object data in a viewlist like this:

Name ,age
Hans 32
John 40

Know how can i find out Hans is in my listview ? ...?? Listview.Items.contain("hans").....THIS is not working

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Sep 3, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Assign Value To Label On Listview Control

Mar 29, 2011

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<asp:ListView DataSourceID="sqldtsrcsrchre" ID="srchrelst" runat="server">
<ul class="productlist">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server">


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Forms Data Controls :: Can Control The First Record Shown In A Listview

Jul 23, 2010

I have a ListView control that only displays one record at a time. I have a LinqDataSource that can return one or more records. I have a function that determines the number of records and returns a psuedo random number between 1 and the number of records returned. When the page first loads, I want to display a random record. After that, I want the datapager to move the user normally through the records.

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Jan 3, 2011

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foreach (ListViewItem item in BillListView.Items)
//perform some action

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