C# - .net Development Code Structure -Controllers, Services, Repositories & Contexts?

Dec 11, 2010

As a new developer I'm getting thoroughly confused by naming and structural conventions for developing c# code using best practice.I appreciate it's perhaps applicable to each domain I am developing for but I've seen the code of many different open source projects and there seems to be a common theme. The successful projects have well thought out structure for maintenance and extensibility.The terms context, service, repository and controllers are used often and I wondered if these are open to interpretation or is there a consensus or convention on what, where or how these get used.

In an e-commerce platform I've seen there are order services, order contexts, customer repositories and product controllers for example. What should they do based on these names? Does a controller do something different to a service? When should you use a context? Is there a convention for namespaces? It's mind boggling when you try and push from a spoon fed newbie developer and try to move on.What software/tools should I really be looking at to develop quality code? Unit Testing, Continous Integration, Resharper, Mocking tools, DOI Containers, nHibernate.

I'm not really aware of blogs/books that will help me push on from being a proficient web developer into someone who can develop extensible, quality and testable code. There are big gaps in authors assumptions. You are either a newbie or a software architect. I want to push from being a junior developer with a long term aim of being a software architect. I realise it's all about patterns and practices but where are the training materials? I work on my own so don't have the opportunity of learning from others.

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Model - Is just a basic data container Repository - Provides data access Service - Provides business logic and acts as an API to the Controller

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post = PostService.Get(id);
comments = PostService.GetComments(post); Or, would I do:

post = PostService.Get(id);
comments = post.Comments;

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if (!AllRight())
// badRequest

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Traditional Repositories Vs Single UnitOfWork

Aug 17, 2010

I would like to start a debate on traditional repositories versus one built on the UnitOfWork pattern. In a traditional repository, we wrap inserts, updates and deletes in a transaction, but selects don't really need them. In addition, nhibernate configuration is typically done once per application due to BuildSessionFactory being rather expensive. We often have several repositories of this type (one per aggregate chain). We also need to have projected, ahead of time, exactly what kinds of queries we'll need in order to build the interfaces and concretes correctly. In a single UnitOfWork repository we have the ability to manage both the current session and transaction, perform several operations, and then commit any changes all at once. In such a repository we may opt to put our configuration in the constructor since (typically speaking) no more than one Action is called per request anyway, initializing it in the application doesn't seem like much of an overall gain in speed. I must admit, I'm very temped to use the UnitOfWork pattern, as the following code looks really nice to me:

Csharp Code:
using (IUnitOfWork worker = new UnitOfWork()){// session and transaction are now both set
// save changes to three itemsworker.SaveOrUpdate(item1);worker.SaveOrUpdate(item2);worker.SaveOrUpdate(item3);
// grab a fourth var item4 = worker.Criteria<Foo>().Add(Expression.Eq("title", title)).UniqueResult<Foo>();
// delete the fourthworker.Delete(item4);
// all pending operations are commited or rolled back as a single unit (if one fails, all are rolled back), and then disposed, along with the session}

My proposed UnitOfWork class is rather simple. It implements IDisposable where I use a try-catch-finally in Dispose() to attempt a tx.Commit(), doing a tx.Rollback on failure, and a cleaning everything up in the finally clause. It also exposes common things like SaveOrUpdate, Delete, GetAll, Get, and even a Critera<T>() for custom on-the-spot queries. So what are your thoughts on this? I'd really like to hear about your experience with this pattern.

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Single Repository Or Multiple Repositories?

May 1, 2010

In a typical business application, a session is started and persisted across several pages. It is commited only when the transaction is complete. A good example of this is a tax preparation application. Once the session is started, it is persisted through session, cookies, or both. Nothing is written to file, or database, until the entire profile is complete and the refund/return is calculated. In such an ennvironment, is makes a great deal of sense to work with the structure imposed by domain driven design, and using a single repository to simple commit the session. However, there are times when this doesn't translate correctly, even when domain driven design is used.

An example of this is my forum project. While the entities themselves are good targets for domain driven design, I am not sure about the repositories. The basic structure is that a Category has many Forums, a Forum has many Threads, and a Thread has many posts. There are other things in there, but that's enough to describe what I want to get across. If a user has navigated to /Thread/Edit/42, and they have rights to edit it, all I am concerned about is fetching that record and displaying it. On postback, all I want is to be able to save it..................

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C# - Are Repositories Useful Without Domain Driven Design?

Mar 9, 2011

Assuming my application did not warrant a full blown DDD setup, would Repositories still be useful? I like the way they shield from implementation details (such as use of Entity Framework) underneath. However Repositories tend to be tied to Aggregate Roots (the concept is still a holy grail to me) by definition.

I suppose the question could also be put as such: if I have a typical 3-tier application, with a business layer facade consisting of "logical grouping" classes based on functionality (rather than aggregate roots as in DDD) such as TradingManager and ContactsManager, would it make sense to also create "logical grouping" repositories. Or perhaps a Data Access Object, which I believe is like a Repository without the aggregate root requirement. Of course I will still have a Model (EF POCOs) that will be passed up and down between the layers.

Also, is what I just described would be considered as a Transaction Script approach? It's certainly not DDD, and not Active Record. I'm not even sure if Active Record exists with EF4 like it does with Nhibernate.

I am trying to understand how others structure n-layered applications when they do not follow DDD.

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MVC :: Using EF4 Complex Types / Properties In Repositories?

Jan 13, 2011

Are there advantages in creating complex types in EF4 Entities and then use the complex properties in the repositories; instead of creating the aggregates in the the repository themselves? I.e. If the customer repository consists of properties of 3 entities: customers, addresses, email would it make sense to create a complex type consisting of the address and email properties, and add them as a complex property of the customer entity then just call the customer entity and the complex property in the repository, rather than just creating the repository class and aggregate the entities in the repository.What are there advantages or disadvantages in doing this in a MVC3 application?

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MVC :: Multiple Repositories And Save DB Function

May 3, 2010

I have a few repositories in my project. All repositories inherit from an abstract interface repository containing the public datacontext variable and a Save function for the entire DB.

In my controllers I want to make changes to the the db and in one of my functions I'm working with two different repositories. Calling the Save function on each of the repositories I'm using can cause a situation in which one of the calls to Save succeeds and and the other fails resulting in a need of rolling back the changes of the Save function that failed.

What is the best way to work against multiple repositories and access to the DB to avoid such a situation?

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Jun 25, 2010

I want to write a simple ASP.NET weg page in C# that will consume a web service method using SOAP.How to access a web service if it is on port 443 i.e HTTPS ? If the web method called successfully then it's response status code will be 200, how to return it back the same status code(that we have from web service) from where the page is accessed ?Suppose I have opened the ASP.NET web page ( that consumes the web service method) from the browser and the web servic method is not available / responding then we will have staus code in it's web response in that ASPX web page.My question is how to redirect that status code as status code of the ASPX page that actually calls web method internally, so that it will display some eror message(e,g 404, Page Not found ) directly on the browser.

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DataSource Controls :: SubmitChanges In Controller (mvc) Using Repositories (linq2sql)?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm got 2 model objects. Category and CategoryItem. I try to add a CategoryItem to Category in my Controller but It wont save to database, and I know why because I don't know how to call the submitChanges on the add while using repository, I dont got the DBContext right there is you know what I mean?.. here I will show you with code.


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Is It Wise To Mix MVC Development And Web Form Development In The Same Group Of Products?

Oct 20, 2010

We have a largely asp.net web form team (With some Oracle developers thrown in).

Question 1:

Is it a good idea to start using asp.net MVC which will mean redevelopment of a number of standard controls for not much benefit.

Question 2:

Is it a good idea to hire developers where there most recent skills are with asp.net MVC?

I doubt there is any benefit adopting MVC now, given the 100+ applications in this suite of products, and the maintenance/rework this will cause. Given this, is there any particular reason to hire MVC developers, as they won't be hitting the ground running, which is what I need now.

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