C# - Prevent Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture To Switch To The Default Browser Value After Setting It Manually?

Aug 26, 2010

In my current application I want to implement ASP.Net localization with global resources. I have the problem, that after changing the CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture and CurrentThread.CurrentCulture and changing to another page, these values are overwritten by the browser default values.

I have a DropDownList that enables a selection between different languages. In the ItemChanged Event I store the culturename in the session, redirect to my defaultpage and use this code

protected override void InitializeCulture()
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("de-DE");

After switching to another contentpage, that does not override InitializeCulture I'm back to the default browser language. How can I make that persistent?

What options do I have? The following come to my mind:

On every *.aspx page I do implement InitializeCulture I create a new class that derives from System.Web.UI.Page and overrides the InitializeCulture Eventhandler. Every *.aspx page I use derives from it.

Isn't there a more "built-in" way? ASP.net offers such good localization support, so I guess there must be an easier/more efficient way to achieve my goal. Which one is there?

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Setting CurrentCulture From DropnDown In MasterPage?

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What is the best practice to set the CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture from a DrownDownList in a MasterPage?

I don't want to override InitializeCulture() in every page.
Could it be stored in a Session variable and set in a HttpModule or HttpHandler?

An additional problem i ran into is that if there are databound language-dependant controls on the page they will need to be databound after the language has changed.

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Web Forms :: Alt + Tab Function - To Switch Back On Mail App From Browser?

Oct 27, 2010

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Dec 29, 2010

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Dec 20, 2010

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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.Server.ScriptTimeout = 300;
//other code

Is this enough that should prevent that page from timing out as it does what it needs to? I have no control over the process and how long it runs but we've found that 5 minutes is more than enough time, yet we're still getting intermittent errors of:

System.Web.HttpException: Request timed out.

We've tried upping the value to 600 with really no difference and in any testing we've done we can never get the actual process to run for that long. Is there elsewhere that we need to be setting timeout values that won't affect the entire application and only the specific page we need the longer timeout value on?

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JavaScript - Prevent Browser From Closing C#

Jul 20, 2010

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Sep 2, 2010

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< sessionState
cookieless="false" [code]....

However, it looks like its creating a default cookie named ".ASPXAUTH" in the client machine. I dont want my application to create any sort of cookie.Is there anything specific I need to do in web.config?

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Mar 9, 2011

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self.opener = this;

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window.open('', '_self', '');

but, problem is which code will prevent for all brower(ie6,7,8) asking the message.

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Web Forms :: How To Detect And Prevent New Browser Instance

Aug 25, 2010

The web app in question provides a UI for editing a client (in the business sense, not the browser sense), identified by a ClientID. I store the ClientID in Session, which gets passed from page to page, along with a number of other pieces of data in Session. Works great.

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I have enabled trace and verified that the new browser window uses the same SessionID as the original. If an entirely new instance of IE is opened, it has a different SessionID, so is not a problem. I have not yet investigated other browsers, such as Chrome or Firefox.

Is there any way to determine if a browser instance is opened for a web app which is already open in another window or tab? Or to prevent that from happening?

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Dec 15, 2010

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I need to know how to add a randomly generated token as an additional parameter in my request.



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VS 2008 Prevent Back Button On The Browser?

Jul 14, 2010

i just like to ask if you have any idea of preventing the Back button of the browser to navigate back to the previous page after a user log in.Ex:After a user successfully logged in to my website and he/she hit the Back button of the browser.I want this to not redirected to the previous page instead redirected to the same page which is my Main page.Also after a user logged out to my website and again he/she hit the Back button of the browser.I also want this to not redirected to the previous page instead redirected to my login page.

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Mar 22, 2011

how to prevent the two session on a single browser ie: first i opening a site on mozilla then login after logged in . I am opening a new table with the same url login using different user after that suppose there is one link called view my profile on user home page if if click the link on first tab browser, it showing the user details on second tab browser user details ie: previous session.how to prevent or avoid this ?

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C# - Prevent Opening Of Application On Browser Refresh?

Dec 19, 2010

I have an ASP.NET/C# application that exports some data into an Excel spreadsheet using COM interop at the click of a Button control. When I click the button, Excel is opened with the generated spreadsheet. For what it's worth, here is the button code:

<asp:Button ID="export" Text="Export to spreadsheet" runat="server" OnClick="Export_Workbook" />

This works fine, except when I click the button, close the subsequent spreadsheet, and refresh the page. When the page is refreshed after clicking the button, the call to Export_Workbook() is made again and so the spreadsheet opens again. Firefox, for example, says this when you refresh: "To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier." This is something I want to avoid.

I'm sure there's a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, I'm just not sure what the best approach is.


I've accomplished this by doing the following:

protected void Export_Workbook(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsolutePath, false);

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Security :: How To Prevent Webpage From Saving In Browser

Jul 28, 2010

i want to protect webpage from saving from browser file->save as. i found some sites did it(facebook,orkut). when i try to save pages on that sites only home page saved. how to do this in c#

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C# - How To Prevent Fckeditor To Resize In Chrome Browser

Feb 28, 2011

I have use fckeditor in asp.net. When user open the page containing fckeditor in Chrome. User can resize the text area of fckeditor. I want to prevent this.i.e.user should un-enable to resize the text area.

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Prevent Multiple User Logging Into The Same Domain Using The Same Browser?

Jul 10, 2010

So its a ASP.NET problem where two users using the same machine, same browser:

User 1 logs in the domain.
User 1 changes some data without saving it.
User 2 logs in the domain in a separate tab.
User 1 switches back to his tab and saves the data.
User 1 actually saved the data into User 2!!

This is caused by the following mechanism:

Different tabs in the same browser seems to share the same session id.

We are storing user auth in cookie and the cookie is shared between tabs (same domain)

Therefore, when User 1 request to save, it is recognized as User 2 since the cookie has been updated to User 2.

So I'm wondering if there's any other methods to prevent this from happening, other than:

1. Use cookieless session so the session is embedded in uri.
2. Always include a hidden field in page to indicate which user owns the page.

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How To Prevent Multiple Browser Windows From Sharing The Same Session?

Mar 25, 2010

I have ASP.net application that is basically a data entry screen for a physical inspection process. The users want to be able to have multiple browser windows open and enter data from multiple inspections concurrently. At first I was using cookie based sessions, and obviously this blew up.I switched to using cookie-less sessions, which stores the session in the URL and in testing this seemed to resolve the problem. Each browser window/tab had a different session ID, and data entered in one did not clobber data entered in the other.

However my users are more efficient at breaking things than I expected and it seems that they're still managing to get the same session between browsers sometimes. I think that they're copying/pasting the address from one tab to the other in order to open the application, but I haven't been able to verify this yet (they're at another location so I can't easily ask them).Other than telling them don't copy and paste, or convince them to only enter one at a time, how can I prevent this situation from occurring?

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Web Forms :: How To Prevent Web.config From Showing In Browser When Error

Oct 28, 2010

Whenever there is a configuration error inside the web.config, the server sends a yellow screen of death to the browser with a few lines around it. My problem is I am using impersonation and I don't want the users to see the impersonating username/password. So how can I prevent the server from showing the web.config code??

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