C# - Proper Way To Handle Several Automatic Redirects?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a website that basically allows customers to build a cart with an item that can be configured. A user will pick an item, and they'll be prompted to pick the first option they want, they get sent to the second step where they pick their second option, etc. The number of steps and the number of options are variable, as they are defined by the client. Usually the item only has 2-3 steps with 5-10 options. However, in order to make it faster for the customer, if there is only one option available for the given step, it will automatically be chosen and the user will be sent to the next step.

A client decided to set up an item with 10+ steps with only one option for each step. This results in the entire process automatically choosing everything. FireFox doesn't like this, as it gives the error Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. I haven't checked IE or Chrome, although it probably gives similar errors).

What's the best way to fix this? Right now the process is basically User picks item user picks option if there is more than one option available. Otherwise the website does step 3 itself. POST to add the option to the cart Redirect to Page.aspx?step=# repeat step 2-4 as many times as necessary

Is there any change I can make to the code or page so that FireFox doesn't think I'm in an endless loop?

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DataSource Controls :: Handle Coding A Proper DeleteMethod To Assign To ObjectDataSource

Jan 24, 2010

I currently have a gridview which I have populated using the following method:


What I am looking for is advice on how to handle coding a proper DeleteMethod to assign to my ObjectDataSource (via my class file). I have been searching through several forums, websites and other media and have been left a little confused. Everyone seems to have their own method, none of which I have been able to successfully adapt to my own needs. Here is some of the functionality that I am looking for:

1.) Delete item using Gridview's delete button

2.) Delete the record from both the datatable (and Gridview Row) and the database that the table was generated from.

3.) Upon deletion, refresh gridview

This may sound simple to many of you, but I need a little advice as to where to start. Any applicable threads, tutorials etc.

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URL Rewriting And 301 Redirect... Redirects To The Original URL

Feb 18, 2010

In answering another persons question here on SO, I discovered that there is a small "bug" in my global redirect code.I have wired up a Global class to an HttpModule. It's job is to detect "http:/www." in the URL and redirect the user to the NON www. version

Protected Sub OnBeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Force Removal of WWW
Dim application As HttpApplication = TryCast(sender, HttpApplication)

when it redirect a page http://www.example.com/AboutUs, the goal is to have it go to http://example.com/AboutUs (the rewritten page) but instead it's going to http://example.com/Default.aspx?Slug=AboutUs (the original page).I tried doing a bit of a hack by changing

Dim newUrl As [String] = UrlRegex.Replace(url.ToString(), [String].Format("{0}://", url.Scheme))
application.Context.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
application.Context.Response.AddHeader("Location", newUrl.Replace("Default.aspx", ""))

Dim newUrl As [String] = UrlRegex.Replace(url.ToString(), [String].Format("{0}://", url.Scheme))
newUrl = newUrl.Replace("Default.aspx?Slug=", "")
newUrl = newUrl.Replace("Default.aspx", "")
application.Context.Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently"
application.Context.Response.AddHeader("Location", newUrl)

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C# - Ajax Request Via Jquery For A Url That Redirects?

May 8, 2010

I m trying to access a data after invoking a URL which redirects the output to another page with query strings.ie:

url: 'http://foo.com/results/bar.aspx?fooid = 123&more=1',
success: function(data) {

Reponse results empty. This URL is a redirect to another page with query string, I already have a page that parses the query string and write the output to a page.But response is blank.

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C# - Button In Gridview That Redirects User To Url?

Jan 11, 2011

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<asp:GridView ID="GVnewsletterManager" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" [code]...

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Feb 7, 2011

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Setting Up 301 Redirects With Dynamic URLs?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm guessing this is actually an impossible task, but I thought I'd run it by StackOverflow to see if I'm wrong. Basically we have some dynamically created URLs for SEO purposes (around 300,000+ of them) and we want to do 301 redirects to them.

Our current URLs look like this:

http://www.site.com/<Brand>/<Product Name>/<productGuid>

Our old URLs looked something like this:


Google still has a load of the old URLs indexed, but we obviously want them to know that they should be replaced with our newer ones (and that it's not just duplicate content), hence the 301 redirects.

Our problem is that the <Brand> and <Product Name> parts of the new URLs are obviously dynamically created... making it impossible to create 301 redirects for them.

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Page Unexpectedly Redirects When Supposed To Reload?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a products page, with a treeview on left, (telerik) and on the right there is a div. The div on the right is used to load stuff in it, (using jquery, calling another aspx with a querystring parameter), called from Telerik Treeview's client-side OnNodeSelecting event ... Everything works as expected. There is also a RadioButton list (asp.net rbl) on top of this page, that is set to AutoPostBack. It switched the current language of the page. In all the other pages, it changes the Language and reloads the page. Then browsing the proıducts is pure client-side by loading into the rihgtmost div, (jquery calling another aspx page with a parameter, and loads the resulting HTML into the div).

What happens is, once I load content into this div, and then try to select another language from the RadioButtonList, whole window redirects to the aspx page that is supposed to provide the content to jQuery load. I have absolutely no clue why that happens.

Code below:

TreeView is actually inside an ascx. The client-side code is

$(document).ready(function() {
function getDefaultUrl() {
var hf = document.getElementById('ctl00_cphContent_hfLastSelectedProductUrl'); ///this is for preserving the state
var url = hf.value;
return url;
function UrunMenuNodeClicking(sender, args) {..........

note: the Class MyControl inherits from System.Web.UI.UserControl , and has a property that accesses Session and sets the current language as an integer. Actually it is an enum like Languages.English, I do (int)enum and send it to session ...

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IPhone Safari 302 Redirects Open New Windows?

Mar 7, 2011

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Configuration :: 301 Redirects - Change In File Extensions ?

Oct 29, 2010

I've just upgraded a site from ASP to ASP.net and I'm looking for instruction on how best to handle the redirects. The domain isn't changing but I need to handle the change in file extensions (.asp to .aspx) as well as changing the underscores in the file names to hyphens.

From what I've found so far, creating a rule in the web.config is probably going to be the most convenient approach as this site is in a shared hosting environment, but I'm just not sure of the syntax to use.

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Feb 5, 2011

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Is there some kind of file that I can store them all in, that gets read?

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(note I have dumbed these down a bit to make it easier to follow)

Web.config - I turn on Custom Error Mode

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Setup Some Permanent Redirects For .asp To Aspx Pages?

Mar 22, 2010

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Cancel Button Redirects Back To Originating Page

Sep 7, 2010

I'm building an ASP.NET 3.5 webapplication using VB.NET, and I'm having problems redirecting to another URL when using Google Chrome. Other browsers like IE and Firefox are fine.

My data entry forms all have an OK and an Cancel button, which are both handled server-side. The Cancel button just redirects back to the originating page, while the OK button will add or update a database record and then redirect to the originating page.
The redirect to the originating page is done by calling the following shared sub on a general utilities class in my appication:


As you can see, I've tried using the extra argument in the response.Redirect call, but that doesn't make a difference. All browsers except Google Chrome redirect fine, but Chrome does not redirect at all. When pushing the Cancel button nothing seems to happen. And when pushing the OK button, the corresponding database record is added or updated, but the redirect to the originating page doesn't happen. This Chrome redirect problem occurs only on the production server. When running the application at 'localhost' there is no problem. what might be causing this redirect issue in Google Chrome?

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Security :: Successful Login Redirects To Directory Listing?

Oct 5, 2010

I have set the destinationpageurl of my login control to login.aspx. On successfully logging in to my website, I get redirected to the directory listing. Why is this? What am I doing wrong?

Also, what do I need to do to not allow the user to see the directory listing ever.

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MVC :: LoginUrl Setting In Web.config And Always Redirects To ~/Account/Login

Oct 24, 2010

i just have asp.net mvc 3 beta installed, and i get an issue with loginUrl.

my little project works fine with asp.net mvc 3 preview, but now it always ignores my loginUrl setting in web.config and always redirects me to ~/Account/Login.

i follow the instructions, install WebPages first then mvc 3 beta.

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MVC :: How To Extend Controller With Extension Method Which Redirects To 404 Page

Sep 28, 2010

I am trying to extend controller with extension method which redirects to 404 page.


However, controller.View() method is internal and can't be called outside class methods.

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Security :: Session Time Out - Redirects To Log In Page On Refresh

May 7, 2010

on page refresh it redirects to login page. why?

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MVC :: Ajax.BeginForm Not Displaying PartialView Always Redirects To New Page?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a very simple app where a user enters 2 text values and presses a button, I want a confirmation message to be displayed on the same page however it keeps redirecting to show the partial view as a full view.

This is my home View:


This is my ContactController:


And finally this is my Confirmation PartialView


This is using MVC 3/.Net 4, I have downloaded an MVC 2/.Net3.5 sample project from the web that is doing exactly the same which works fine. What am I doing wrong?

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Web Forms :: SiteMapPath Breadcrumbs With Response.redirects Or Hyperlinks

Jul 29, 2010

Does the ASP.NET SiteMapPath control work when using redirects or hyperlinks? It seems the only time it's working for me is if I access a page through the asp.net menu control.

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Web Forms :: Login Page To 9 Redirects Back To Itself Before Finally Loading?

Feb 21, 2011

I would periodically get a message stating "too many redirects". I used debug this moring and found out that my login page, even with no code in the page_load and no script does 9 redirects back to itself. I use forms authentication and assume it has something to do with that.

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Make AJAX Redirects - Page_Load Methods In .aspx And In An .ascx ?

Jan 5, 2010

Ok, this is a bit different scenario. I guess I would have to think about doing it this way sort of with MVC anyway if we were actually using MVC...but we're not at the moment.So I've got and .aspx page. In that .aspx page is a user control (.ascx). And in that user control is a custom control (.cs).

The custom control has a repeater in it. So I'm showing a list of items on that .aspx through the .ascx's custom control. For each item in the repeater is a button. It's just a hyperlink, just a regular on my page When you click that button, it redirects to whatever page you're on. Since the custom control never knows what your parent .aspx page is, I'm doing a redirect to the self .aspx by doing a Response.Redirect(Request.Path). So that way it always redirects to whatever .aspx is using that user control and custom control.

So after it redirects to self, I check the querystring in the page_load of whatever .aspx is using it. If the value is true, then I handle it however the .aspx wants to. In this case when it's true, I call a method in the code behind of my .aspx that handles the action for the button. For example lets say that button was "Add to Shopping Cart", the .aspx handles that action and calls a AddToCart method in the .aspx.cs.

I'm not using an ASP.NET control for the actual hyperlink and button because I just don't need it and in my particular case I'm using a user control and a custom server control.For this instance, I had some issue where I didn't wnat to use an ASP.NET control...I forget why but the point is, no this is what it is.

So with that, I'm trying to figure out how I can apply some AJAX here call to call that method instead. I still need to somehow redirect again back to the same page like I'm doing...I'm doing the redirect in that method after all the logic at the end. I am redirecting again back to the same page, because I need my Page_Load methods in my .aspx and also in an .ascx to still fire off after that method is completed.So I am not sure where to start on this. Let me go through this once again:

Custom control has a repeater in it and in the repeater, each item has a standard HTML hyperlink (non ASP.NET control) which wraps a standard image tag (image is a button)User control contains the custom control The .aspx page contains the user control User clicks the butt on and hyperlink redirects them to the parent .aspx page that is using this custom control...so it callsResponse.Redirect(Request.Path)

In the code-behind of this .aspx, in my page_load I check a querystring flag to see if I performed that action..meaning user clicked that button. For example one of the querystring params is "AddItem" and another querystring param is "itemID". If movedItem is true, then I fire off a method called MoveItem(int itemID) Method MoveItem is called Method MoveItem redirects again back to this same .aspx using Response.Redirect(Request.Path).. this is so that the page load is hit again as well as my .ascx page load is hit. Because in both those page loads, I rebind a repeater so I can show the latest state of the lists. I call a method in my .aspx page_load which rebinds a grid and then page_load in my .ascx also calls another method which rebinds some other list

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C# - Process A Page Event Prior To Forms Authentication Redirects?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a website that uses basic ASP.Net forms authentication. In the web.config file we specify specific access rules for individual pages and directories. Everything works great.

However, now I have some new requirements. My domain contains many different sites setup among different subdomains. I have two DNS subdomains that map to this application. One is aaa.mysite.com and the other is www.mysite.com. If a particular web request is received from subdomain aaa.mysite.com for a page protected by FormsAuthentication, before the FormsAuthentication logic is handled (the user would be re-directed to the login page), I want to execute some code first. This code would essentially try to read a cookie from a third subdomain, say zzz.mysite.com, and if does not exist, Response.Redirect to a login page in the zzz.mysite.com application.

I tried handling this via a base class that any of my Forms Authentication protected pages could inherit from, and then calling the special code in the Page_PreInit function. However, FormsAuthentication handles the redirect to the Login page even before the PreInit function is called.

Does anyone know a good way to handle this case? If Page_PreInit won't work, where can I put code so that it executes prior to the FormsAuthentication redirect does, but where I also have access to which page it is (and what class it inherits from, so I can see if it inherits from System.Web.UI.Page or if it inherits from my special BasePage).

I think I could use the Globals Application_BeginRequest, but then this would be called for every single request, which doesn't seem like a very good idea.

I can't be the first person who has needed a way to handle an event prior to the FormsAuthentication

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