C# - To Structure My BL And DAL In Conjunction With NHibernate

Oct 20, 2010

Typically I would have ran with the traditional 3-Tier approach but after spending some time looking around at various options I've got an inkling that some kind of ORM might be a better fit and I'm considering nHibernate.However,I'm looking for some guidance on implementing nHibernate and more specifically how I would structure my BL and DAL in conjunction with nHibernate.With nHibernate I would create my Objects (or DTOs?) and use nHibernate methods for my CRUD interactions all in my DAL.But what I can't get my head around is the Objects defined in the DAL would be probably be better situated within the BL, i.e. where validation and other stuff can be performed easily, and I just use the DAL from the various ObjectFactory's / ObjectRepositories. Unfortunately it seems through the many articles I've read this isn't mentioned or skirted over and I'm a tad confused.What is the more accepted or easier method of implementation when using nHibernate in a 3 Tier system?Alternatively, what is the conventional method of exposing objects through the business layer from the data layer to the presentation?

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response.write("<script>alert('fill in Comment before submitting');</script>");

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Feb 22, 2011

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BranchId ParentId ProductCount HasBranchChildren Name
0 NULL 48 1 Categories
1 0 20 1 CategoryA
2 1 10 1 CategoryA1
3 1 8 0 CategoryA2
4 1 2 0 CategoryA3
5 2 4 0 CategoryA1.1
6 2 6 0 CategoryA1.2
7 0 28 1 CategoryB
8 7 20 0 CategoryB1
9 7 8 0 CategoryB2

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{ [code]...

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