Change Title Name Of Page.aspx Through Control Webcontrole.ascx
Jul 5, 2010i want to change the title of my page.aspx through its control webcontrole.ascx
View 1 Repliesi want to change the title of my page.aspx through its control webcontrole.ascx
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to emebed an ASPX page into an ASCX control ?
View 1 RepliesHow can I access a control on page a.aspx from a webusercontrol.ascx
I do not know the technical term used to describe this, if any,the webusercontrol.ascx page contains a button.
onclick of the button, placeholder on main page must display the "required content".
if this were on the same page no problem.
but how to access across pages?
I am using timer control and update panel to change my page title based of how many new mails are coming just like the way gmail behaves. But the thing is it only works for the content or display the count right in my lblMailCount, but the page title never changes.
Every time I create a new aspx page and add some new photos and text, after I finish, I have to update page title, Web.sitemap, Sitemap.xml to feed search engines, static sitemap.aspx page, add photos to proper folders, update database to display feeds etc, and I have to remember to upload all new files including links to any new pdfs....This routine eats my time and drives me crazy.
I was wondering if there is such interface, where you need to create only 1 aspx page, for example "Articles" which can populate Texts, photos etc into pre-defined sections, but at the same time it displays with different URL's, so there is a permanent link to it. After you finish it creates a title automatically, based on article title, populates Web.sitemap - does all the dirty work. Similar to how blog engines, Joomla and Drupal work.
I have the page directive:
<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeBehind="Galeria.aspx.cs" Inherits="TerapiaFisica.Galeria" %>
What I want is to make the Title multilanguage. I know i can do that from code behind with something like this:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.Title = (string)GetLocalResourceObject("PageTitle");
But that's exactly what i don't want to do. I want to make that title multilanguage from the tag in the page directive of the aspx.
I tried this two options but none of them works:
<%@ Page Title=" <%= GetGlobalResourceObject("Global", "PageTitle") %>"
<%@ Page Title="<asp:Localize Text="<%$ Resources: Global, PageTitle %>"
I know that there's a lot of free open source blog engine out there such as BlogEngine.NET.However that's an overkill for my purpose.I so far has created my own simple one by storing posts in a .xml file and so every time the main page loads it reads from all those xml files and displays it as posts.Now my problem is when a user clicks on a post title I want it to show on a new page(.aspx),so if the title is X then I want a new page called X.aspx when the user clicks on the title on the homepage.I hope this makes sense.My question is how do I create such thing?
View 4 Replies<% @
title="ViewCompanyData" %>
how to change the title="viewcompanydata" into multilanguage
as when i click arabic button the data inside the title=" " shuld appear in arabic and viseversa,so can one let me know how to do it,as i have done globalization for my whole project,just this part is remaning.
I have created a UserControl [uscAuditTeam.ascx], there I have a Dictionary list and I added some values.
I want to pass the dictionary value to AuditTracking.aspx page. But it shows the null value.
I have a below Page title in my master page
<title>My Test Application Name®</title>
It renders Fine with Register symbol after the text "My Test Application Name" on start of the page but on any postback the title turn into My Test Application Name® Kindly let me know what can i do with minimal effort to fix this issue
I have a variable in an aspx file I need to use/recover it's value into an ascx web control that's in this aspx file. It's possible to do it? The aspx dynamically loads web controls depending the scenario, so this web control not allways is loaded.
View 2 RepliesI've got an aspx page that renders an ascx page with filtering capabilities. Inside the ascx page, parameters are passed as follows:
<td class="label">Plataforma</td>
<td class="field lookup"><%= Html.Lookup("s.Site", null, Url, "Sites") %></td>
<td class="label">Data</td>
<td class="field date"><%= Html.TextBox("s.Date", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) %></td>
I need to be able to get those parameters on the main aspx page, because they are needed for an action that is called there. How could I access these parameters?
I have one aspx page and more than ascx files, i have links on aspx page. if i click one of the link, it will upload the relevant ascx file on main aspx file.
View 1 RepliesI'm creating a bilingual website (Arabic and English VS2005),I'm using resource files to store my site strings. The problem is that my page title is not changging when I change the language, my title resource key is:
and I use this code
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="contactus.aspx.cs" Inherits="contactus" meta:resourcekey="PageResource1" Culture="auto" UICulture="auto" %>
to displaye the page title
I have two files in my project. One is user control (popup) customerpicker.ascx and one is default.aspx page. In customerpicker I have dynamically generated gridview and 'select' column with SelectButton.
What I want is this: When I click on 'select' on random row in gridview, then I like to display value from selected row immediately (like ajax) to How it is possible?
There is part of my code in .ascx:
public string showOnaspx { get; set; }
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewSelectEventArgs e)
GridViewRow row = GridView1.Rows[e.NewSelectedIndex];
showOnaspx = row.Cells[1].Text;
e.Cancel = true;
protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridViewRow row = GridView1.SelectedRow;Â
//row[i].Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#ContentIndex_sometextbox).val(" + row[i].Cells[1].Text// + "); $('#Close').click();");
I also tried with jqeury (comment in selectedindexchanged function), but it does not work well, because user have to click SELECT two times to effect.
I am trying to change the color of the text in the title of a Calendar Extender Control from the AJAX Toolkit. I was having trouble getting the hover color to change, so I followed an example from this site:
I am changing:
.ajax__calendar .ajax__calendar_hover .ajax__calendar_title {
But the font color doesn't seem to work. If I omit the ".ajax__calendar_hover", then the title text is white (until you hover over it).
I am currently displaying the date via the Eval method in an ASCX file:
<%#Eval("BirthDate") %>
However this appears as mm/dd/yyyy when I would like it to appear as dd/mm/yyyy. Is there a global setting where I can change the default date format or is there another way to change it directly in the user control ASCX file?
how to get user controls(ascx) fields in normal page (aspx)
View 5 Replieshow to use gridview usercontrol (Ascx) and sql pass to aspx page
View 4 RepliesI have a user control (ascx) which contains a control (hidden field). In the page_load event of ascx, i have the below code:
HyperLink.Attributes.Add("onclick", "JavaScript:return AccessControl('" + hdnField.UniqueID + "');");
Note: The hidden field resides in .ascx file.
I want to access this hidden field at runtime and i have the below javascript function in aspx page that loads the usercontrol.
function AccessControl(hdnFieldId)
var ctrl = document.getElementById(hdnFieldId);
I am getting 'null' value in the alert. I tried using 'ClientID' and 'this' instead of 'UniqueId'. I am wondering why this is not working. I am using .net 2.0.
I am having difficulties how to construct my question, but if I have to put it simply the situation is that I have categories of products. I have an aspx with a repeater on the left that lists the categories. And I want the products to be listed on the right. Category number is variable so I made an ascx with a DataList in it. When I try to do foreach category, ascx = new ascx(); then the DataList within this ascx control is null.
ps: what I want to do is to preload all the products (thre is not much) and hide the divs and fadein fadeout them using jQuery when a category div is clicked.
rightnow it is using jQuery.load(); and I don't like how the images load, cuz they download from top to bottom. Progressive gifs alsdo not an option. site demo is here [URL]
I have aspx page and in that page i registerd ascx page. i want to access the aspx page <div id = "idofdiv"> from ascx page jquery function. i have jquery function in ascx page. i want to access idofdiv in that function.
View 2 RepliesHow can I register a css code block inside an ascx control?
Can I just have
<head id="head" runat="server">
<style type="text/css">
background-color: Lime;
Anywhere in ascx page? I doesn't seem to work?
<input type="file" id="file1" name="file1"/>
now i want to call the file control in .aspx.vb page. how can we call this..
I want to set the focus to a specific control in .ascx from main page. When i load the mainpage.aspx, the focus should be on a text box control which is contained in web user part called selectperson.ascx
View 17 Replies