Create A Strong Name Key(snk) For Mulitiple References Dll In N-tier Application?

Mar 18, 2011

how to create a snk for all existing dlls(multiple) in n-tier application?I have created a application using n-tier. My web layer contain refrences of all layers(data,facade,core,common).but when I try to create strong key of web layer it throws error as "refrences assembliy can not have Strong name".

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HOw To Create A Strong Named Assembly

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Recommended Tier Framework For Web Application?

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C# - Remove All References To A DLL Across All Application Domains?

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Web Forms :: Create DAL Layer For Three Tier Architecture

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Which Of The Two Design Patterns Should I Implement In A 3-tier .Net Application

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to decide which of the two factory patterns I should use in my Asp.Net applications:

1 : All DAL providers derive from same abstract base class DepartmentsProvider, which defines public interface of the class ( all the necessary CRUD methods for which derived classes (providers ) provide a concrete implementation ). BLL layer instantiates correct provider by calling DepartmentsProvider.Instance:

public abstract class DepartmentsProvider
static private DepartmentsProvider _instance = null;
/// <summary>[code]....

In first case we implement new provider by deriving from DepartmentsProvider class, while in second case new provider is implemented by deriving from DBProviderFactory. What are pros and cons of each implementation?

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Architecture :: Handle Transactions In 3 Tier Web Application?

Jul 2, 2010

I' am trying to write a aplication using a 3 Tier Model

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But now i am facing a problem, i need to Handle Transactions i already found a interesting article

[URL] but i have some doubts.

For example when i need to iterate to a Grid in the presentation Layer how will i Use the Transactions??


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Architecture :: Connect Different Server In 3 - Tier Application?

Nov 1, 2010

I want to develop a three tier architecture app.I have no idea when weplace our BLL and DLL code in different server how to connecct this BLL and DLL code to our Website(UI).

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Architecture :: Data Validation In A 3 Tier Application?

Aug 31, 2010

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Web Config - Where Should Connection Strings Be Stored In A N-tier Application

Sep 29, 2010

I have an ASP.NET project which is pretty n-tier, by namespace, but I need to separate into three projects: Data Layer, Middle Tier and Front End.

I am doing this because...

A) It seems the right thing to do, and

B) I am having all sorts of problems running unit tests for ASP.NET hosted assemblies.

Anyway, my question is, where do you keep your config info?

Right now, for example, my middle tier classes (which uses Linq to SQL) automatically pull their connection string information from the web.config when instantiating a new data context.

If my data layer is in another project can/should it be using the web.config for configuration info?

If so, how will a unit test, (typically in a separate assembly) provide soch configuration info?

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C# - N - Tier Architecture Approach - Web Application Clearing Confusion

Aug 14, 2010

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Web Application Architecture Performance In Single And Many Assemblies One For Each Tier

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Apr 1, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving Of The Data Using 3-tier Application?

Feb 6, 2010

but i have a problem to retrieve value from the database in the textbox using 3-tier application. ]

in the App_data i have following folder.

1> employeeBAL in this i have 1class file called empbasicinfoBLL.cs

2> employeeDAL in this i have test_data.xsd

in the basic details folder i have one page Basic information(employee basic info) in this i want that when user will log in the site [using username and password] after successful login when user will click on the Basic information then he will able to see his [name, employee no, first name, last name] etc on the page [i don't want to use grid-view to retrieve the details becoz i am using the table in this i am using Lable and Textbox for each] and this data should come from the EmployeeBAL.

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DataSource Controls :: LinqDataSource In A N-Tier Web Based Application?

Mar 10, 2010

I am upgrading and re designing my current ASP.NET 2.0 website to ASP.NET 3.5 to take advantage of the 3.5 feature set.As part of the re design I am going to use Linq to SQL classes.

The web based application I am working on is an N-Tier application. In the past I have always used an ObjectDataSource when binding against UI controls.I just read an article about the LinqDataSource.After reading this article I am toying with the idea of using the LinqDataSource for selecting data into controls where I only want to select and not change the data (i.e. drop down list boxes or gridviews that don't perform inserts,updates or deletes).Before I go down this path,I was wondering if this is a bad idea and that I should just stick with the ObjectDataSource?

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Deploying Web Application Which References Class Library With WCF Service?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a separate environment for development. On my production server, where we mostly host web applications, we deploy the precompiled version of the web project. While doing development I work on three projects. One is the WCF Service. Two, is the class library project. This library has classes which makes calls on the WCF service. And the third, is a web project which consumes the class library.

The last two projects come under one VS solution. I host the wcf service in the development environment. This service is added as service reference to my class library. I am unable to visualize what will happen once I add the DLL (viz output of the class library project) to my web project, and, the web project has to be deployed. At the time of deployment I have to change the service reference (the url of the svc file will change as it has to point to the production wcf service). How to go about this? What must I take care when adding the dll to the web project?

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Web Forms :: Create A Simple Class Based One Tier Architecture

Mar 20, 2014

I am beginner in / and I developed a web application for inventory management. here I have my insertion procedure that I entered in my code behind all the different page of my application. My problem is the following:

* I would like to put my procedure in a class that I will call on my different page * how to create this class * how to call this class on my pages

here is my procedure:

Private Sub reqinsertion (ByVal sreq As String)
         Dim con As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection ("Dsn = dshealthboard")
         Sun ocommand As System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand
         con.Open ()
         ocommand = New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand (sreq, con)
         ocommand.ExecuteNonQuery ()
         con.Close ()
     End Sub

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Security :: Developing Simple Login Application Using 3 Tier Arch?

Jan 25, 2011

actually i was developing 3 tier login page application as following :

DAL which containes UsersDS.xsd

in UsersDS.xsd i created one select statement as (SELECT UserID, Name, Password
FROM Users
WHERE (Name = @Name)

in BLL class in have following :



Then i created login.aspx (User Interface )


But this did not work , it is just like it's not connecting to DB ..

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Pagination In 3 Tier Web Application?

Dec 20, 2010

I have a Web Application in 3 Tier(UI,BL,DAL).

I have a repeater control and I just can't figure out on how to implement the pagination in the repeater control.

Here's my code:


private void QSearchProductsWheels(int catid, int brandid, string keyword)
this.wheels.DataSource = QSearchProductsDS(catid, brandid, keyword);



of course the data access...

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Iis7 - External References Slow Down Application (VS: Add Reference Dialog)?

Aug 6, 2010

I've noticed as my website gets bigger and bigger, the time my laptop takes to display my page is much longer then say a new projects with minimal references. I think there are two variables at play that affect ASP.NET warm-up time:

The quantity of external references The time it takes for a worker process to new() up each instance per worker process Additional time for the WCF objects as the ServiceHost may be in an external DLL First, are those the correct variables to take into account when considering ASP.NET startup time? Next, it appears that web.config may dispatch other objects for use with certain filetypes (*.svc, *.aspx, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF), etc. ). This too may cause delays in ASP.NET.

Last, my project is created as a "web project" not a "web site". Not sure if this has an impact. Is my theory full of holes, or is there something I can do to make development on a old laptop any better?

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