Create User Level Themes Like Orkut?

Mar 9, 2010

I am doing a community website. Assume that I am giving an option to all my users to choose a theme. That we happen see on websites like Orkut , Gmail etc..Actually we can keep only one theme inside the web config right ?. During dynamic change all the other user's themes will also change. How to avoid this?

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C# - Can An User Connect To Website Using Orkut Account

Apr 8, 2010

Can a user connect to my web site using an Orkut account ? Just like Google Friend Connect or Facebook, but with Orkut.

The idea is, the user goes to my web site, I have a "Connect using Orkut" button there, on click takes him to the Orkut login page, once s/he logins and grants access to my app, get's redirected to my web site with the Orkut ID as a parameter. The same procedure that works for Google Friend Connect and also Facebook Connect....

I haven't seen an example of this with Orkut. Can it be done ? Is there an Orkut Connect or similar ?

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Web Forms :: Where Shall I Store User Selected Themes

Jan 23, 2010

I have a simple ASP.NET web site with membership (using SqlMemberShipProvider). I allow users to select a theme to setup a design of the pages they like.

Now the question is: Where shall I store this selected theme per user?

My initial idea was to use profiles. So I have defined a profile property called "Theme" in the web.config file. All this works so far as long as the user has logged in to the web site.

But there remains one open point:If the user isn't logged in and enters the login page how can I make sure that he sees the login page with the theme he has selected before?

Obviously (at least I think it's obvious) I cannot pull the theme of the login page from the profile of that user as long as he hasn't logged in.

So how can I overcome this issue? Is it perhaps the wrong place to store the theme in the user profile table? Should it be better stored somewhere on the client PC of the user?

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Web Forms :: User Selectable Themes Using Master Pages Working ?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm trying to set profiles/themes using a basepage to allow the colour of my site to change for users. I can do this on a single page but I'm trying to do this site wide and am getting an error.

I've been watching this tutorial

but I'm getting errors at the final step...

System.NullReferenceException was unhandled by user code Message="Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Source="App_Code.gflsvdcc" StackTrace: at BasePage.OnPreInit(EventArgs e) in D:WebsitesBalticQuarter19.01.11App_CodeBasePage.vb:line
9 at System.Web.UI.Page.PerformPreInit() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) InnerException:

is the error, The error occurs because of the line 9 =

9 - Me.Theme = Request.Form(Me.Master.FindControl("DropDownList1").UniqueID)

If I insert this instead of the text above the colours change on the site.

Me.Theme = Request.Form("ctl00$DropDownList1")[code].....

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I am looking for multi-level accordion menu (drill down to few levels deeper) (expand and collapsible) for my website. Is there a sample anywhere I can use? it will be nice if I can dock it to the left by clicking on an icon and slide back when I click on the icon again.

Something like this:


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Apr 19, 2010

i had created a login page by using login control in VS 2008..

the register,login all wrkg very well...

in web adminstrator tool also i had created three user: admin,employee,manager...

the prob is...i dnt knw how to link the user to different page base on level...


admin to admin.aspx

employee to employee.aspx

manager to manager.aspx

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Jan 31, 2011

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<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="None" %>

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Jan 7, 2010

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By any chance, do you also know how to prevent the creation of the user if the additional fields have not been filled?

I triend with Java, code behind and many method but it still dont work: the user is created even if the Terms and Conditions are not checked.

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Apr 5, 2010

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Security :: Access Level / Ensure That A User From A Particular Group Is Redirected To His/her Summary Page?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a summary page that has an Add New Record button, andEdit Record butto and a Delete Record button.Every user has ReadOnly access.However, only users with administrators Access Level can add, edit, delete, view.Users with Staffers Access Level can only Add records but cannot delete or edit.So, basically, 2 access Levels, Administrators, Staffers.Administrators can view, add, delete, update records.The rest, Staffers, can only view and Add records.I am struggling to figure this out.I have done this a ton of times using Classic ASP, something like:

If AccessLevel <> "Administrator" Then
Response.Redirect"login.asp" 'so if user has admin password, s/he ccan log in with that.
End if


4 different groups will be using the system, each will be redirected to their own summary page based on their groupNumber.All I just want now is to ensure that a user from a particular group is redirected to his/her summary page, then that user is checked again against AccessLevel (view, edit, delete, update).

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May 11, 2010

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Aug 31, 2010

May i know how i can change postion of Create user button in Create USer Wizard as i want to change according to requirement!

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Security :: Trying To Create New User With Create User Wizard And Getting Name Already Exists!?

Sep 8, 2010

I am using a create User Wizard for registering a user and have converted it to a a template to capture additional information. In the CreatedUserEvent handler in Code Behind I am getting the UserName of the new user and their unique GUID key. This is then added to a seperate data table with addditional info captured from the user. The textboxes within the create user Wizard have validation controls. If the user has missed an entry these fire and it shops the process of creating the user.

BUT If I then complete the textboxes and then click submit it says the USER NAME already Exists! This is not what I want as the User just needs to correct the errors in the form and they should be able to keep their iniital User Name choice. Do I need to change the Event handler and if so am I still able to capture the USerName and Key so that I can add the data to the other non membership table.

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