Creating A Webservice Client?

Aug 2, 2010

I am a beginner at webservices.

I created a webservice solution using VS2010. I can browse to http://localhost:1259/ResultsWebServices/FG_Results.asmx and click on my webservice which is Get_FG_Results, enter my case num and get the XML back. Works fine as expected. FG

For trial purpose, I added another project in the same solution which is supposed to be this webservice client. I added a web refrence to Get_FG_Results. On the default page I added a GridView to display the resuls fetched by the webservice.

I have a method BindDataToGrid being called at the page load. How do I call my webservice from this method to populate the GridView?

What else do I need to do so that this webservice is available to other applications?

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WCF / ASMX :: Creating Webservice In Vs2005?

Dec 17, 2010

how to make a web service in vs 2005

in file /new /project which template to be taken web application web service application

or WCF service application (this template i dont have) currently i have a web application with .asmx page let me knw the rigtt way

i have code in .aspx page i need to have that code in asmx(webservice)

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WCF / ASMX :: Creating A Custom Namespce For A Webservice?

Sep 30, 2010

I am working on a web service right now and I am using the default namespace which is below one;

[WebService(Namespace = "")]

How can I create a custom user interface?Like this page;

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice Giving Error When Creating Object

Jan 29, 2010

i am getting the foolowing error when i am creating object od a veb serive with using VS 2005. i am getting the below error.

System.InvalidOperationException: Method ElectronicInsuranceServiceService.addVehicleInsurance can not be reflected. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error reflecting 'string'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException:
There was an error reflecting type 'MotorIns.string'. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Types 'MotorIns.string' and 'MotorIns.string1' both use the XML type name, 'string', from namespace '[URL]a'. Use XML attributes to specify
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Allow Client Pass My Object Through Webservice?

Nov 12, 2010

I want to write a webservice, and in one of its methods, I want user to pass one my object's instance as parameter. It will greatly reduces number of parameters, and help user call this method more effectively. I create some class, but when distributing them to client, only class name remains, all properties and methods are gone, just like this

public class CameraPackages
private readonly List<CameraPackage> _packages;
public CameraPackages()
_packages = new List<CameraPackage>();
public void AddNewCamera(CameraPackage package)
public void RemoveCamera(CameraPackage package)
throw new ArgumentException();
into this: (in Reference.cs)
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Xml", "2.0.50727.3082")]
public partial class CameraPackages {

How can I do to allow user use my object?

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C# - Retrieving Client User Name And Computer Name Within Webservice?

Jan 22, 2011

I have web service on server! This service is calling from the clients applications!

Now how i can get user name and computer name of clients that using this service, for example if application from Clint1 calling this service i want to get computer name and user name of Clint1?

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice To Import Data From Client Side

Apr 28, 2010

I want to build a webservice that has to get some data as parameter from the client application. the data from the client side are records from there database. my websercie has to send then these data to a soap server through 'HttpWebRequest'. Can i get the data as Datatable? and then send as stream to the soap server? Or maybe there is a better easier ways?

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice Client Response Object Not Getting Populated

Mar 29, 2011

There is an external (Java based ) web service that i am calling. I've added my service reference and verified that Reference.cs has been generated.

Then i call my service form my client website like such:


But my response object is mostly null after it receives the response. The properties that should have values do NOT.

When i look at Trace viewer, the SOAP request is correct and the SOAP response is correct. I get back a valid soap response with all the data i need it's just not making its way back to my response object. I've tried regenerating the proxy many different ways (svcutil) with no luck.

Example of what is in the response object (good data which is not making it's way back to my response object):

<ogc:Spatial_Capabilities><ogc:GeometryOperands><ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Envelope</ogc:GeometryOperand><ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Point</ogc:GeometryOperand><ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:LineString</ogc:GeometryOperand><ogc:GeometryOperand>gml:Polygon</ogc:GeometryOperand></ogc:GeometryOperands><ogc:SpatialOperators><ogc:SpatialOperator name="BBOX"></ogc:SpatialOperator><ogc:SpatialOperator name="Overlaps"></ogc:SpatialOperator></ogc:SpatialOperators></ogc:Spatial_Capabilities>

Why isn't the SOAP response making its way back to my response object?

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Access Webservice Developed Using C# Using Java Client Without Crossdomain.xml File

Nov 27, 2010

Can we access a c# webservice using java client , even if there is no crossdomain.xml file present on for eg, IIS?

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WCF / ASMX :: Code Within A WebService And WCF Client Work Only When Fildder Is Capturing Requests?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a piece of code written in 2 different ways, one a web service and another a WCF client which are trying to access an external 3rd party URL.

The same code when written as an exe works fine, i see my submissions on the 3rd party site, while the web code does not work.

I installed Fiddler to check traffic and to my surprise the web code works when Fiddler is capturing traffic, As soon as I stop Fiddler my code does not work.

For the web service code I get error: The remote name could not be resolved:

For the WCF client I get error: There was no endpoint listening at <<3rd party URL>> that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.

Am quite sure now that this is because of some network and/or proxy on my corporate network, but not able to figure out what it can be.

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Java - Can A Webservice Be Secured With Authentication When Called From Ajax Client Side

Oct 31, 2010

How do I protect a webservice if it is called from ajax ?

Update: I realize that my question didn't reflect what I intended to ask. I don't want user to be able to do the request by pointing to it with its webbrowser but only in the context of my app.

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WCF / ASMX :: Adding Parameter To Soap Header In Webservice From Client Side

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to consume a third party web service. In order to access any web method I need to pass session id with soap header in each request. I am trying to modify my header but haven't been successful. I am using proxy in 2.0. I created a separate class which inherits the soap header. I have copied my code but I am not sure how to go about this. How do I attach this header to proxy.


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C# - Creating Composite Control With Client Feature?

Nov 7, 2010

I want to develop composite control where some of the work would be executed on client side. For that I am implementing IScriptControl.

ScriptReference points to a script file with client object.

Let's say I want it to have Listview(html select) control that onselect will run javascript function based on the selected value.

I can't just create the control dynamically is client js, because the control has UI on design mode so I must create the select control on server side (I create it in override void Render)

My problem how and where to assign the onselect event for the selection.

Update: Maybe I should add select's id as property to ScriptControlDescriptor, then in client control retrieve this id and attach the needed handler to the event?

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State Management :: Creating Cookie With Client Scripting And Updating From Server Side?

Aug 9, 2010

cookies are generated from the client scripting.e.g. document.cookie = city=NYC;

I want to update this from GUI using

Response.cookies["city"] = LA;

I could not understand why this is not possible.( I read about Httponly and all that stuff but still not clear).If I use Javascript in code behind page then I am able to change the value.e.g.

Literal ltMsgUpdate = new Literal();
ltMsgUpdate.Text = "<script type='text/javascript'>document.cookie = 'city=LA';" + "</script>";

But I could not use this type of code because there is response.redirect statement in the function where I am updating cookie using (response.cookie) and that's why the javascript code never runs.

Bottomline: I want to update cookies in code behind page which is generated in client scripting.

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Webservice And Two "parallel" Requests From Client

Nov 5, 2010

I have such a problem. Suppose we have a client (WinForms app), which invokes some methods from webservice. Every 5 minutes (Interval of Timer) I invoke asynchronously webmethod A. Suppose that time of its execution take a 1 minute. When this operation runs, I open some Window, and invokes webmethod B synchronously... or i try to do it. Application suspended, wait until webmethod A ends, then process webmethod B (or I have an exception - Connection was closed, or Timeout...). Is there any possibility to run this A, B webmethods 'parallel'?

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Error CS0029: Cannot Implicitly Convert Type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute To Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]

Aug 5, 2010

In Visual Studio 2008 I have a Class Library project (called Media) to which I added a Web Reference (not a Service Reference) to a third-party web service (wsdl). In the Class Library project a proxy class is created for using the service along with several classes for the types used in that service.

I also have a second Class Library (called Sync) that references the first one. And then I have a Web Site project that references the second class library. All of this is .NET 3.5

So Web Site > Class Library (Sync) > Class Library with web service reference (Media)

I want to step into the generated code, so I fire up the web site in IIS 7.5 and trigger the call to a method in the second class library (Sync) that in turn should call the web service proxy. I was fully expecting to hit the breakpoint, but instead got an exception:

Unable to generate a temporary class(result=1). error CS0029: Cannotimplicitly convert type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute to Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]

Why is ASP.NET trying to generate a temporary class? Don't I already have the generated class from the first Class Library (Media)?

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C# - Show Only Client-side Validation With Client And Server Validators?

Dec 12, 2010

If I have something like the following:

<asp:TextBox id="test" runat="sever"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ControlToValidate="test"
<asp:Label runat="server" id="lblStatus"></asp:Label>

if in the code behind, I set the label to "You must enter a value if the textbox is empty" to validate it on the server side and this is fine, but if javascript is enabled, I don't want to show the client side validation and the server side label together. Is this something where I would just have to disable the client-side validators if javascript was enabled?

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C# - Client-Server App, Want To Create A Client Simulator ?

Oct 11, 2010

We've got a client app which connects using TCP to a server. Additionally, the client app makes use of .NET remoting to talk to another piece of locally running code.

I'm tasked with creating a "Client Simulator" to do some testing, where we'd need to have 100's of clients connected simultaneously to the server. Ideally, this would work out great if I were to run each client in it's own space, such as a VM, but this is not logistically feasible.

how to handle this? Is there a tool that could do something like this? Or some sort-of .NET concept I could use?

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Javascript - User Control With Client + Server Side CustomValidation; Wrong Client Side Validator Is Picked

Nov 23, 2010

I have a user control which contains a CustomValidator which is used according to whether a RadioButton is checked or not (there are several RadioButtons, I'm only showing the relevant one)

<asp:RadioButton runat="Server" ID="RadioBetween" GroupName="DateGroup" CssClass="date_group_options_control_radio" />

There is some client + server side validation code (the server side code does exactly the same thing and is skipped for brevity)

<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateDateFields_Client(source, args) [code]...

There are two instances of this control in the page. When running the client side version it hits the wrong one (the version of the control which is disabled). You can see from the generated HTML both are correctly specified. I'm not sure how .NET works out which clientside function to call given they both have the same name.

<script type="text/javascript">
var ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator = document.all ? document.all["ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator"] : document.getElementById("ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator");

Do i need to add something in to scope it? What's the best way to achieve this? If I disable the loading of the second control everything works fine.

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File Transfer From Client To Client?

Apr 28, 2010

I am working with a chatServer application. I want to transfer(share) one file from client machine to another client machine, like gtalk file send without saving that file in server (I meen directly transfer from client to client). How can i do this in

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Client - Server - Client Architecture?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm going to create my own project, and i have some difficulties with technology selection. I will have client application(windows forms) and web service. Data exchange between clients will be only by using this web service. Data will be like image stream,so I don't know which technology to use. I started to look at WCF, but i don't know a lot about it.

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Web Forms :: Transfer Data From Server To Client And Client To Server Using XML Web Services

May 24, 2012

What is Web services? What is Web services? How can I Transfer the data from server to client and  client to server using XML. Need one simple Example program(C# web Application) ...

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How To Get WebService Working

Nov 19, 2010

I am trying to setup a web-service but keep getting an error message that I cannot figure out.

System.NotSupportedException: Target 'target' of type
'Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.RootWebObjectDefinition' does not support methods of 'StudentRegistration.Services.IBoundaryService'.
at Spring.Util.AssertUtils.Understands(Object target, String targetName, Type requiredType)
at HelloWorldExporter.GetAllBounds()

public interface IBoundaryService {
XmlDocument GetAllBounds(); }
public class BoundaryService :IBoundaryService {
public virtual IBoundaryDao BoundaryDao { get; set; }
public virtual XmlDocument GetAllBounds() {
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml("<test>ok</test>"); return xmlDoc; } }

<object name="BoundaryService" type="StudentRegistration.Services.BoundaryService, StudentRegistration" abstract="true"> </object>
<object id="BoundaryExporter" type="Spring.Web.Services.WebServiceExporter, Spring.Web">
<property name="TargetName" value="BoundaryService"/>
<property name="Namespace" value="http://fake/services"/>
<property name="Description" value="something"/>
<property name="MemberAttributes"> <dictionary> <entry key="GetAllBounds">
<object type="System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute, System.Web.Services">
<property name="Description" value="something."/>
<property name="MessageName" value="GetAllBounds"/>
</object> </entry> </dictionary> </property> </object>

What should I try to clear this up?

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C# - How To Set Webservice URL Properly

Oct 1, 2010

I have a ASP.NET application. Inside the application I have a folder called WebServices where I keep all the .asmx files.

I am referring these asmx files inside .cs files. Instead of giving the full url to the webservice.url property how can i set the path like this.

ds.Url = this.ResolveUrl("~/WebServices/xxx.asmx");

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