Determine Which Classes Are Serializable?

Aug 16, 2010

I am changing my ASP.NET app to use a web farm. To do this, I need to change the session state from in-proc to a State Server. To do this, it is my understanding that the classes that are used must be marked as serializable. How can you tell if that is possible with a class? Will you get an error at compile time if it is not possible?

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DataRows Not Serializable In 2.0

Mar 14, 2011

My application uses DataRows and they are not serializable. Is there any workaround for the same?

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C# - Check Whether A Instance Is Serializable?

Nov 12, 2010

How can check whether a instance is marked as serializable?

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Visual Studio :: What Is The Difference Between Designer Classes And T4 Template Generated Classes

Jan 11, 2010

I am new to LINQ. when we drag tables we get a dbml file and designer file.

For example DataClasses1.dbml and DataClasses1.designer.cs.

Once we have them then we can start using our LINQ Queries.

In my company project I do not see this designer files and instead there are .tt files which were used as templates to greate ABC.generated.cs files. Is this same as designer class?

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C# - Class Structure With LINQ, Partial Classes, And Abstract Classes

May 17, 2010

I am following the Nerd Dinner tutorial as I'm learning ASP.NET MVC, and I am currently on Step 3: Building the Model. One part of this section discusses how to integrate validation and business rule logic with the model classes. All this makes perfect sense. However, in the case of this source code, the author only validates one class: Dinner.

What I am wondering is, say I have multiple classes that need validation (Dinner, Guest, etc). It doesn't seem smart to me to repeatedly write these two methods in the partial class:


This doesn't "feel" right, but I wanted to check with SO to get opinions of individuals smarter than me on this. I also tested it out, and it seems that the partial keyword on the OnValidate method is causing problems (understandably so). This doesn't seem possible to fix (but I could very well be wrong).

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C# - Bypass Non Serializable Properties When Going About Serialization

Nov 12, 2010

I follow the code snippet to calculate Session size. Profile Memory Usage of Session State ASP.Net My problem is some properties of objects aren't marked as Serializable so I cannot apply the solution. Can I just bypass non-serializable properties?

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Return Serializable Object From FileStream?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm a little green when it comes to streaming and serialization...but what i wanna do is make the Upload method on the server return a serializable object to the client (it is void right now). I have a public class ServiceResult that i decorate with [Serializable], and a public class FileTransferService that implements IFileTransferService

public interface IFileTransferService
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = false)]
string Upload(FileTransferRequest request);
The implementation does its thing, and then at the end i create and serialize the object and try to return the string
return ServiceResultSerializer.SerializeAnObject(result);
On the client side i call this service using this class
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
[System.ServiceModel.ServiceContractAttribute(ConfigurationName = "IFileTransferService")]
public interface IFileTransferService
// CODEGEN: Generating message contract since the wrapper name (FileTransferRequest) of message FileTransferRequest does not match the default value (Upload)
[System.ServiceModel.OperationContractAttribute(IsOneWay = false, Action = "")]
string Upload(FileTransferRequest request);

I'm basically taking this project found on this blog: [URL] And trying to make it return a value that the client caller can use I get an error right now that says: The operation 'Upload' could not be loaded because it has a parameter or return type of type System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or a type that has MessageContractAttribute and other parameters of different types. When using System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message or types with MessageContractAttribute, the method must not use any other types of parameters. Which i have no idea what it means :P I think cuz im trying to change the Service paramaters.

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C# - Object Serializable For AJAX - WCF And ViewState

Jun 30, 2010

consider the following class and struct

public class Entity {
public IdType Id {get;set;}
public string Data {get;set;}
public struct IdType {
... any data ...

The IdTypeConverter can convert the IdType struct from and to string. Now, what I want is this class to be serializable for AJAX, WCF and ViewState. The senario could be a WCF web service which provides as array of Entity[] to a DataSource. And a custom control which binds to the datasource, saves this class to it's ViewState and sends the data to client side code. This could be achieved easily by simply adding a [Serializable] attribute to all serialized types. But I don't want the IdType to be serialized, but to be converted to a string. Thus the JSON representation should be

{ 'Id'=>'StringRepresentationOfId', 'Data'=>'foo' }

This would analogously be the optimal serialization for WCF and ViewState. Another solution would be to write another class

public class JsonEntity {
public JsonEntity(Entity from) {
Id = from.Id;
Data = from.Data;
public string Id {get;set;}
public string Data {get;set;}

and use this for JsonSerialization. But I don't like this, because this would imply that the control which is sending the data to the client knows about the Entity type. The actual question is: Is it possible to customize JsonSerialization with attributes without breaking WCF and ViewState serialization? DIT: An answer like "That' impossible" would satify me, since I'd stop trying.

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C# - Mark A Property As Non Serializable For Json?

Feb 24, 2011

As the title says, I want to mark a property as non serializable by the JavascriptSerializer. How can achive that ?

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C# - Can Base Classes See The Protected Fields Of Derived Classes

Aug 11, 2010

I don't know if this has to do with how FindControl works or how scope works. But my base class is having a hard time seeing the fields of child classes. Currently I'm planning have the derived class set a property in the base class, but there are a lot of derived classes, so that isn't a very attractive solution.


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C# - To Be XML Serializable, Types Which Inherit From ICollection Must Have An Implementation Of Add?

Nov 10, 2010

I have CSLA (1.x framework) objects from an existing project that I'm trying to use in a new .Net 4.0 project. The objects are being used in production and I really can't convert them to 2.x or EF without having 2 sets of objects.

In my c# webservice (when I try to run it) I am getting the following error:

To be XML serializable, types which inherit from ICollection must have an implementation of Add(objectname.object) at all levels of their inheritance hierarchy. objectname.objectList does not
implement Add(objectname.object).

Like I said these objects are CSLA objects written in I don't know where to look on this one. Is it an issue of .Net 4.0 trying to talk to CSLA 1.x or is it a web service issue (as these objects never used web services originally)?

Does anyone have an idea about where I should look to figure out this issue? Should I suggest converting to CSLA 2.x?

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Web Forms :: Using C# Classes Vb Classes Together In VS2008 / 3.5 Project

Mar 24, 2010

Can I use VB and C# classes together in the same 3.5 project?

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C# - Check Compile Time That Type Is Marked With The Serializable Attribute?

Jan 26, 2011

Specifically we're making our application compatible with the Out Of Process Session State server where all types saved in session must be serializable. Is there a way to see at compile time that any type put into HttpSessionState is marked with the Serializable attribute. Something along the lines of this 'non-valid' code

public static void Put<T>( string key, T value ) where T : IsMarkedWitheSerializableAttribute
HttpContext.Current.Session[key] = value;

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Map Model Classes To ViewModel Classes Or Aggregate Model Classes In ViewModel Classes

Dec 15, 2010

I'm curious as to what people consider better practice, between duplicating model structure in the view model and using a mapping tool to move data between the two, or aggregate the model inside the view model, i.e. have a property on the view model class that is a reference to the actual model. Which is considered a better approach in general?

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C# - How To Determine Up/down Latency Of A Web App

May 20, 2010

I am trying to work out how to calculate the latency of requests through a web-app (Javascript) to a .net webservice.

Currently I am essentially trying to sync both client and server time, which when hitting the webservice I can look at the offset (which would accurately show the 'up' latency.

The problem is - when you sync the time's, you have to factor in latency for that also. So currently I am timeing the sync request (round trip) and dividing by 2, in an attempt to get the 'up' latency...and then modify the sync accordingly.

This works on the assumption that latency is symmetrical, which it isn't. Does anyone know a procedure that would be able to determine specifically the up/down latency of a JS http request to a .net service? If it needs to involve multiple handshakes thats fine, what ever is as accurate as possible.

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Determine Which Web Server Is Being Used?

Jan 13, 2011

I have a web app ( with that will run on one of three web servers. I would like to know, at run time, which web server the app is on. How can I determine which web server the app is on?

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C# - Determine Where The User Came From In

Jul 2, 2010

How can I determine where a user came from when they land on my webpage.Did they come from a google link?Did they user a favorites link?Did they type in the url?

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How To Determine Count Of Tag

Mar 10, 2010

I have a bit of xml file named Sample.xml which is shown below


i have button named submit(button1).If i click that button i need to display the count in a text box named textBox1, means How many PartitionName="AIX" is belonging to Type="NIC"

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Determine The State Of Checkbox?

Dec 21, 2010

I made some adding of dynamic checkbox and it would be located in the panel. And at the same time the checkbox would be save also in my List(Of Checkbox).

BTW, my checkbox is not the HTML control (if that's how you call it). Now i made some function wherein Im going to get all the state of my checkbox in that particular panel. This is how I do it:


For Each ctrl As Checkbox In listControl
if ctrl.checked = true then
' code here
end if

Unfortunately nothing happen. So how am I going to check the state of my checkbox. I already test all the checkbox saved in my list(of T) and also tried looping "Me.pnlControl.COntrols"

View 7 Replies

C# - Determine Which Tab An Action Was Called From?

Aug 27, 2010

The page I'm editing had three tabs, each tab contains a diffrent grid view which is populated by a search box with in the tab. Each row in the grid view has a check box. When a print button is pressed all records with a tick in the check box should be printed off. Then page then reloads but some of the content is missing due to the way the page has been coded. This is becuase some of the code is only called when the tab is clicked not on postback. Is there anyway that I change the following code so that it's called after postback? These are the functions that are causing the most problem.. I need them to be loaded for the correct tab on postback.. I can't do it for all three as the code takes forever to run in that case.

if (tabconConsignments.ActiveTabIndex == 0)
dtGlobalIDConsignments = fGenerateTableSQL(astrPalletIDs, DateFrom, DateTo, ddlReqColDel.SelectedValue, "GlobalID", "", "");
//Global ID Tab
gvGlobal.DataSource = dtGlobalIDConsignments;
else if (tabconConsignments.ActiveTabIndex == 1)
dtCreatedDateConsignments = fGenerateTableSQL(astrPalletIDs, DateFrom, DateTo, ddlReqColDel.SelectedValue, "CreatedDate", "", "");
//Created Date Tab
gvCreationDate.DataSource = dtCreatedDateConsignments;
tbCreationDateSearch.Text = "";
else if (tabconConsignments.ActiveTabIndex == 2)
dtAccountsConsignments = fGenerateTableSQL(astrPalletIDs, DateFrom, DateTo, ddlReqColDel.SelectedValue, "Account", "", "");
//Account Tab
gvAccount.DataSource = dtAccountsConsignments;

if you want me to post any more code or any more info it's been a hard one for me to get my head around so I might of missed something out.

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How To Determine Why Application Is Recycling

Mar 9, 2010

I am running an ASP.NET application on an IIS7 server. It has been running fine for a long time, but over the past week or so it has been discarding all users' sessions several times a day. I enabled all of the application pool recycle logging options as described in, but I didn't get anything in my event log.

There are no errors in the event log, and no visible symptoms except that all my users lose their sessions.

Are there any other reasons that IIS would recycle my application pool? Is there any other type of logging that I can enable to find out what is happening?

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Determine Back Page Using C#?

Dec 8, 2010

I want to know how can I determine what was the back page using C#?

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How To Controller Determine Which View To Use In Mvc

Feb 1, 2011

i just strated with mvc. My doubt is in a controller we use

public ActionResult Index()
return View();

so how a relevent view is returned for a particular controller.

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Like To Determine, If There Is A Way To Leave The New RequestValidationMode?

Dec 22, 2010

My .NET 4 webapp produces an error in the way "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client. . .", where no error occured in the same project in version .NET 3.5
Before I put <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" /> in web.config I would like to determine, if there is a way to leave the new requestValidationMode.The thing is, that the characters entered in the user webeditor ( are generating the error as soon as they are passed to the aspx page.It is importand to know that the aspx page contains ValidateRequest="false" in the head-section.

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C# - How To Determine Whether A Web Application Is Currently Running

Nov 19, 2010

I have a ASP.NET web application running under IIS 6, and another process that is responsible to monitor and report status. I'd like to sample the web application by the monitoring process in order to check its status by accessing a dedicated handler on the web application, BUT i don't want to "wake up" the web application in case it is not running. Is there an option to determine whether a specific web application is currently running? if there is such an option, i would be able to first check if the application is running, and only then to access the handler to check its status.

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