Displaying Various Reports (using Telerik Reporting) Based On User Inputs For Various Fields

Jan 31, 2011

In my application, there is only a login page and a report page. When the user enters his login credentials he will be redirected from the login page to the reports page. I am using forms authentication for this purpose.

On the reports page I will be displaying various reports (using Telerik reporting) based on user inputs for various fields.

Now here is the funnier part; My application works correctly in all browsers (including Safari on windows platform). But when I open it in an Ipad I am getting the below error,

"Potentially dangerous request.form value was detected from the client " This error occurs when the forms authentication redirection happens from the login page to the reports page.

I tried a variety of solutions like setting ValidateRequest="false" & requestValidationMode="2.0" , but none of them helped. I also tried removing the forms authentication and that also didn't

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Mar 10, 2011

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