Generate A New Html Page On The Server Using .net?

Mar 30, 2011

I want to make it so that by pressing a button on the homepage a user will be able to create a new html page on the server of the website (e.g. I need this page to be always there and accessible by everyone. How can one create a html page programmably using

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Can Generate Server Control To Html Before Load Page

May 26, 2010

can generate server control to html befor load page?

wanna replace HTML code to my content.

i need generate html code of server control .

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WebMatrix :: How To Generate Html File After Rendering A Page

Apr 1, 2011

for example:


I need both show the cshtml page,and persist it to a file for next visit.

first I found Response.OutputStream, but it was unreadable.

then I found in we could override Page's Render method to achieve it,but I don't know in webmatrix how to do it.

and in MVC we could use ActionFilter, but I really don't find how to achieve it in webmatrix.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Generate HTML From Server Side ?

Jul 24, 2010

How to Dynamicly generate HTML from server side ?

I'll give you some examples..

Now im using Response.Write("<a> hi hi </a>"); something like this and i generating stuff dynamicly depends on what is on the SQL..

I was wondering how facebook does it or all those sites is generating a full page depending on the SQL...

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C# - Auto Generate Javascript To Update Client Html Compared To Previous Html?

Jan 16, 2010

do you think it would be difficult to write a framework where mvc compares last html it output to the current html we want to output, and instead of sending the entire html, figure out what has changed and generate js code that will do the updating as compared to previous html? (presuming nothing was manually changed on the client using js).

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SQL Server :: Failed To Generate A User Instance - Only An Integrated Connection Can Generate

Dec 16, 2010

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Visual Studio 2008 Team System Using C# SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio (Service Pack 3) By using Visual Studio 2008,I opened Server Explorer and tried to modify Database connection,i wanted to use SQL Authentication,I entered User name and Passwored after pressing OK button,i got the following... Error message Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server.Only an integerated connection can generate a user instance.The connection will be closed.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate HTML Code By Commands From The Code Behind Page

Dec 30, 2010

how to generate HTML code from the code behind?

I would like to build a form that generate an html code inside a for loop.

I will let the user enter the photo name and No. of photos

Then I will generate an HTML code like this:

<a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="" width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="" alt="" width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt=""
width="345" height="247" /> </a> <br />

depending on the No. of the photos the code will be duplicated in the loop

Then I will display the result of the loop in label or in a textarea to let the user copy it any where

The problem is that while compiling my code it considers the HTML code as a part of the behind file and gives errors on the single quote, the double quote and on the parentheses

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Custom Server Controls :: Slider Control - To Generate A (x) Number Of Slides On The Page

Mar 29, 2010

All i need is to generate a (x) number of slides on one page the number of slides will depend on the number of rows returned by a dataset.

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C# - Dynamically Generate HTML In .NET?

Dec 11, 2010

I was interested to know whether or not is allows us to dynamically generate HTML inline on the .aspx Source page (not the code-behind). For testing I created the following simple .aspx page...

In my code-behind I have the following:

protected List<string> myList = null;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (myList == null)[code]....
Notice that the Repeater control did in fact create the four list items. However, the contents (One String, Two String, etc) of the myList list did not come along for the ride.What do I need to do to evaluate the myList list and get its values inside the list item tags? By the way, I'm not concerned with how to use the Repeater control specifically, so if there is a solution to this problem that does not include the Repeater control, I'm fine with that.

Note: I'm aware that I can bind the "myList" generic list to an asp:BulletedList and get the same result. I am more interested in dynamically creating HTML inline of the Source page.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate Html At Runtime

Jun 24, 2010

I have some html data stored as binary in sql server database. After pulling this from database i am rendering the same using response.write(str);// Str is the html data...

now problem is while rendering the page the gets wider & horizontal socrll appears..

Now what i want the horizontal socrll should not appear.

way by which i shold create the container. Mine html data should reside within the container.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate HTML Reports In (

Sep 15, 2010

HTML reports in an application.The report content should bedatabase driven. since we have faced some problems with Crystal reports during the Deployment ,also it takes some time to load data.It affects the performance of application.

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Web Forms :: Generate HTML Using Function?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm trying to generate a block of HTML code using a function. I created a function in a class. THe function generates a string that contains html and a strValue that I would like displayed.

public shared function getMyHTML(strValue) return string
str1 = "<table><tr><td><%=strValue%></td></tr></table>"
end function

I added a call to this function in the page_Load event to generate a string on the page. In the aspx page, I have the following code:

<% =stValue %>

The string value passed to the function appears on the page, but none of the html or formatting that is passed. When I view the page using View source, all the HTML is there exactly as it should be. I read this may have something to do with viewstate. But don't know what to use and where to place it to override it.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate HTML And CSS Dynamically

Mar 29, 2013

I am trying to integrate URL.... I am selecting urls of 3 images from database and and displaying those 3 images from a particular album. Now the problem is that what if the user has multiple user? It should be able to generate as many Jquery albums on the page as there are in the database associated with that user.

<div class="image_stack" style="margin-left:300px" runat="server" >
<img id="photo1" class="stackphotos" runat="server" clientidmode="static" >
<img id="photo2" class="stackphotos" runat="server" clientidmode="static">
<img id="photo3" class="stackphotos" runat="server" clientidmode="static" >


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Generate Only JSON String In Output Without Html

Jan 22, 2011

I am developing a webiste in ASP.NET. On one of the pages page named menu.aspx, with the help of a certain login, I am getting the output in this format


I am using this code to get the output on the JSON form.


However, I must get the output only in simple JSON on the page without any HTML. For eg: Here's the screenshot showing the source of the output page.[URL] Notice that it has only the JSON string as the output. And here's the screenshot showing the output page source (with HTML). [URL] .This HTML is what I have to remove. How can do I do this? The full code of menu.aspx.cs is putup here.[URL]

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C# - Generate HTML To Represent Class And Its Properties?

Mar 2, 2011

Currently I have a class that represents a document. This document needs to be displayed as HTML. I would like to have a method to call such as GetHTML() that would then call GetHTML() on any properties/sections of the document that needed to be rendered. I was initially thinking about using linq and XElement but am wondering if that may cause issues with certain tags in HTML. Would I better off using an HtmlTextWriter?

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How To Generate Feedback Form In Html (aspx) With The Code

Apr 20, 2010

i need to generate feedback form in html (aspx) with the aspx.cs code?

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MVC :: Use The Same Code To Generate The HTML In Both Cases Of Email And Print?

May 18, 2010

I'm working on the MVC app where I've to generate the report in the form of HTML page. If the user click the print icon, I've to show the HTML page to user. If the user click on email icon, I've to send email with same HTML page attachment. I'm trying to find a way where I can use the same code to generate the HTML in both cases of email and print.

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C# - Generate And Return An HTML Document As A String (outside Of A Web Context)

Aug 31, 2010

I need to write a system to generate HTML email from a data model -

I was going to create a templating system to build the model into an HTML representation using HTML 'fragments' stored in an xml template. But it occurs to me that these it might be better to use asp or than write my own templating system?

What I am wondering is whether/how it would be possible to use asp (maybe mvc?) to return an HTML string - I wouldn't be running on a web server, or in response to an HTTP request.

I have not done any asp or yet- My experience of ASP stretches to 'Create new project' in visual studio -

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Web Forms :: OnClientClick - How To Generate Neat HTML / JavaScript Code

Jan 28, 2011

I have a page with a control like this:

<asp:Button ID="test" runat="server" Text="test" OnClientClick="pageTracker._trackPageview('/bezichtigingsform/deeplink')" />
The OnClientClick-attribute is rendered as:

When I try to escape the single-quote like this "'" or with a double backslash preceeding the single quote, this does not work. I also tried it like this:

string str = "pageTracker._trackPageview('/bezichtigingsform/deeplink'";
test.Attributes.Add("onclick", str.Replace("'", "\'"));

and of-course I tried all possible escaping-combinations in the above too.

It seems like just encodes the value, but how can I stop this? I want to be able to generate neat html/javascript-code...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Programmatically Generate HTML Content

Apr 13, 2010

I'm a newbie to ASP.NET and I have a following queston.

There is a HTML template in my project with some LI elements to create a multiple checkboxes on my page. Template looks like this:


These LI elements must be generated with standard asp:CheckBox in it for every value, retreaved via webservice request.

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Html - Generate Static Web Pages From A Template As Part Of Web Application Build?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm building an HTML5 application (with ASP.NET back-end) and i want to develop it in such a way that i can run it locally with all my resources (such js and css) not minified (so i can debug it easily). However when i build the final version i want merge and minify the resources. At the same time i want to create several versions of the app targeting different platforms (iPhone, iPad, desktop, etc) by adding appropriate css.

I thought that the final output should be a set of html files (so the get cached nicely). I could use ASPX and just control the output by a query string parameter, but i don't really want to have the form tag on my page.

So the questions are:

What are the pros and cons of using static html pages generated from a template versus a dynamic ASPX page? (apart from being able to run on any web server)
If ASPX approach good enough then how can i get rid of the form tag that's required by ASP.NET?


Another factor in favor of static html pages is the fact that the files are served instantly, whereas ASPX may take awhile to load if the app has recycled.

The back-end is ASP.NET 2.0.

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Web Forms :: Server And Html Control On Page

Apr 28, 2010

how many server and html control one web page can hold?

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SQL Server :: Failed To Generate A User Instance Of SQL Server Due To A Failure In Starting The Process?

Mar 9, 2011

In fact, I DO NOT want to ask a question but to share one solution to this. One cause of this problem is you did not register your sql express on iis.I installed .net 3.5 sp1, then ran aspnet_iis -i, then installed sql express 2005 advanced. Yes, here came the notorious alert. So, I ran aspnet_regiis again and everything is OK.Run aspnet_regiis before you have installed sql express.

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VS 2013 - Convert Formatted HTML Page To Image At Server Side

Dec 28, 2015

I'm looking for a piece of code to convert an HTML file or code to an image file. I tried to do some search on google, I found a few but it only works on Windows application not web ('m basically trying to convert a formatted html page to an image at the server side.

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C# - Generate Page Dynamically & Insert Body Into Another Page?

May 20, 2010

create a page which contains a graph at the top,and for each item in the graph there's a fact sheet below.I already produce the fact sheets as stand-alone pages. Now,rather than recreating the fact sheet to include in the page I have to create, I'd like to use the work that already exists.

Is it realistic that I dynamically generate each fact sheet as needed, strip out the body and insert that into the new page?

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