Get The File Size Before Uploading Perhaps Using AJAX

Mar 15, 2011

I have figured out that javascript cannot obtain the filesize of a to-be-uploaded file because it is a security risk and it is not allowed access to the clients HD. But I want to see if it is possible to get the file size before uploading the file, perhaps using AJAX.

So by looking at the requests, when you click the submit button on a form that contains a input type=file, the Request actually has the filesize inside of it, so you could therefore get the first request, cancel the request there, and send the file-size data back to the client without actually uploading the file.

I want to do this via AJAX so that it doesn't post back and also without clicking the submit button. It seems impossible to create a submit request with javascript because there is no way to get the file size. But is there a way to fake a submit? How does the submit button get the information? Is there any documentation on how the submit button actually works?

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1. Server is passing the client a file name
2. Client is checking file extensins to ensure it's an image then issues a __dopostback to the server.
3. Server uses the FileUpload control to save the image on the server.

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My folder hierarchy is Users/Resources/Avatars/UsernameThere is also an error appears for this line of code-
Error: CS0176:Member'System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(System.Web.UI.Control,
System.Type, string, string, bool)' cannot be accessed with an instance
reference; qualify it with a type name instead


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<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">[code].....

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It works perfectly how I wanted it, like this: I upload a file, if it's an Image I get the Lime AsyncFileUpload background, and the file name and size are written under the AsyncFileUpload, if it's not an Image, I get the error label shown, with red AsyncFileUpload background, and if I upload another file, it keeps working the same thing every single time, but only shows the last uploaded image name at the end of an image upload, not all of the images.I tried to merge it with my website, and ended with this code:


but in my website its just working the first time only, then rest times I'm getting the uploadError() function working instantly when I click upload, even if i have selected an image or anything else.

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An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "AjaxControlToolkit.Properties.Resources.NET4.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "AjaxControlToolkit" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

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AJAX :: Verify Whether File Exists When Uploading Using FileUpload Control

Mar 17, 2014

In my application Im saving multiple files(image,pdf,txt) to a folder.  Suppose I have an image with name "image1", if this image already exists in the folder and if another user tries to add another image with the same name "image1" then, it should give message to change the File name.

I had used below code:

string filePath = DamRep_FileUpload.PostedFile.FileName;
string filename = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
string contenttype = String.Empty;
if (contenttype != String.Empty)
if (File.Exists("~/FTP/File/"))

[Code] ....

but its not working.

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Is there such a thing as an optimum chunk size for processing large files? I have an upload service (WCF) which is used to accept file uploads ranging from several hundred megabytes.

I've experimented with 4KB, 8KB through to 1MB chunk sizes. Bigger chunk sizes is good for performance (faster processing) but it comes at the cost of memory.

So, is there way to work out the optimum chunk size at the moment of uploading files. How would one go about doing such calculations? Would it be a combination of available memory and the client, CPU and network bandwidth which determines the optimum size?

EDIT: Probably should mention that the client app will be in silverlight.

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Feb 26, 2014

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AJAX :: The Controls Inside TabContainer Size, Font Size And Location Changing After Page Refresh?

Dec 19, 2010

I am using TabContainer with some controls on each tab (asp: labels, text boxes). When redirecting to the page that contains the TabContainer, the tabs and their content loads as expected, but when there is a postback, and the page refreshes, the TabContainer UI changes - the font size of the labels gets bigger, the text boxes become bigger and their location changes a bit (not aligned as before), and the tab header is partially hidden. I am using IE7.

I dont know if this is relevant but in some of the text boxes i use edit mask extender as well for date. Also, I have used a table inside the TabContainer for layouting the controls.

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AJAX :: PageMethods Results Size Limit / Is There A Setting In The Web.config Somewhere To Handle Pagemethod Buffer Size

Mar 24, 2010

I am using PageMethods to send a few parameters to a webmethod in my codebehind. The method runs a stored procedure and uses the results to build a string that I am returning from the method.

Everything works fine until I try to include too many records in my results..

Once the results I am trying to return hit about 70K, the pagemethod times out even though it is taking about 1 second to process the results.

Is there a buffer limit or limit on the size or results returned from a pagemethod and if so, where can this be set or changed?

Is there a setting in the web.config somewhere to handle pagemethod buffer size?

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Web Forms :: File Uploader Not Uploading File Through Mobile Emulator Or PDA

Jun 10, 2010

i am using a file uploader to upload files. Now when i am using this on a mobile emulator with default browser IE it is uploading only those files whose name is less than 6 character. the files with name more than 6 character is not uploading through mobile emulator or mobile phone (PDA). I need this solution very soon.

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Web Forms :: How To Replace Existing File With Confirmation When Uploading File

Nov 20, 2013

In my project i have a folder (folder name  "Data").

I upload .pdf file and save the .pdf file in My Data folder.

In same day if i upload same name file then the previous file is overwrite without any message.

So I would like to know, how can i show a message like ("same name file is exit ,Do u want to replace it").

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