Web Forms :: This Webpage Is Not Available Error When Uploading File Of Size Larger Than 4 MB?

Jul 11, 2013

when i upload a pdf file on button click it shows no of pages in that file on a label.if the file size is more than 4 mb then it shows ===

This webpage is not available

The connection to localhost was interrupted.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: This Webpage Is Not Available Error When Uploading File

Oct 22, 2013

String path = Server.MapPath("CenterVideoUpload/");
if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(path +
string imagepath = "/CenterVideoUpload/" + FileUpload1.FileName;

[Code] ....

Error:-webpage not available

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Web Forms :: Error Using FileUpload Control When Uploading Larger Files. The Connection Was Reset?

Oct 24, 2010

I am experiencing the following page error when trying to use the FileUpload control on my web page to upload files larger than 3MB or so. The error is as follows:"Problem loading page The connection was reset The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.

* The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.

* If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.

* If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web."I suspect this may be due to a timout issue. If so, how can I increase the timeout period for this control / process? I am coding in VB.NET.

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Web Forms :: Uploading File Of Size More Than 4MB?

Apr 11, 2010

i m uploading file using fileupload control. when i upload mp3 file with more than 4 MB size it gives error like page can not be displayed. how can i increase capasity of uploading file in my project.

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Web Forms :: Uploading Attachment - Restricting File Size?

Sep 22, 2010

i am trying to test to see if i get an error if i upload more than 3mb file size but instead i get the IE error (see below)

here is the code i have. - what i want is if the user try to upload more than 3mb file size display an error



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Web Forms :: Finding Client File Size Before Uploading?

Sep 28, 2010

I need to upload images from client to server as follows:

1. Server is passing the client a file name
2. Client is checking file extensins to ensure it's an image then issues a __dopostback to the server.
3. Server uses the FileUpload control to save the image on the server.

I have that all covered, but, if image is too large, the upload fails with the following error: 'System.Web.HttpException: Maximum request length exceeded.'

Is there a way to check file size on the client (without the use of ActievX which also errors out), before it is passed back to the server?

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Web Forms :: Check File Size Before Uploading Process In C#?

Sep 23, 2010

currently we are configured execution Timeout="1200" (The default is 110 seconds) and maxRequestLength="12288" (The default is 4096 KB)but some times users upload files above 12MB so we are getting "Maximum request length exceeded" error.we are checking the file size using client side javascript ActiveXObject object. but ActiveXObject only works in IE not in others like mozilla,crome,..Jacescript Code are


how can i check the file size before uploading process with support all the browser.any posiblities for checking file size before server side script/object?

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Ajax File Uploader: Checking File Size Before Uploading To Server?

Dec 23, 2010

With the ajax file uploader, would it be possible to check the size of the image before uploading?Currently, it uploads the file to the server and then lets me know that it's bigger than the limit size.

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Get The File Size Before Uploading Perhaps Using AJAX

Mar 15, 2011

I have figured out that javascript cannot obtain the filesize of a to-be-uploaded file because it is a security risk and it is not allowed access to the clients HD. But I want to see if it is possible to get the file size before uploading the file, perhaps using AJAX.

So by looking at the requests, when you click the submit button on a form that contains a input type=file, the Request actually has the filesize inside of it, so you could therefore get the first request, cancel the request there, and send the file-size data back to the client without actually uploading the file.

I want to do this via AJAX so that it doesn't post back and also without clicking the submit button. It seems impossible to create a submit request with javascript because there is no way to get the file size. But is there a way to fake a submit? How does the submit button get the information? Is there any documentation on how the submit button actually works?

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Getting A Timeout When Uploading Files Larger Than 100KB?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a web site on IIS7. I can upload a maximum of 100KB, but if I try any files larger than 100K then I get a timeout error.

I have added following setting to my web.config file but I am getting the same error:

<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="2000000000"></requestLimits>

What could be wrong?

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VS 2008 - Image Format To Save With Smaller File Size After Uploading With Website?

Aug 11, 2011

I have written a website and let the user upload their photo. It also resizes the picture to 400 x 400 and crops automatically to the center part of the picture. All of this works good but each file is about 355K each for JPG and PNG file formats. I just tried GIF and it is 49K but the picture is grainy when saved this way. Is there any way I can get the picture to a smaller file size with keeping it at 400 x 400? I really thought PNG would be the way to go and was surprised by it being the same as jpg. I don't want to lower the quality either for JPG files.

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When Load Webpage Image's File Size Stays Same Rather Then Reduce

Aug 4, 2010

when I load the web page the image's file size stays the same rather then reduce.


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Web Forms :: Uploading Image (max Size And Position)?

Oct 5, 2010

Users of my C# web application can upload images. I have configured the max upload size in the web.config file to maxRequestLength="1024" and executionTimeout="180".

How can I check the upload size before uploading? (do you have examlpe or url?)
Another option might be to check the dimensions?...

Some web application allow the user to crop the image at client side. Do you have an example of this or url?

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Web Forms :: How To Resize Large Size Image While Uploading

Aug 18, 2015

How to resize large size image like 3-4 mb of size to small size like 800px X 600px so that sie got reduce while uploading in asp.net ....

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Web Forms :: Image Upload Control Which Strips The Size Before Uploading?

Nov 5, 2010

i am working on an ecommerce application, user will be uploading several images of a product, instead of stripping the size (i.e the KB or MB size) after uploading it on the server, i want to strip the size of image before uploading it to the server ( bringing the size from any thing over 30KB down to 30KB) i.e on the client machine itself and then upload it to the server. i understand that this requires a download on the client machine which makes me ask the following questions :

a. can i use a java control in dotnet since java control can be used on all OSes
b. is there any dotnet control that might be userfriendly to all OSes

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Web Forms :: Compress Video Size Before Uploading Without Losing Quality

Feb 26, 2014

I am trying to upload large videos(more than 1GB) to youtube from webpage. But youtube is allowing me to upload max 8MB videos. So I want to reduce the size of the video and then upload the reduced video  to youtube. So, how to reduce the video size.

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C# - Use File.SAVEAS But Get 404 Error, Because The Size Is Big?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm using asp:fileupload control to upload my Picture files. So the user click on browse and select the file and click on upload and in event handler of upload button there is FileUpload.PostedFile.SaveAs () etc.

Everything works fine. Accept when for big file size. e.g. I've got a file (jpg) 5.5 MB. When I try to upload this file I get an the error below.

The strange thing is I the button upload file eventhandler I check the file size. If (intFileesize < intFileSizeLimit) etc.

But the strange thig is I remove all the code in Upload eventhandler for testing/debugging and I still get the error below. So the error occurs outside the Button handler. I mean the error cause is not by Fileupload.SAveAs etc.... So the question is how can I avoid this. I mean I have built restriction of 1 mb, but This code is not reached.

I don't have any problems with small sizes e.g. I could upload 400 kb w/o problem.

So the question is what is the cause for the big file size how can I solve this?

Other question is: Is there a tool or whatever to crop the filesize and upload? I mean even if they upload 6 mb picture, I should crop that to 50kb or whatever during upload. How to aproach this? maybe a 3rd party freeware?

ERROR I get after 2-3 seconds

Oops! This page appears broken. HTTP 404 - File not found.

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VS 2005 Error While Downloading ZIP File With Size 4GB

Jun 29, 2010

i got following error when downloading ZIP file having size 4GB the error says

The size parameter must be between zero and the maximum Int32 value.

Parameter name: size
Actual value was 2166897372.

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AJAX :: Getting Error While Uploading Image With Asynchronous File Upload

Dec 16, 2010

I am getting an error when i am uploading an image with the asynchronous file upload the error is " Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "AjaxControlToolkit.Properties.Resources.NET4.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "AjaxControlToolkit" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "AjaxControlToolkit.Properties.Resources.NET4.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "AjaxControlToolkit" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.

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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload Server Response Error - Unknown Server Error While Uploading File

Jun 11, 2013

I have got an error "server response error : Unknown server error" while uploading file using Ajax AsyncFileUpload, code behind function is triggered while uploading, but after code behind function executed, we are getting this error.

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Web Forms :: Maintain The Size Of The WebPage?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a webpage which inherits teh master page and this master page is designed in such a way that irrespective of content place holders contents it fits the screen. Till now it is good now i have a requirement that i will have to populate a usercontrol dynamically in the content place holder. but when i do this i can observe that size of my page is getting incresed eventhough there is lot of white space in the content place holder that has to be occupied and also i could see that it is not increasing the
content place holder's height instead it is increasing the page size by including a white space after the entire master page is rendered..........

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Reduce The Size of The Image In Code Behind before uploading?

Mar 18, 2011

I am using a sql server 2008 database and I am uploading images to the server using an asp.net webapplication. I have an image column that I use to store the images. I have chosen the database to store the image and not a folder on the server, because the database table will contain only very few rows. maybe close to 10 or 15 rows.

My question is, Do I have to reduce the size (dimensions and quality affecting size on disc in kbs) of the image in code behind before uploading it to the database or do I keep it as is. The total upload size permitted is 200kb. I am thinking that when the image size (size in kbs) is small my webapplication performance will not be affected when displaying them from the database.

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Web Forms :: HOw To Display Webpage In Iframe In Full Size With Scroll

Feb 28, 2011

I am using framework 4 and VS 2010 and have two iframes that loads two web pages on load. I enabled scrolling and set properties of iframe this way:

<iframe src="http://iis/app1/Default_display.aspx" runat="server" width="100%"
height="900" id="I22"
name="I22" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="yes"
style="overflow: scroll" >
<p>Your browser does not support iframes.</p>

My problem is that when page loads I have scroll bars on iframe but when I scroll the page is not complete bottom and right part are not displaying at all I just cant see it. If there are any controls in that unvisible part of page they are moved and everything looks bit messy. How can I display 100%, complete page (like when it is open in new window) in iframe with scroll bars?

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C# - How To Calculate The Optimum Chunk Size For Uploading Large Files

Sep 9, 2010

Is there such a thing as an optimum chunk size for processing large files? I have an upload service (WCF) which is used to accept file uploads ranging from several hundred megabytes.

I've experimented with 4KB, 8KB through to 1MB chunk sizes. Bigger chunk sizes is good for performance (faster processing) but it comes at the cost of memory.

So, is there way to work out the optimum chunk size at the moment of uploading files. How would one go about doing such calculations? Would it be a combination of available memory and the client, CPU and network bandwidth which determines the optimum size?

EDIT: Probably should mention that the client app will be in silverlight.

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SQL Server :: How To Store File Into Database/couldn't Store File Larger Than 4mb

Oct 22, 2010

Below is the code I use to store file into database but there are a few problems.

1. couldn't store file larger than 4mb

2. couldn't store doc,docx,xlsx but only .txt

my table column are:


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