Web Forms :: Finding Client File Size Before Uploading?

Sep 28, 2010

I need to upload images from client to server as follows:

1. Server is passing the client a file name
2. Client is checking file extensins to ensure it's an image then issues a __dopostback to the server.
3. Server uses the FileUpload control to save the image on the server.

I have that all covered, but, if image is too large, the upload fails with the following error: 'System.Web.HttpException: Maximum request length exceeded.'

Is there a way to check file size on the client (without the use of ActievX which also errors out), before it is passed back to the server?

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currently we are configured execution Timeout="1200" (The default is 110 seconds) and maxRequestLength="12288" (The default is 4096 KB)but some times users upload files above 12MB so we are getting "Maximum request length exceeded" error.we are checking the file size using client side javascript ActiveXObject object. but ActiveXObject only works in IE not in others like mozilla,crome,..Jacescript Code are


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This webpage is not available

The connection to localhost was interrupted.

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Get The File Size Before Uploading Perhaps Using AJAX

Mar 15, 2011

I have figured out that javascript cannot obtain the filesize of a to-be-uploaded file because it is a security risk and it is not allowed access to the clients HD. But I want to see if it is possible to get the file size before uploading the file, perhaps using AJAX.

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Apr 1, 2011

My requirement is to get the file size in client side. there is no problem in FF but in IE you can't do that unless u r using an activeX object. So we thought of putting it in browser cache and reading the file size from there and when we post it to the server we will be taking it from the cache and send it to the server.

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How can I check the upload size before uploading? (do you have examlpe or url?)
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a. can i use a java control in dotnet since java control can be used on all OSes
b. is there any dotnet control that might be userfriendly to all OSes

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Reduce The Size of The Image In Code Behind before uploading?

Mar 18, 2011

I am using a sql server 2008 database and I am uploading images to the server using an asp.net webapplication. I have an image column that I use to store the images. I have chosen the database to store the image and not a folder on the server, because the database table will contain only very few rows. maybe close to 10 or 15 rows.

My question is, Do I have to reduce the size (dimensions and quality affecting size on disc in kbs) of the image in code behind before uploading it to the database or do I keep it as is. The total upload size permitted is 200kb. I am thinking that when the image size (size in kbs) is small my webapplication performance will not be affected when displaying them from the database.

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Mar 17, 2010

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It seems that this quantity is counted up as the actual uploading is taking place.

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other way for my script immediately to say "This file is 5 Mb and it is therefore too big" ?

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I have been googling for a while now.

I found is this:


But I need code examples, more specific information about security in IIS etc.

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Sep 9, 2010

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I've experimented with 4KB, 8KB through to 1MB chunk sizes. Bigger chunk sizes is good for performance (faster processing) but it comes at the cost of memory.

So, is there way to work out the optimum chunk size at the moment of uploading files. How would one go about doing such calculations? Would it be a combination of available memory and the client, CPU and network bandwidth which determines the optimum size?

EDIT: Probably should mention that the client app will be in silverlight.

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Finding Best Small And Mid-Size Application Architecture

Jan 13, 2010

I am Developing a mid-size application and want to implement Application Architecture, I've read some Architecture Books and Approach and think about

AAFN (Application Arcitecture For .net) presented by Microsoft





and vice versa ...

this is a web application that will extended with some other small application ( just think about something like a M.I.S with a (or two) core)

Whitch Projects I should have I think about

Common // to use in all projects

Framework // main framework

DAO // data access object ( entityframework or nHibernate )

UI // will available in 2 variant web and windows(wpf) interface )

BusinessEntities // all subApplication project logic will goes there

ApplicationNameProject // each application have their Own Logic (in BussinessEntities)

ApplicationUnit // each application Entity will place here

ApplicationNameProject // each application data Entity (in Application Unit)

Services // WCF Services goes here to contribute with all applications

this is the architecture witch I think about, I do not have any force to use this, I want to know whats the best fit for me, can Change all of it or add some other projects and remove these projects

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Security :: Finding Membership Authentication And ASPXAUTH Cookie Size

Oct 31, 2010

Without reading the whole text below, since this is on the ASP.Net side ... basically I think I need to know if there is a way to reduce the size of the forms authentication cookie. When using a DotNet 2.0 website, the ASPXAUTH cookie is about 232 bytes ... when using the same source code but upgraded to DotNet 4.0. the cookie is approximately 264 bytes, setting the ticketCompatabilityMode does not reduce the size since I think the default setting is Framework20. I length of the cookie, including the its' name can not be larger than 256 bytes in order to use it with the "Client Application Services".

I only did a cursory search of the asp.net forums, but will dilligently look for an existing solution.


I have been using all three features of client application services (authentication, profiles, and roles) in my windows app (DotNet 3.5 framework) for almost two years now. Up until now, I have not had any problems. This week I hit a brick wall and am pretty stumped with two seperate but related issues.


In development, we decided to upgrade our websites/services to DotNet 4.0. All applications upgraded successfully. However we are unable to log into our application using Client Application services. No matter what user we use, Membership.ValidateUser returns false. Since we know the username and passwords, we thought this was strange. When debugging the application, we found that Membership.ValidateUser was throwing an InvalidOperationException (see below for complete exception) stating that the ASPXAUTH property was too long, longer that the schema created in the SQL/CE database. (See below for things tried).

In production .. A user all of the sudden could no longer gain access to the application. Upon inspection, his ASPXAUTH cookie was 264 characters long (9 characters longer than the schemas nvarchar(256)). Even though the user was being authenticated on the "server side", and the JSON query returned "{"d":true}", Membership.ValidateUser returned false. Again, as in the case above, the actual error was ...

Message=@PropValue : String truncation: max=256, len=264 ...

I am assuming I am missing something very simple or that I overlooked a settings. In development, this is not a huge issue as I can release the Dotnet 4.0 websites when I am ready. But now that this has happened to a client on a production system, it is very worrisome.


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Web Forms :: File Uploader Not Uploading File Through Mobile Emulator Or PDA

Jun 10, 2010

i am using a file uploader to upload files. Now when i am using this on a mobile emulator with default browser IE it is uploading only those files whose name is less than 6 character. the files with name more than 6 character is not uploading through mobile emulator or mobile phone (PDA). I need this solution very soon.

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Web Forms :: How To Replace Existing File With Confirmation When Uploading File

Nov 20, 2013

In my asp.net project i have a folder (folder name  "Data").

I upload .pdf file and save the .pdf file in My Data folder.

In same day if i upload same name file then the previous file is overwrite without any message.

So I would like to know, how can i show a message like ("same name file is exit ,Do u want to replace it").

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Client Id Of A Cell In GridView Control?

Jan 20, 2010

How to find the client id of a cell in GridView that is in edit mode. I need to attach javascript to the cells of the row that is currently being edited.

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Web Forms :: Getting File Details (size/creation And Modification Dates) Of A Ftp File

Nov 13, 2010

Is this possible to get the details like size, creationdate, modification date of a file hosted at some ftp server? I can download/upload files to ftp directory using ASP.Net but my requirment is to download the last modified file. So can we sort files of a ftp directory by modified date using ASP.Net code?

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