C# - Changing DataType Of Column In DataTable From DateTime To String

Nov 24, 2010

I'm loading data from my database into a DataTable, and one of the columns is a date field.


I'd like to format that column so that instead of containing a full date, it will be formatted like "MM/DD/YYYY".

I've tried looping through each row in the table and changing the cell for that column, but I get an error saying that the string isn't a valid DateTime object.

I tried changing the column DateType to a string, but I get an error saying I can't change the DateType after the table is filled.

How can I do this? This seems like such a simple thing, but I'm having so much trouble with it.

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[DisplayName("Start Date")]
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }

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dtcActive.AllowDBNull = False
dtcActive.DefaultValue = False

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End If

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