Getting Contents Of Directory/folder In XML, Then Binding To Datasource?

Apr 14, 2010

ive been running around in circles trying to figure this one out... lets say i have an images folder, and i want to output the contents of that folder into XML, so i can then bind that to a datasource.

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Installation :: Development To Web Movement: Directory Listing Denied - This Virtual Directory Does Not Allow Contents To Be Listed

Oct 27, 2010

I made a web form on a development website of mine (we'll call it and tried to publish it out to the web (we'll call it [URL]) in a subfolder. I named it default.aspx like I was supposed to and it worked flawlessly on the dev site. When I published it out the web, I wound up getting the following error when trying to get to the subfolder: [URL] Directory Listing Denied

This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed. Confused and flustered, I tried to go to [URL], but I wound up with some error that won't tell me the problem. Instead it tells me to change the my web.config to read <customErrors mode="Off"/>.

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Hudson Continuous Integration - Can Copy Contents Of A Folder To Another Folder Or Website

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Configuration :: How To Read Write Folder Contents Outside Project Folder

May 15, 2010

We store backup archives in subfolders of a folder on one of the server's external USB drive. I would like to have an ASP.NET app read the contents of this folder so the manager can view the backup files to confirm backups are working and optionally delete these backup files when an old drive is reconnected so it can be used for the next weeks backups.

This backup folder is oubviously outside the server's webroot. Is there some way I can grant authority so the ASP.Net app can access this folder for this purpose? I would be using VS Web Express, so can't create any signed packages and such.

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AJAX :: Display Directory (Folder) Structure For Folder Outside Project In TreeView Control

Nov 22, 2015

[URL] ....

In above link you clearly describe (How to display directory folder structure).  

The path only works when the folder insight the project.

When I put folder outside the project it didn't work. What type of changes I need to made to acces the folder outside the poject. & How can I show other details of files which are including in folders Like. Last Modified Created Date, Modified Date etc..

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Populate A DataList With The Contents Of A Directory?

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to do is populate a DataList with the contents of a directory, but not the files in the directory, just that directory's subdirectories. Ideally I would also like that DataList to have links to the the subdirectories that would then show their subs as well (if there are any), but right now I would settle for a static listing.

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Get Contents Of Local Folder In Javascript?

Mar 21, 2010

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Web Forms :: Reading The Contents Of Remote Folder?

Mar 8, 2011

I want to read the contents of a remote folder(s) but i only know the date part of the folder name, the other part of the folder name is a timestamp that is different everytime. I'm thinking that i need to do something with the last modified/created date attribute to get the correct folder but i am unsure on how to do this.

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Creating A Treeview For Displaying Folder Contents?

Feb 9, 2011

i want to create a tree view for displaying folder hierarchy

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Security :: Can Not Access Images And Contents From Folder

Jun 18, 2010

At first I got an error that the user did not have permission to read the config file (web.config).
So I gave NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_IUSRS read on the website folders.

But now vistors can not access images and other static content from the Content folder without logging in. Aspx and .ashx content works however static content is redirected to the login page.

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Web Forms :: Auto Generating Hyperlink With Contents Of Folder?

Jan 18, 2010

Is it possible to generate hyperlinks from the contents of a folder... i.e. parses the folder takes the name of the file makes it a hyperlink (removing the .pdf, .doc. etc). I could have sworn I read something about this once, but I'm not finding it.

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Visual Studio :: To Add An Existing Folder (and Contents) To A Project?

Jan 21, 2011

I know you can add an existing item(s), but is there a way to add an Existing folder (and contents) to a project? It sucks without this option. I need to add a folder that has many folders and a lot of content.

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Security :: Restrict Folder Contents To Authenticated Users?

Mar 26, 2011

I am using the membership provider and am reasonably comfortable that all of my web pages are safe.Some of the pages contain hyperlinks to documents (pdf, xls, etc.) stored in a folder under the root of the web site. I have disabled the ability of users to anonymously list folder contents, but I don't see a way to keep anonymous users from accessing the documents if they know the specific URL for that document. Example; if the document contains a spreadsheet of current sales, I don't want an ex-employee (who captured the URL while working here) to be able to bring up the current document.asswording the documents isn't a good choice because there are hundreds and we'd like to avoid changing them all every time someone leaves, or weekly, or whenever...Is there a way to restrict access to all contents of a web folder to people who have been authenticated?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataList Paging Of Directory Contents

Nov 9, 2010

I've got a DataList showing images from a directory folder and this works well. However, I'd like to be able to page through the results rather than have one long page of images. I was wondering about putting the results in a GridView template somehow and use the paging on that.

Here's my code:
asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatColumns="3" CellPadding="0"
style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: x-small"
Height="307px" Width="465px" BorderStyle="None" CellSpacing="3"
Font-Bold="False" Font-Italic="False" Font-Overline="False"
Font-Strikeout="False" Font-Underline="False" HorizontalAlign="Center"
RepeatDirection="Horizontal" ShowFooter="False" ShowHeader="False">
<asp:Image Width="108" Height="72px" ID="Image1" ImageUrl='<%# Eval("Name", "~/GalleryImages/{0}") %>' runat="server" /> <br /><br />
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" Text='<%# Bind("Name") %>' NavigateUrl='<%# Bind("Name", "~/GalleryImages/{0}") %>' runat="server"/>
</ItemTemplate> <AlternatingItemStyle BorderStyle="None" />
<ItemStyle BorderColor="Silver" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="0px" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Bottom" />
<SeparatorStyle Font-Bold="False" Font-Italic="False" Font-Overline="False"
Font-Strikeout="False" Font-Underline="False" VerticalAlign="Bottom" />

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(MapPath("~/GalleryImages/"))
Dim file As FileInfo() = dir.GetFiles()
Dim list As New ArrayList() For Each file2 As FileInfo In file
If file2.Extension = ".png" OrElse file2.Extension = ".jpeg" OrElse file2.Extension = ".jpg" Then list.Add(file2) End If Next
DataList1.DataSource = list DataList1.DataBind() End Sub

View 5 Replies

Configuration :: Trying To Enumerate The Contents Of Folder - Can't Open Data Connection (425)

Oct 7, 2010

The oddity is, that the same website files, copied and pasted, connection string altered to point to the production/live db, published to the httpdocs folder works fine BUT the same web files, copied and pasted, connection string altered to poin to the dev db, published to the subdomains/dev fodler causes the error below:

------ Build started: Project: AHN, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
AHN -> P:Web_DevelopmentxxxDEVinxxx.dll
------ Publish started: Project: xxx, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
Connecting to
Transformed Web.config using Web.Debug.config into
objDebugTransformWebConfig ransformedWeb.config.
Copying all files to temporary location below for package/publish:
Deleting existing files...
An error occured trying to enumerate the contents of folder ''. Can't
open data connection (425).
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Publish: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

When I asked the hoster whats going on, he obsiously that its not his fold because the publishing is
working for the non-subdomain (dev) site. Moreoever I deleted and recreated the /dev subdomain but the
error is the same.

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In A .Net Web Site / Options For Sending Email Alerts When Folder Contents Change?

Nov 30, 2010

I don't know much about the .Net environment, so my first idea was to just write a console app that scans the folder for new content, and then emails alerts out. Then put the .exe as a scheduled task on the server, executing every few minutes. This seems pretty archaic to me though. Is there a more elegant way to do this for my website?

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Folder / Contents Of Class Library Appearing In Website Project Of Web Application

Oct 8, 2010

When I make an web application and add class libraries to the solution, the website project itself has a folder with the same name/contents as the class library.

Eg I make a web application called Test, add a project which is a class library, to the solution, called testAbc, and then there is a folder at the root of the website project called testAbc with the contents of the class lib.

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Folder / Contents Of Class Library Appearing In Website Project Of Web Application?

Feb 14, 2010

When I make an web application and add class libraries to the solution, the website project itself has a folder with the same name/contents as the class library.

Eg I make a web application called Test, add a project which is a class library, to the solution, called testAbc, and then there is a folder at the root of the website project called testAbc with the contents of the class lib.

I read why this happens in a book a while ago but can't quite remember now.

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Web Forms :: Export Panel Contents To PDF And Save File In Folder On Server?

Jul 16, 2013

How to convert a asp panel to a pdf file and save that in a particular project inside the website itself?

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Would Enumerating Folder Contents And Checking Existence Of Several Files On Each Web Request Be A Serious Performance Penalty

Feb 14, 2011

As an extensibility option for my web application I would like to allow the user to add sections to it by simply making new folders and uploading files to them. So, for instance, if they created (in the webroot): /UserContent/StaticPages/First/Second/index.txt. Then in the main menu there would be a new menu point "First" with the submenu point "Second", which would lead to markdown-parsed version of index.txt. This way the user can upload any static menu points he wants (such as "About us", "Contact us", "Our Mission" etc.) Another extensibility point is that I would like them to add headers/footers to specific webpages in a similar fashion. I'm using ASP.NET MVC3, so there are pretty URLs, and it would be easy for the user to just create: /UserContent/Additions/Store/Categories/35/header.txt

And when someone opened [URL] the markdown-parsed header.txt would be prepended. This is simple for the user, and simple for me (I don't need to make sophisticated admin panels and WYSIWYG editors). However I'm worried about the performance. This scheme means that on each GET request I would need to scan the /UserContent/StaticPages folder and check for the existences of the header/footer files (several, because parent levels can have their header.txt/footer.txt as well).

I could cache the result, but then I have to manage the cache and the user will need to know that changes can take up to X minutes to display. Would this be a premature optimization? There won't be much data in those folders, so Windows will probably be able to easily cache their contents itself.

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Make IIS Virtual Directory A Folder Again

Jun 29, 2011

I have web code that was trying to process a pdf file and it wasn't working - I was getting a path "is not a valid virtual path" error, so in IIS (O/S is Windows 2008 R2) I made the folder a virtual folder. That didn't work and I got it working in another way so I want to make that folder just a regular folder again and not a virtual directory.

Also, I don't understand the way in which I got it working. I had the site working on one server and not another, so I compared them. I realized where it was working I hadn't added an entry to the web.config file that I was trying to read. This is the config entry:

<add key="PdfFolder" value="wherever"/>and this is my code:

fileName = Server.MapPath(AppSettings("PdfFolder")) & "pdf\_FLYER.pdf"

The absence of the config file entry allowed the code to work. Its presence gave me the virtual directory error. So it's like Server.MapPath resolved to the correct place with a null argument.

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Web Forms :: Get Directory Or Folder Name From Path Using C#

Aug 8, 2012

I am using File upload control to upload image and store images in database

When i browse the image

My file path is D:sampleSlide1.JPG

How to i get the folder name  ie 'sample' from above path?

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Web Forms :: Delete Folder Or Directory Using C#?

Apr 3, 2013

I want to delete a folder in asp.netTo create the folder Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Docs/"), idtxt.Text)); But how I can delete it?

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Web Forms :: Use Theme Folder In Current Directory

Jul 1, 2010

I have a root directory in which I have many sub directories. Each of those subdirectories has its own project, webconfig.ini file, etc. I added a Theme directory to each of the projects in the subfolders. This worked correctly until recently when my webhost changed something with my websites because of a malisious attack on them. I don't know what they changed (nor will they tell me) but it no longer picks up the themes in the sub-folders rather it use the theme directory in the main root. How can I tell my app to use the theme directory in the same directory that it lives in rather than using the one from the parent directory?

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Web Forms :: Get Website Local Folder Directory?

Oct 6, 2010

upload files to my website, but I won't to save it to the same folder where my website is on any given server. I also want to read these files with code.How do I get the directory of the local folder in which my website files are?

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