How To Achieve Function And Datalist

Sep 24, 2010

I have a function called selType that returns either "mc" or "car"

Then in my datalist i would like to check if the function returns "mc" it should output pName, else pNameFI from my db.

I need something like this..


<%# if selType="mc","pName","pNameFI") %>

But this don't work.. I don't know how to achieve this.

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function onGridViewRowSelectedZoom(imagePath)
alert('hai'); alert(imagePath);


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for sample,


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AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId =
"div1" })%>

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I have view with Telerik Grid. On selected row, I have to make WCF service, which inturn checks if record is locked or not. If record is not locked it will lock the record for the user and returns thr response. If record is already locked by some other user,
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Current Implementation

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ManagerController Review Method is as follows:


I know problem is with my implentation. But I don't know how to resolve it. Can someone guide me and tell me how to avoid multiple POST ....

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