How To Change Dream Viewer Textfield To Text Box

Dec 2, 2010

<td><input type="text" name="textfield" class="cntct_frm_on1"/></td>

This I have to change to text box and I have to get the complete design there while using the asp .net

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1900-01-01 12:00:00 AM


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[Code]....and else display this error.i have tried the code below but it doesnt do anything...

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Script On the .aspx page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
//Allow only Numeric values
function ValidateTextAsNumeric(evt,target,validator)


how to use listerner? to call a javascript or Solution to restrict to disable pasting strings into NumberField.How to pass the event, client id and the validator(to be disabled Onchange)

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$("textarea", context).change(function() {

This is perfect when changes are done by keyboard. However this doesn't trigger the form submit when input/textarea are changed by Watin TypeText() method. I tried to call Change() and Blur() events by Watin and also tried PressTab() with no luck.

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Jan 15, 2011

So as the title suggested, I'm currently trying to compare the hashed answer in my database against the answer typed in the textfield by the user in the form.

I thought of hashing the answer in the textfield typed by the user first, and after that compare this newly hashed answer to the one in the database (which is already hashed). But when I typed in the SAME answer (before hashing) and hashed it to get the hashed value, by right the 2 hashes (in web form and database) should match? Somehow, it didn't. And I can't seem to get security answer right anymore (even though I typed the SAME security answer).

This is the code behind the button:


I tried in another way too, but still the same thing.


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Jun 23, 2010

I have an invoice form where user enters items and amount. I am calculating the amount as the user enters amount in the textfield. I receive an error (Input String was not in correct format) if user enters amount with comma separated values. If there are no commas, my calculation goes through fine.

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MVC - Change The Value Of The Text In The Textarea?

Jul 12, 2010

I have a WYSIWYG editor set up using ASP.NET MVC. When I post, everything is fine, however when I post and there is an error when the page comes back and shows the errors, the value in the textbox is messed up (it has become un-HTML Encoded) and for form validation reasons, this is fine. My question is this - how, in the controller (preferably), can I change the value of the text in the textarea? Even if I use a ViewData["fieldname"] and set the asp code to:

<%= Html.TextArea("fieldname", ViewData["fieldname"], new { id = "fieldthing", name = "fieldthing", cols = "80", rows = "10" })%>

It still doesn't work because that ViewData is the default value which, after the post, isn't returned to that value, it stays whatever was typed.

So any thoughts on how to edit this value? I tried passing in a new view, but that didn't work either.

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