Forms Data Controls :: Insert Valuefield And Textfield In A Combobox?

Dec 10, 2010

how can i insert valuefield and textfield in a combobox

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Web Forms :: Get Valuefield From A Combobox?

Dec 10, 2010

how can i get valuefield from a combobox?

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C# - Configuration Of A Textfield With A Related Combobox?

Jan 6, 2011

I'm working in ASP.NET.

I have a textbox where i need to insert manually some data, but that data is dependent on what is selected on a combobox.

So, to be easy to understand i give an example.

Combobox selected value "A" ---> Can only insert in textbox values "1,2,3,4,5"
Combobox selected value "B" ---> Can only insert in textbox values "6,7,8,9,10"

What is the best way to do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Data Into Textfield?

Mar 1, 2011

Iam trying to populate data into textfield.

When user input barcode into TextBox1(barcode), Based on the Textbox1, i want to autopopulate TextBox2(Dept).

I inserted the code below in to TextBox1(barcode) by double clicking in the texbox1.

Its giving me error when i run it. Iam using web developer 2010.

Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Sub Barcode_TextChanged(ByVal sender


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Web Forms :: Insert Initial Value In Combobox By Default?

Jan 27, 2011

insert initial value in combobox by default? For example: "Select Country"

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert DetailsView Dont Show Read-only Data After Insert?

May 7, 2010

I have a problem with DetailsView linked with Database, DetailsView is Insert/Edit enabled, and adding/ediditng data works, however........ when I add a new record (DetailsView in Insert mode) and press INSET instead going to record I have just created in Read-Only Mode it shows me blank form, it looks that the "linking" field is null.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Value To Combobox Or Dropdown?

Aug 26, 2010

How can we bind a value to a combobox or dropdown? What is the property for binding a value?

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView + Combobox (Ajax)?

Jul 5, 2010

I have the following setup:

1. A Gridview presenting data

2. A detailsView used to edit data in the gridview (used with a modelpopup extender).

In using the detailsview to add a new record, one of the data feilds should be selectable whilst also allowing the user to add to the list . Initially I implemented a DropDownList which works fine but doesn't allow adding entries. I tried replacing the DropDownList
with an Ajax ComboBox however the control doesnt seem to work as advertised. I have performed a quick search on the web and have found others reporting this issue (Ajax combobox in a detailsview) but no solutions.

What would be a way of presenting to a user in a detailsview a range of values to select from whilst allowing them to add to that list?

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Forms Data Controls :: ComboBox Width Overflow?

Nov 19, 2010

Im using a combobox that seems to be wider than it should be. Does anyone have a suggestion or fix for the problem.

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Forms Data Controls :: Way To Send Null Parameter From Combobox Tp SP

Jan 5, 2010

HiI am trying to send null value from my combobox and check it if its null in sp.

SET @Param1=@Param1
SET @Param1=' IS NULL'
mmsDataContext mms = new mmsDataContext();
RadGrid1.DataSource = mms.SON(Country.SelectedItem.Value);

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox Datagrid And Combobox Selection?

Jan 5, 2011


how to proceed ?? in this case ??

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Must Be In The Insert Mode To Insert A Record?

Jan 21, 2011

I use GridView & FormView to update a record. but when I click the "save" button, throw an except : FormView must be in the insert mode to insert a record. The record has been updated success, and I didn't change the mode of the FormView, how this error comes?

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView EmptyDataTemplate After Insert Defaults To Empty Insert Screen

Jan 27, 2010

In my detailsview, I have an emptydatatemplate set up to allow users to enter new records. The code works. However, once the record is inserted, the detailsview defaults to a standard insert screen. I know this will cause confusion for the users. I would prefer the detailsview to either show in edit mode or a read-only mode. I have used detailsview.changemode and detailsview.currentmode in the custom sub created for the add new button of the emptydatatemplate- neither of which do what I was hoping. It would be even better if when there was no data, it defaulted to the insert screen (which seems like that should be an easy, no-brainer way for .net to function) but it doesn't. Or, I don't know how to accomplish it.

I don't want to force the user to click cancel after inserting an item through the emptydatatemplate just to be able to use the detailsview for other records.

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert New Blank Rows In A Gridview And Insert Them In Database Multiple At A Time?

Oct 19, 2010

I have grid view in ASP.Net 3.5. I need to add multiple blank rows in a gridview and then have to save them in database. How can I do that in most simplest way?

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert On Details View Causes Error Cant Insert Null Into Primary Key Field?

May 22, 2010

I am using Visual studio 2010 express and I have a details view databinded to an sql database table. When I use the Insert option on the view it causes an error due to it trying to insert a null into the primary key field. If the Insert function does not create a new primary key entry how is it created?

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert A Snippet To Change A Hyper Link 'insert' To A Button Image?

Nov 21, 2010

How do I insert a snippet to change a hyper link ' insert' to a button image?

Here is the front page code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Convert Gridview Textbox (when In Edit Mode) To Combobox?

Mar 13, 2011

Is it possible to convert gridview textbox(when in edit mode) to combobox without using EditItemTemplate or place control in EditItemTemplate?

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Forms Data Controls :: ComboBox DropDownList Displaying In Wrong Place On Page?

Nov 8, 2010


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Web Forms :: Textfield In Login Box As Default

Mar 29, 2011

When i open my page with a loginbox i whant the marker to start by default in the login textbox.

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Web Forms :: Retrieving TreeView TextField In SelectedNodeChanged()?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a TreeView control defined with an XMLDataSouce and the data bindings are similar to the following:


I would like to be able to determine the specific node that has been clicked when entering the SelectedNodeChanged() event.I have the text from the control as TreeView.SelectedNode.Text but am unable to figure out how to get the TextField value.

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Web Forms :: Hide Textfield Elements In A Webform?

Mar 15, 2010

I am trying to hide a group of textfields i have nested in a div element. Here is an example of a div element i am trying to hide along with the script function:



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AJAX :: Control Toolkit ComboBox SelectedValue / Does The Combobox Has As A Disadvantage That The Text Has To Be Unique

Apr 28, 2010

I have the following items bound to my combobox:

Value: 1, Text: SNS
Value: 2, Text: ING
Value: 3, Text: ING

Choosing value 1 results in a SelectedValue of 1

Choosing value 2 results in a SelectedValue of 2

Choosing value 3 results in a SelectedValue of 2

does the combobox has as a disadvantage that the Text has to be unique?

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AJAX :: ComboBox Input / When leave The Combobox It Adds To The Combox List?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm try to add a combobox to my form which i have done and populate it with the infomation i need but i want to stop the user from being able to edit the first 5 character in the textbox part of the combo box( 1 is this possible 2 am i going about it in the right way).

I have 3 columns fro a db to enter ips ie 123.456.7.89 at the start if each number i want (SE1)(SE2)(SE3) which i can do at the momment . So I get in the combobox list 3 items with (SE1)123.456.7.89 OR just (SE1) depending of i a result is returned from the DB. However i don't want the user to be able to edit out the (SE?) part of the sting in the textbox. When editing i've tried used the text change event to try and capture the change and make sure the string.length > 5 , but the event does not fire also when i leave the combobox it it adds to the combox list. If I refersh it goes back to how it should be with only the 3 items.

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VS 2010 - When Selecting Default Option For Combobox 1 / Second Combobox Is Disabled

Jun 13, 2012

I have a problem with CascadingDropDown... I have two related comboboxes, where the second is a slave of the first (e.g. country the first, cities the second). What I want is that if I select one country from combobox 1 then the second must be "filtered" by that selection (it should display all the cities inside the selected country, and the actual CascadingDropDown implementation is OK), but if I leave the combobox 1 in the default option (e.g. "Please select a country") I want the second to display all the cities I have in the database. The problem is that when selecting default option for combobox 1 the second combobox is disabled and a postback to my webservice never occurs.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A TemplateField "Insert Row" Button To Insert 1 Blank Row At Selected Row Using Rows.AddAt?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a GridView (BulkEditGridView), that has 10 rows from the datasource. I Add a TemplateField "Insert Row" button to insert 1 blank row at selected row using Rows.AddAt.First time i press "Insert Row", it works as expected, the row inserted at selected row. now i press another "Insert Row", the row is inserted, however the row (in first time inserted) now move to the last row. and so on.

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