Javascript - Posting Data To Another Domain Through Code-behind?

Aug 30, 2010

Since we can't post data to cross domains, I want to post the data to my aspx page and a code-behind code will take the data and submit to cross domain (which is not being operated by me, so I don't have permission to modify source code for jsonp) and also the website to which I pass my post data is also returning a cookie which includes shopping cart info and I need to store it on my local browser cache as well.

What I know is I need to use WebResponse and WebRequest classes for that manner.

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C# - Posting Back With JavaScript / JQuery?

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<script type="text/javascript">
$("#ddl").bind('change', function() {
return false;
<select id="ddl" onchange="form.submit()">
<option value="">Item 1</option>
<option value="">Item 2</option>
<option value="">Item 3</option>
<option value="">Item 4</option>
<option value="">Item 5</option>

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Javascript - C# - Enable Button Ontextchange Without Posting Back?

Mar 22, 2011

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<asp:TextBox ID="textBox1" runat="server" OnTextChanged="OnTextChanged_AttributesEdited" autopostback="true">
protected void OnTextChanged_AttributesEdited(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnSubmit.Enabled = true;

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Web Forms :: Control Loses Focus After Posting Page From Javascript?

Apr 5, 2010

I try to postback my page to the server using ctrl+Enter sequence.Without UpdatePanel it works well, but it works only two times inside updatepanel and then my control loses the focus. So I have some questions:

1. Why my control loses the focus if it is located inside updatepanel?
2. What is the best way to use ctrl+Enter sequence to post the page to the server?

Here is my code:


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Using Javascript Confirm Dialog On A Button Within An UpdatePanel - Posting Back Full Page?

Mar 31, 2011

I basically want to show a dialog box with confirm or cancel options on it.

Confirm should allow the partial postback to take place, cancel should not. I have tried using a trigger and calling __doPostBack() as advised here but it posts back the full page not just the panel.

$('#buttonInUpdatePanel').live('click', function (event) {
var item = this;
var title = 'Confirm';
var msg = 'Please confirm something';
var $dialog = $("<div id='myDialog'></div>")
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Confirm": function () {
__doPostBack('Button1', null); //tried this and .submit() on the button
//return true;
"Cancel": function () {
//return false;
title: title

My UpdatePanel:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="TextBox1" />
runat="server" />
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" EventName="Click" />


I have changed the doPostBack to use the button ID now and commented out the return true and false lines. When I click the button it calls the confirmation dialog but when you click on confirm it appears to do nothing. I was expecting a call to the method AddExtraVehicle_Click but the breakpoint didn't trigger.

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.net - Check Domain Via Code C#?

Nov 15, 2010

I have two websites.I want to validate,if the person who is signing in the 2nd website is come from the my 1st site.For example

if (websiteAcess ==

allow user;

deny user;

My question is how to get the value of websiteAcess?

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JavaScript - Cross Domain Requests Using JQuery?

Sep 1, 2010

This is a followup question to the one here

Here's briefly what I am trying to do. The File server creates a text file to indicate an end of the process. On a webpage on the Web Server, I loop every x seconds and make an ajax request to find out if the test file exists (ajax request to [URL]

I've tried the following approaches so far:

Trigger a web method from the client side that creates a HttpContext object to verify if the text file exists. But this is too strenous on the server and I started getting all kinds of exceptions in the Event Viewer.

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Create Code To Generate DB From Domain Model

Mar 27, 2011

Out of good design practice and organization, in which project should a local development SQL database be in a web based application? I'm just starting my assignment so I currently have 'CompanyName.Web.UI' and 'CompanyName.Domain' projects setup. Im using LinqToSql and creating my database from POCOS, meaning I'll have to create some code to generate the DB from my domain model. I.e.

DataContext dc = new DataContext(connString);

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Differentiate In Code Behind Which Domain Name Was Typed To Reach Application?

Feb 11, 2010

If I have 2 or 3 different domain names which all point to my same application; is there a way that I can differentiate which of the domain name was used to reach my application? for example if I have both [URL] and [URL] that both reach the same application and I would like to be able to tell which one of those 2 is being used, in code behind?

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How To Setup For Sharing Code Across Multiple Domain Names

Mar 8, 2010

I have built a website and now the customer wants to split it between three different domains. What is the best way to do this? This is what I have so far.

c:/website1/ points to
c:/website1/vd1/ points to
c:/website1/vd2/ points to

The webhost I'm working with has done it the following way, but now I'm getting a bunch of errors that seems like it's not seeing the App_code folder. Do I need to make a lot of changes? How does this affect the location references?

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Jun 12, 2010

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Is it possible to upload image from website to subdomain?

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Javascript - JQuery Ajax Cross Domain Call And Permission

Feb 4, 2010

I have this polling script to check if a text file is created on the server. Works great locally, but fails when the file is on a different domain. How would i rewrite this for cross domain support?

url: '',
type: "GET",
success: function(result) {
error: function(request, status, error) {
setTimeout("VerifyStatus(" + pollingInterval + ")");

EDIT: I ended up using YQL to solve the cross domain issue and although it works, YQL is really slow that's adding quite a bit of performance overhead. Can anyone suggest a better solution for cross domain JQuery calls?

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How To Give Javascript Alert To User On Leaving The Site / Domain

Nov 18, 2010

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window.onunload = unloadPage;
function unloadPage()
alert("Hello world");

this would cause an alert even when going to pages within the site.

Any way to use this but only when the user leaves the site/domain?

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AJAX :: Cross Domain Access Of Text File From Javascript Fails In Mozilla?

Jan 5, 2010

I have written code to access a text file in another server from my application in javascript. This code works fine in IE but fails in mozilla firefox. Below is the code i have written.

var httpRequest;
httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {alertContents(httpRequest);
function alertContents(httpRequest){
if (httpRequest.readystate == 4){
if (httpRequest.status == 200) {

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Jan 25, 2011

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imgEliminarVariable.ToolTip = "ELIMINAR";

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how do you call code behind button click event or a code behind method
from javascript.

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Call Javascript Function From Code Behind After Server Side Code Executes

May 25, 2010

I have an button, that when clicked calls a code behind function. The function does some evaluation, and then I want to call javascript from within this function.

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Feb 17, 2011

I have also installed SSL on a subdomain. I have put payment page under this sub domain.

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Windows Authentication - Run Application Under Domain Account Without Joining The Domain?

Sep 28, 2010

My feeling says it's not posible but anyway I am curious if there is at least a workaround for accomplish this.Basically I am working at my client site and my machine is not connected to the domain.What I want to do is running a web application locally under a domain account, and using the webdev server.The webapp uses the default authentication, windows authentication that is.I tried using impersonation with domainuser & password but I got the following error Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.I have to mention that the username and the password are correct.

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The Trust Relationship Between The Primary Domain And The Trusted Domain Failed

Aug 3, 2010

We have a ASP.NET site that partially depends on forms authentication for login credentials, however the implementation of IPrincipal is completely custom.

But, when running the site on a particular server (which is somewhat semi-hardened when it comes to security), the app crashes when invoking IPrincipal.IsInRole() with the following messsage:

System.SystemException: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.

This indicates a communication error between the web-server and the DC, however since our application doesn't at all utilizes Windows authentication, I don't see why it needs to communicate with the DC.

This is my implementation:



I was finally enable to reproduce this error on my dev-machine (i revoked my machine from the DC yesterday, but didn't reproduce it until today)

HttpContext.User is actually a WindowsPrincipal by default it seems, and the error in my code was that I only replace it with CustomPrincipal upon login. Hence, unathenticated users still get the WindowsPrincipal which then fails horribly if you have trust issues on your AD.

I tried changing the default principal by invoking this on appstart

AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy( PrincipalPolicy.NoPrincipal);

But this doesn't seem to kick in. How do I change the default Principal in ASP.NET?

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C# - Sharepoint Retrieving Username Without Domain Or Programmatically Removing Domain

Aug 16, 2010

Im returning the username from sharepoint site as a string. This is done successfully with the below code but I also get the domain with it. How can I only return the username and not the domain either through sharepoint or programmatically removing it? domain/username


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Data Controls :: Data Truncated When Posting Form Data From Server Side

Aug 28, 2013

I am posting data to an external website server side. This works when the data parameter is less than about 640 characters. The data gets truncated beyond around 640 characters. The code I'm using is below:

Function PostData(TransId As String, QuoteNumber As String, data As String) As String
Dim url As String = "http://localhost:49608/test2.aspx"
Dim encoding As New ASCIIEncoding()
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
request.Method = "POST"
Dim postData As String = "WAA_PACKAGE=Vendor&WAA_FORM=blahblaj&WAA_HTML3CLASS=nHTML&VendorID=ENG3135&"


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