Jquery - Updating A Literal Control On A Master Page?

Mar 11, 2011

In my child page i have an imageButton, which is surrounded by the UpdatePanel. When the user clicks on the image button a record is removed from my database.

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Content" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<Triggers><asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnRemove" /></Triggers>


In my master page i have literal control which displays the records for the current user (something like Records: 10)

The RecordsCount control is updated on the page Load event of the MasterPage

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
RecordsCount.Text = GetRecordsCount()
End Sub

How can i update the RecordsCount control? I mean i use postbacks for removing records from the database. And currently the RecordsCount control will be updated if the user hits the Refresh button of the Internet browser. How could i apply the Jquery Highlight on the RecordsCount control when the user clicks on the btnRemove button on the child-page?

UPDATE: Well the first question is solved by using javascript

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VS 2008 - How To Populate Literal Control In Master Page With Db Data

Jan 21, 2010

I am using BlogEngine.net and just created a theme (site.master) file and works but when I add a literal control and try to call a function from App_Code I get a 'Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'basicFunctions' is not defined.' error. I call functions from basic_functions.vb in normal .aspx pages at the root. Since my error page is in a subfolder that has it's own App_Code folder, do I have to do something different?


HTML Code:


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AJAX :: Master Page Control Not Updating?

Feb 1, 2011

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On the content page, I populate this control with menu items.


This part works. The menu items are populated with the correct navigate URLs. The content page allows users to change parameters that are inside an update panel.


After the values are updated, the LoadShareMenu function is called again. I have verified through the debugger that the function is being passed the updated values and that the returned RadMenu is populated with the correct NavigateURLs. However, the RadMenu control on the webpage remains unchanged. The original NavigateURLs remain.What final step do I need to do to cause the RadMenu to update?Here's the code for the FindControlByID function:


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VS 2010 - Updating Master Page Control From User Control

Aug 19, 2010

I have a label on my master page (called mainMenu) that shows the number of items in a cart. The label wasn't getting updated when the cart was cleared until after an additional postback or redirect so I created a method on the master page called UpdateNumberOfItemsInCart to update the label text.

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So far so good except when I wrap the Cart control with an update panel the update to the cart count label doesn't happen.


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Forms Data Controls :: Master / Detail Page - Updating Detail Records - Need Access To Master ID (key)

Jul 30, 2010

I have an "Edit" page that uses a FormView bound to an EntityDataSource. The page is called with the ID field of the record to edit in the query string: "EditEmployee.aspx?ID=10". The EDS the FormView is bound to is using: AutoGenerateWhereClause=true and a QueryStringParameter. Below the FormView I have a ListView that contains some child records of the FormView. The ListView is bound to a seperate EDS and also uses the (same) QueryStringParameter.

The problem I am having is when this ListView attempts to Insert or Edt a column I receive an error because I don't have the ID field (EmployeeID) of the parent bound anywhere in the ListView (and obviously, it is setup as a ForeignKey so it fails, like it should). Any advice on the best way to get this ID (EmployeeID) column bound in the ListView? There are many things I can do in code behind, but I would like to solve this in the markup if possible. I can move the ListView so that it is inside of the FormView if necessary.

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MVC :: Updating The Text Of A Control On The Master?

Dec 13, 2010

there are times when i can't understand why something can't just be simple. Of it is, but i'm not looking in the right place for the obvious answer.

Given a simple MVC 2 site with a master page. This master page has a login button and a text label for the currently logged in user.

An action link on the master directs to a login page. Simple 2 text boxes and a button. When the correct userid and password are given to the controler. I want to update the label on the master with the name of the customer. i cannot find any simple way to do this. I'll use jQuery, code on the view, code in the controler. I'll even take a redirect to force the master to reload. The Index page can be redirected to, but this still leaves me with a problem using "Logout" redirect to Index when you are on index. The master page does not reload.

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Web Forms :: Updating A Master Page Label Per Page On Site?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a label within my master page that is part of our footer. In the footer, we are wanting to display page specific information. So as you make your way around the site, the footer will contain content about that page along with other data that is universa on the entire site.I had a somewhat similar question some time back that i posted here..

http://forums.asp.net/t/1615850.aspx it was for a shopping cart of sorts..

cartct.Text = ShoppingCart.Instance.Items.Count().ToString() + "";

If Label is in master page, you have to use FindControl to get the Label and udpate its text

((Label)Master.FindControl("cartct")).Text=String.Format("{0}",ShoppingCart.Instance.Items.Count() );

once you select another page, you dont have it anymore,If you want to share data across different pages, consider using Session to save Items count.

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Web Forms :: Updating Master Page

Jan 2, 2010

i have a usercontrol which fires a mehtod in the masterpage, the method does fire but the placeholder i want to unhide does not until i refresh the page, how can i get around this?

if (this.Page.Master is Whoops)
Whoops barMasterPage = (Whoops)this.Page.Master;
public void bindBasketSummary() {
plhLoggedIn.Visible = true;

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Updating An Image In Master Page?

Feb 8, 2010

I have an Image control (for logo) on the master page as follows:

<asp:Image ID="imgLogo" ImageUrl="~/Images/logo.jpg" runat="server" />

I am allowing my users to upload their own logos. So on the page where they upload their logo I want to replace the existing logo with the newly uploaded logo. I tried the following but none of them worked:

1) Did a Response.Redirect back to the same page and it didn't work.

2) Tried the below code after the image upload is complete and even this didn't work:

Image imgLogo = (Image)Master.FindControl("imgLogo");
imgLogo.ImageUrl = "~/Images/newLogo.jpg";

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Web Forms :: Updating Master Page PlaceHolder With UpdatePanels?

Aug 30, 2010

I have an ASPX page with two columns. The left column has a GridView control that contains a list of article titles as LinkButton controls. When a LinkButton control is clicked, the content of the article is displayed in the right column. Each of the columns
is wrapped in an UpdatePanel. So far everything is working .

Each article title has further descriptive text that is defined in the code-behind as labels within a Div object. Each Div is added to a PlaceHolder object on the master page. References to the Div objects are added as attributes to the LinkButton so that JavaScript is executed when the user rolls over the title and the Div object with the descriptive text is displayed.

The rollovers are working fine and displaying the correct text for the first GridView page. However, when I click a button in the GridView's paging row to advance to the next page of the GridView list, the rollovers are not updated. The text is what was defined for the first GridView page of titles. How should I get the PlaceHolder objects to update when the UpdatePanels are updated?

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Arams Page.Request.Form Is Null - Have Literal Control In My Masterpage

Jun 29, 2010

i have an odd thing with the Request.Params / Request.Form.i have a literal control in my masterpage.

So far pretty basic i thought. But to my suprise the geLocation turns out to be null. The control wasn't found...
when i then use a link from the dashboard page to another page which has the same masterpage, everything on that page seems to work fine.

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JQuery :: JQuery DatePicker Not Working In Master Page Content Page?

Mar 10, 2011

I have implemented a lot fo JQuery features into my ASP.Net web application. I am using JQuery, JQueryUI, JQuery Validation and a couple of other plugins. They are all coexisting and working fine. This one page in my app has the JQueryUI tabs, Modal progress pop-up working just fine. This page also has a couple of JQuery AJAX calls to my server side events. That all works fine!

I just added a Jquery date picker to one of the text boxes on the first tab on my data entry form and nothing happens or is displayed when you click on the date textbox. I am going to post the HTML markup for the page and my JQuery code. Please let me know if you see anything glaring? HTML




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How To Adjust Width / Height Of A Control Based On Number Of Literal Controls On The Page

Mar 9, 2011

I have a page that will display up to 4 videos at a time.. BUT i would like to see if there is any way to calculate and set the width and height according to the number of videos im presenting..

If only one video, i want it to take up the entire width and height of the space i have allocated.. ( say thats 1000w x 800h )

If im displaying 2 videos, then split that space up between the 2 and so on.. keeping the aspec ratio so not to distort the video window..

Right now im hard coding each one 400x300 which looks good when there are 4 laid out on the page.. just want to see how doable is this to accomplish..

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AJAX :: Updating Method On Master Page After Few Seconds With Timer Or Custom

Jan 6, 2011

I m facing problem updating a method which shows the count on master page. That method is bind to treeview control.Whenever a data is saved count is incremented to one. but method gets refreshed only when there is a postback. I want it to be updated after every few seconds or whenver there is data saved. there is pretty gud solution with custom ajax that is with json. But that is not possible with exiting solution.i have to redesign the complete treeview structure in html. And with timer control of ajax whole page gets refreshed.

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Adding Jquery And Jquery Ui Reference To Master Page Script Manager?

Apr 5, 2011

one juvenile question , i am having a asp.net intranet application which is using jquery, instead of ref jquery to every page, i decided it to put it on the master page inside the script manager scriptReference tag. note not all pages of my application requires jquery, so is it a wise thing to do, or it will affect the performance,

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JQuery Undefined In Content Page When Using Master Pages Which Has JQuery Reference?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a nested master page. A parent master page, a child master page and a content page whose master page is the child master page. I have a reference to jQuery in the parent master page in the head section.<script type="text/javascript" src='<%#ResolveUrl("~/includes/jquery-1.4.2.min.js") %>' ></script> & Page.Header.DataBind(); in the OnLoad event.

I am using jQuery in all the pages including the master pages. However I am getting "Error: $().ready is not a function" in the content page. If I include jQuery reference in the content page it works. Question: If the reference to jQuery is in the master page head section, why aren't the content pages able to use jQuery? When I do view source, the script tag with jQuery is there and it works. The master pages and content page are merged during rendering and sent to the browser as a single html page so I am not sure when master pages are used, jQuery references break.


When I changed '$.ready(function()' to 'jQuery(document).ready(function($)' it worked! I am not loading any other javascript libraries and I am not using MS Ajax.

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Access A Control In Master Page Using Javascript Within The Master Page Itself?

Sep 16, 2010

How to access controls in master page using javascript? The master page consists of a search textbox, on key down event of the control I call a javascript function writtern inline of the master page. I get the value of entered in textbox in that javascript function. I have tried giving document.getElementById("<%=txtSearch.ClientID %>").value as well as document.getElementById("txtSearch").value. Both display error. I have to access the textbox control from within the master page itself!

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JQuery Not Loading On Master Page When The Content Page Is In A Child Folder?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a site where I am trying to implement a jQuery UI based MessageBox in my master page. Content pages are arranged accoring to business area folders, i.e. '~/Branding/Contracts.aspx'. I find that when I load such a content page, jQuery, which is referenced in the master page as below, does not load. I assume that this is because the browser is requesting 'Branding/Scripts/jQuery What can I do about this? I don't have the 'root' operator in a plain 'script' tag.

<script src="/Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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Where To Load Jquery In Master Page Or Content Page

Jun 22, 2010

All my app are master-content design. Questions: Where to load jquery? In master page or content page?There is no head tag in content page, if loading jquery in content page, how to load it?

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JQuery :: How To Find Master Page Div On Content Page

Mar 28, 2011

how to find master page div on content page using jqery and how to make display none and block them..

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Asp - JQuery Syntax While Using Master Page?

Jul 27, 2010

I am using master page where i need to move value of one lisbox to the other with the help of Jquey i tried many ways but wasn't able to hit the nail. the methods i tried are as follows.

$("[id$='ModuleMasterListBox option:[@selected]']").appendTo($("[id$='ModuleSelectListBox']"));
$("[id$='ModuleMasterListBox option:@selected]'").appendTo($("[id$='ModuleSelectListBox']"));
var module = $("[id$='ModuleMasterListBox']").val();

these are the methods i tried which failed.

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Web Forms :: How To Master Page Use Jquery

Sep 7, 2010

How to master page use Jquery

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Highlighting The Selected Jquery Tab Using Master Page?

Jan 18, 2010

I am using jquery tabs(First,Second,Third) in multiple asp.net pages (First.aspx, second.aspx,Third.aspx) in my asp.net website and in each page i am writing the ul,li code.For example in the First.aspx page I am writing the following code inside the 'ul' tag

<li class="current"><a href="#First">First tab</a></li>
<li><a href="Second.aspx">Second tab</a></li>
<li><a href="Third.aspx">Third tab</a></li>

Similarly in the second.aspx,Third.aspx pages i am using the Class="current" to highlight the selected tab.Recently we have planned to move to Master pages.So the master page should contain the ul,li code for the tabs.But the problem is that I do not understand how to apply the class="current" to the selected tab,in the case of the master page.

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JQuery :: Persisting CSS Change On Master Page?

Dec 23, 2010

Using ASP.Net 4.0, MVC 2, Visual Studio 2010.

I am building a chat control, which is a div with a background image, textarea, text box and some image. The CSS for this div on the Master Page is:


When a user navigates to the page where they can start a chat session by clicking on an icon, I use jQuery to change the CSS, like so:


The CSS for showing the chat is the same as the above CSS, only .chatWindowShow does not have the display:none property.

The problem is that once I navigate to another page, the div is hidden again, the CSS does not persist accross postbacks for some reason. What I want is that once the chat window is shown, no matter what other pages the users go to it will continue to show, until they click the close icon in the chat window.

So, how can I persist this CSS page accross all pages? I thought that removing the CSS class and adding the new one via jQuery actually modificate the inline HTML, but I guess not. Do I need to use some other jQuery to accomplish this?

Here is the HTML markup for my chat window:


And the jQuery which toggles the view when you click on the chatRight div:


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