Jumping Across Servers Necessarily A Bad Programming Practice?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a system created that a user at one of our other locations and on their server inserts a record. That data is then replicated to a central server. Users working on the central server are allowed to edit that record which means I have to lock the editing capabilities at the location the record was created.

However, i would like the creator of the record to be able to edit it so I am thinking about redirecting them across servers to edit the record on the central server. IS that bad practice and why??The reason I only allow editing on one of the copies of the record is to prevent it from being copied over in replication

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Extend Legacy Site With Another Server - Side Programming Platform - Best Practice

Jun 13, 2010

Company I work for have a site developed 6-8 years ago by a team that was enthusiastic enough to use their own private PHP-based CMS. I have to put dynamic data from one intranet company database on this site in one week: 2-3 pages. I contacted company site administrator and she showed me administrative part - CMS allows only to insert html blocks & manage site map (site is deployed on machine that is inside company & fully accessible & upgradeable).

I'm not a PHP-guy & I don't want to dive into legacy hardly-who-ever-heard-about CMS engine I also don't want to contact developers team, 'cos I'm not sure they are still present and capable enough to extend this old days site and it'll take too much time anyway. I am about to deploy helper asp.net site on IIS with 2-3 pages required & refer helper site via iframe from present site. New pages will allow to download some dynamic content from present site also. Is it ok and what are the pitfalls with iframe approach?

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Textboxes Not Necessarily Visible On Screen

Sep 23, 2010

I have a web page on which there is a gridview control. The gridview contains the grades (in textbox controls in each row of the gridview) for students and allows entries and updates. The student may eventually end up with 200+ grade records for all the lessons and units in a course. I have quite a few regular users, and only one reports a recurring problem as follows: When they have entered some new grades for a student and saved them, they go back later and find that whole blocks of grades that had been entered prior to the last grade entries have been blanked out.

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Double Hop On Workgroup Servers Vs Domain Servers

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to set up my web site on a stand alone server using Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6 which will access SQL server database (2008) on windows 2008 R2 server (also not in the domain) I am using form authentication and I have configured a custom identity account in IIS6. The local account is on both servers with same password and I have registered the account using aspnet_regiis.exe -ga The application pool in my iis6 has the custom local account set as the identity and my web.config file has the appropriate tags in the system.web element <identity impersonate="true" />

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Mar 16, 2011

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How To Integration Testing On Application Without Necessarily Running All The Tests Via The Browser

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Jumping To Next Iteration In For Loop?

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using c#.net/asp.net

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Stop Page From Jumping When Using AutoPostBack?

Dec 15, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET, and in a Wizard control I have radio buttons where if "Yes" is selected, a panel is shown, but if "No" is selected, the panel is hidden. I have MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack set to True, though the ActiveStepChanged event changes it to False so that when you click Next to see the next Wizard step, it will start at the top of the page. The problem is, after clicking Next, the first time you click on a radio button it jumps to the top of the page (the page retains its position any time you click a radio button after the first time). How do I stop it from jumping the first time?

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Forms Data Controls :: Jumping Over First Record In Populating Datalist?

Sep 23, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Jumping To A Record Instead Of Filtering In Formview?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a form view with a normal paging scheme with links to go to the first, previous, next, last, or the
nth record. I want to add a little bit more functionality to this by allow the user to search within the data set while keeping the original paging scheme.

The table structure has one primary key, pk1, and k2 along with some other data fields. There are about 5,000 records in the table.

Currently, when the page loads, I see something like the following: ([______] represents a textbox)

First Prev Record 1 of 5000 Next
Last Go to record # [_____] Go
Go to: pk1: [_____] AND pk2: [______] Go
pk1: 5000
k2: 400
...rest of the fields

I want something like this though when the user enters 8000 in the pk1 textbox and 500 in the k2 textbox:

First Prev Record 3958 of 5000 Next
Last Go to record # [_____] Go
pk1: 5000
k2: 400
...rest of the fields

The problem I have is that the pagination won't display the record's place out of the initial query (3958 of 5000), but rather displays 1 of 38. I want to allow the user to be able to *jump to* the record that they are looking for instead of filtering the results.

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Jumping To Wrong Record After Clicking Update Button?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a web form with a detailsview controlled by a linkbutton in a gridview. When the user clicks the linkbutton, a panel appears with the detailsview inside it. The select statement is created based on the commandargument of the link button. So far, if there is a record associated with the ID passed through the linkbutton, the detailsview displays correctly. However, if the user needs to update this, it jumps to the default record for that detailsview after clicking the standard update link. Without a default ID set, the detailsview does not display at all, as some IDs do not yet have a corresponding record for the detailsview.

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What Programming Model To Choose

Dec 3, 2010

I'm a seasoned programmer with years of experience in Windows Forms development using different programming languages as already stated in this question: Will learning WPF improve my skills in ASP.NET? ASP.NET or any Web based programming language doesn't feel natural for me to explore or to use. Although I am unfamiliar with Web based technologies, my curiosity about these grows and grows. In addition to it, I am aware of the market place Web based programming takes. I would like to expand my knowledge and experience to the Web, though would it be just to know what I'm talking about instead of speculating whatever.

My experience as an information and process systems developer allows me to understand the concepts and some of the basics. I am aware that Web based applications are stateless, for instance, and that I need to use session or viewstate variables to keep the information the user is working with alive, otherwise I would loose them. I also understand the basics of Ajax based controls such as the UpdatePanel, which is to update or to refresh only a part of a UI page rather than reloading everything through the connection again. I can get that CSS defines styles for your page's sections and that you may change radically your Website's aspect just by changing the CSS reference. I am also aware of masterpages, which I don't really understand, in fact.

Programming Model
I just watched this video about choosing the right model for me/my application:
Choosing the Right Programming Model. If looks like ASP.NET MVC, which I thought was the best approach, is more for the veteran Web developers, people who are comfortable with Web applications. I have used a lot of DataBinding in Windows Forms, and WebForms seems to be more what I'm looking for into ASP.NET, until they say that MVC allows for Unit Testing, TDD and Agile methodologies, which I adhere to, as a certified Professional Scrum Master. I'm a bit mixed up on what will be more natural for me speaking of programming model.

Taking into account my base of knowledge and my experience, what programming model do you think I'm going to be more comfortable with? Will choosing one over the other allow me to get acquainted enough with ASP.NET to one day try the other model? In the video about choosing the Programming Model both sat on ASP.NET, I heard about DataBinding while using Web Forms, but no mention of DataBinding in the MVC model. Is there any possible DataBinding in MVC?

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Decision Tree Programming?

Jul 22, 2010

I have been asked to create a small decision making program in asp.net. The criteria is that is must be table driven and not code driven so managers can make changes to the questions and responses. I was curious if anyone has seen an example online before?

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Javascript - Learn Any More Programming Language?

Jul 21, 2010

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MCTS Programming Language And Cheating?

Feb 27, 2010

1- Can I select programming language in the exam or I will be forced to learn both VB and C#?2- Does MS consider testking as cheating.2- Why testking is considered cheating in some communities? what is the difference between testking and practice exams.

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Php - Programming Language For Internet Startup?

Nov 24, 2010

I am in a partnership with someone. We are currently planning a system that can either use ASP.NET MVC or PHP With //Insert your framework here//. At this stage I can't say to much. Now the thing is I have a bit of experience with C# and MVC. I understand the concepts and actually wrote a fully functional blog with it. Now the other side of me wants to take PHP for a test drive. Will I waste my time? How good will ASP.NET MVC scale against PHP? I have to say that I love visual studio and the integration of MVC tools like quickly adding a view and a controller... Everything fits nicely. But the learning curve was quite steep and still is. I haven't really touched AJAX and Jquery yet but how easy is it to use it with ASP.NET MVC? I already googled and researched this but I want opinions of those who have been working with these technologies.

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Domain Driven Programming And Events?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm doing some asp.net mvc coding using DDD. I have objects representing the business entities and service repositories that handle fetching and adding them. I'm new to this and as my application grows I begin to see a lot of secondary code that must run as a result of adding, deleting or changing my domain objects/data.

I'd like to make an event driven system where one action triggers other parts of code to run. For instance when I delete a user I want to be able to subscribe a number of other things to this action so they all are run when a delete takes place.

How have you coded your applications to handle these situations? How can I establish a reliable and coherent OO system for my problem? I already know about events and delegates but I'm more interested in coding techniques and nice practices.

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Web Forms :: Get Dimension Of Flv Movie By Programming?

Jul 1, 2010

I load a flv movie into my project, so I can set its dimension manually but how can I get the dimension of flv movie by programming?

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Youtube Site Programming - Player To Use?

Apr 9, 2010

i am developing video uploading and play functionality just like You Tube for my project. which player i user for site? should be run all this file

* Windows Media Video (.WMV)
* .3GP (cell phones)
* .AVI (windows)
* .MOV (mac)
* .MP4 (ipod/psp)
* .FLV (adobe flash)
* .MKV (h.264)

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Architecture :: MSMQ And Socket Programming In Web?

Dec 31, 2010

I am working on live trading system, in this web system i have to show live data so i am calling my store procedure for bind my data. I have few questions -

Is it possible to use MSMQ in web ?
Is it possible to use socket programming in web ?

Its because i am calling SP in every 5 seconds and its very lengthy. I want to use socket programming or MSMQ in LIVE trading system because if any thing update or modify in tables then only web page get notification from MSMQ or Socket and i will bind my page then only. And if possible then its secure and perfect for web live environment ?

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Switch From Web Programming To Data Warehousing?

Aug 27, 2010

I was looking a report on internet that data warehousing is much lucrative and highly paid IT career. I am talking about technologies like abinitio etl datastage teradata. I work in ASP.net and sql server 05. Is it a good thought to move from web programming to data warehousing technologies. Since I would have no experience with data warehousing would I be eligible for a good pay? What technologies other than data warehousing are hot in terms to salary? I know, this may sound immature but I am planning to start my own business in future and would need capital for that.

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MVC :: Comparison Against Other Programming Environments Or Techniques?

Jan 28, 2010

what MVC stands for,but if I'm already developing .NET websites without it,is there any reason I would need/want to use it?is it designed for people who already have experience with developing in an MVC environment and wanted a ".net"version of it?Is there some "head-to-head" comparison of MVC against other programming environments or techniques that have been written? It seems like what I might gain in development speed I might lose in flexibility.maybe I just don't understand what all the fuss is about.hence this post!

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